Looking for Fati
A play about Bam
By Kaveh Afrasiabi
January 27, 2004
Act One
An Iranian TV studio in LA. The host, Freydoun
Alef, is speaking to the camera while behind him on the large screen
see footages of the earthquake in Bam. Initially, we cannot hear
Freydoun, only the cries of victims. After a minute or so, we start
hearing Freydoun's voice.
Freydoun: Well, dear friends, I think
we could all use a little break. Let's watch a few commercials
and when we return we
take a few more calls. Oh wait a minute. (He listens and nods)
Looks like we have someone calling from Bam and can't wait
too long. Let's go to commerical after this. (he presses
a button on the phone in front of him). Befarmaeed.
A girl's voice
barely audible: Salam. Mr...
Freydoun: Please speak up so that we
can hear you better. Where are you calling from?
The Girl: Bam.
Freydoun: Okay.
The Girl: I lost all my family. My
mother and father, my four brothers and sisters. They all died,
except me. I... (sound of
her cry).
Freydoun: I am very very sorry. Where are you now?
What is your name?
The Girl: Fatemeh, but my family calls me Fati.
I am at my neighbor's home.
Freydoun: I see, and that home is intact
I suppose. I mean, your neighbor's home didn't collapse, must be
a new home.
Fati: Baaleh, it is. They are very lucky.
And is the government taking care of the people?
Fati: They give
us food and blankets. But they want to take me to another city.
Why? How old are you?
Fati: Fifteen. They say I can only stay with
a relative. But I don't have one. All my uncles and aunts died
Freydoun: I am very sorry to hear that. What do you
like to do?
Fati: I want to stay here, near my own home.
I am curious. Is there cable TV in the house? I mean, how did you
get this telephone number?
Fati: Yes
Freydoun: Tell me Fati. Is there anything
we, I mean the Iranians in America or outside Iran, can do for
Fati: Yes. Please tell government to let me stay.
I beg you to help me. I don't want to leave. (the line goes dead).
We lost her. (He shakes his head) I hope she calls back. It is
so sad, I don't know how to describe my sadness (holds
back the tears). Let's go to commercial.
Act Two
A few days
or few weeks later. Freydoun is doing his show with a famous
facing him. They are chatting gingerly, although we cannot
hear them, only the music. Suddenly Freydoun looks in another direction
and asks a question and then pauses and then addresses his
Freydoun: I was just told that we have another call
from Bam, from a girl that called a few days ago. (He presses the
Fati khanoom, is that you? Fati: Yes Mr. Alef, it is me.
Freydoun: I am very
happy you called again. I have been thinking about you and wondering
how you are doing?
Fati: Merci. (sneezes) I have a bad cold.
I am sorry to hear that. Are you still in Bam?
Fati: Yes, my neighbor
convinced them to let me stay. He is a very nice person.
Oh I see. And are you well taken care of? How many other children
are in that house?
Fati: First, it was me. You see the agha here
has three grown up children and they are all married. But now there
is two of
me and another girl who also lost her whole family. She is thirteen.
Oh I have to go (we hear a man's voice shouting “Who
are you talking to? Put down the phone.” The phone then
goes silent).
Freydoun (shaking his head): That is, well, rather
The actress: Poor thing. I feel so bad for her. Sounded
like she was afraid to talk.
Freydoun: She is probably one of
over a few
thousand teenage girls who are orphans, and I really hope
they are looked after. All right, let's get back to my question:
So you didn't like that racial slur about Arabs in the
movie, ha?
The actress: No, not at all, Iranians are not racist,
but this made us look like we are. That was definitely a put
off with
an otherwise intelligent movie.
Freydoun: So what is next
for you? Are you still planning to leave us to Rome?
The actress:
Yes, I want some freedom from all the smog here, the smog of
people around here I mean. It gets
to be too
much sometimes,
no disrespect to our great community, but you know
there is too much gossip, too much interference in private
lives. I
know, I am just pure bored perhaps.
Freydoun: I hear
you. Well, I wish you the best and we will all certainly miss
you (gets up and hugs
and kisses
her on
the cheek
and then she leaves). Okay let's hear one more
song from our guest musicians and when after that we will
to the Iranian twins who are swimming champions
and plan to
the width of
Caspian Sea, each from the opposite side, and meet
in the middle.
Persian music.
Act Three
The same TV studio, empty. Images of Bam parade on
the screen in the background. We hear Freydoun's voice.
Freydoun: Just hold on a minute. Can you? I will talk to you
as soon as we get on the air. What? Say that again? Why? He has
right to do that. Listen. No one has the right to hit you, especially
a neighbor, and you have to get help from the people. What? How
can he forbid you to go outside, that is definitely not right.
I really want to speak with him. What is your telephone number.
Please don't be afraid. I promise. Hold on. Let me get a
pen and piece of paper. Okay, go ahead. Five. Twenty two, zero,
four. That is all. That doesn't seem like enough numbers,
are you sure. Look again. Okay, okay, listen, I will try to call
you in a few minutes but I have to go on air now. Just stay strong.
Good bye.
Act Four
The stage is partitioned. On the one side is
the TV studio and Freydoun is talking on the phone. On the other
side is the same movie actress, also on the phone, while resting
on a couch and watching a sitcom. Her name is Setareh. Freydoun: So that is the scoop.
Setareh: That is awful. Did you say the police can't find
her home.
Freydoun: No, as I said we 've gone through our own contacts
in the area and the Iranian officials at the UN and the Red Cross,
and after two weeks we haven't got a clue where she lives,
or lived.
Setareh: No last name, nothing.
Freydoun: Nothing except that her name is Fati or Fatemeh. First
she called to complain that he was beating them and not letting
them go out, and then she called and in so many words suggested
that he was, you know, sexually abusing both girls, and then the
last time she called she said he had taken her to a brothel in
Kerman and because she was resisting he and another lady who ran
the place were beating her and starving her. I have no idea how
she managed to make that call, which lasted may be thirty seconds
and she was in full tears. She called in the middle of my program
and it totally shocked the viewers. So many people called, even
from Iran, and offered to help finding her, one was, curiously
enough, a city police officer in Kerman.
Setareh: That is funny. Isn't it illegal to have the satellite
dishes in Iran?
Freydoun: I suppose it is one of those laws that is not strictly
implemented, especially now that the government needs the expetriates'
help with the earthquake.
Satareh: How big is Kerman? I mean if the police and the army
and all the secret service they have down there put their mind
to it
I am sure they can find her.
Freydoun: If. Don't forget they have their hands full with
some seventy thousand wounded and displaced, a lot of them children
and young kids.
Setareh: I wish I could adopt one. I really do. Hey listen, I
have an idea. Why don't we go to Kerman and find Fati. We could
make a perfect detective team.
Freydoun: Right, in the midst of all that chaos.
Setareh: I've got an influential friend here, who works for
the embassy. You want me to ask?
Freydoun: Sure. Ask. If they say okay, I will go. I would love
to go.
Setareh: No you wouldn't.
Freydoun: No, seriously, I would, absolutely.
Setareh: Still a crazy fool for action after all these years,
ha? If you're serious then let me get back with you in a day
or so. Ciao.
Act Five
A ruined section of Bam. A sign in Farsi and English
reads: Welcome to Bam, Jewel of Silk Road. Wrapped and half-wrapped
corpses. Setareh is searching frantically through the rubbles.
A young man is trying to hold her back.
Setareh: No, let me go, let me die with them.
The man: But who are you looking for? You don't live here.
Setareh: No, I do now, I do now. Here is my home, there are my
parents, my children, my aunts and uncles. I want to die with them.
(She pulls a rock to the side and shrieks). There is my missing
Fati! (lights out, silence for a moment. We hear the telephone
ring and then Freydoun's voice).
Freydoun: Hello.
Setareh: Salam Frey, it's me.
Freydoun: What is the matter? Are you alright? Anything happened?
Setareh: I just woke up, I had a terrible nightmare, but one
that woke me up, you know, to who I am, what I want. Listen, about
trip. I talked to them yesterday and it is all set. You haven't
changed your mind, have you?
Freydoun: No, of course not. But I can't leave until after
the third, have to tape the show on Sunday.
Setareh: In that case, I will go ahead of you and we meet in
Bam. We have to stay in a tent. I hear it is very cold but they
the tents are warm.
Freydoun: I sure hope so. I checked and it was minus five yesterday.
I guess I have to dig out my ski jacket.
Setareh: See you in Iran then.
Freydoun: Have a safe trip.
Setareh: You too.
Act Six
Freydoun at his chair in the TV studio,
reading a letter to himself, then raises his head and faces the
audience. Freydoun: Doostan-e aziz, as I said I just received this fax
which is a letter from Setareh and with your permission I want
to read
that to you. (Starts reading) Freydoun-e aziz, ba salam, it is
now ten days since I arrived here and I apologize for not keeping
my promise of calling you. This way you don't have to put
up with my constant tears and inaudible voice, like the last time.
There is something sobering about writing, another new experience
for me.
You and your viewers undoubtedly want me to report to you about
the situation here and I just don't want to do that. I didn't
come here to report, my mission was specific and I want to keep
it that way. Besides, I doubt there is anything going on here that
all of you in America don't know, except the stench of death
perhaps permeating every where, it's a special odor that
simply doesn't go away, despite the recent rain and the desert
wind, it stubbornly resists as if to remind us that death haunts
life without a breath of pause.
The first couple of days I had a guide from the Guidance Ministry
(Vezarat-e ershad) who gave me a tour of the city, what is left
of it, the refugee camps, the hospitals and the orphanages. She
also introduced me to the governor who promised to help us find
Fati. Poor man, he has lost so many relatives himself, there is
not a living soul who hasn't. My guide is gone now and I
am on my own staying at an Iranian Red Cross tent, helping the
social workers dealing with the traumatized children and young
kids for the most part. Every day, they bring some of these kids
who are placed in orphanages in other cities in cars or mini vans,
just to go and visit their homes and neighborhoods to see for themselves
that it is all gone, that there is no home to go back to. It is
without doubt one of the most wrenching experiences of my life,
to see those innocent faces, their disbelief. One of them, a six
year old boy, in the midst of his sadness, was so incredibly happy
to find his cat. He just jumped out from underneath the rubbles
into his arms, poor thing, and we all reacted as if some miracle
has happened and another person has been found alive. The tragedy
here is so massive, in such scale of disproportionate monstrosity,
that uses any palliative soother.
Yesterday, I was in Kerman and with the driver I have hired we
searched for hours looking for Fati, but so far have found no clues
as to her whereabouts. I sent the driver to a couple of notorious
places and he came back and said that there are a few teenage girls
but none whose name is Fati. Who knows, may be she has changed
her name, may be they have taken her to another town. The prostitution
rings I hear are very well organized and sent girls even across
the Persian Gulf to Bahrain, Dubai and so on. But the situation
here for the orphan young girls is very very desperate, there are
at least several hundreds of them who have no one to take care
of them, and since they are not quite children any more, the government
does not really pay them the same attention as the children, whom
they consider as first priority. We must do something for them.
Any ways, I will try to call you soon. God bless, Setareh. (Freydoun
stops reading and drinks some water and then presses a button).
Salam, befarmaeed.
A Male Caller: Salam.
Freydoun: Salam. Please go ahead.
A Male Caller: I was very moved by that letter. I want to thank
you and Setareh for all that you have done for us and wish you
good luck in finding Fati. My wife and I are praying for her day
and night.
Freydoun: Thank you very much. As I said before, I was supposed
to go with her to Bam but it turns out that my passport has expired
and it takes a few weeks to renew it. Hopefully by then our quest
to find Fati is fruitful. (He presses the button and faces the
audience) Well, dear friends, we have now reached the end of
our program for this week and until next week God be with you.
goes dark and we hear a song by Googoosh). Act Seven
An outdoor,
makeshift cinema in Bam showing a Western movie. The audience in
the theater is conceived as the ones in attendance. Setareh is
sitting right below the screen as if to give the impression of
a cramped audience. The film ends and then she stands and faces
the audience.
Setareh: Wasn't that a terrific movie?
A Boy actor placed with the audience: Yes. I want to see that
Setareh: I am afraid it is too late now and the crew have
to pack the equipment. An Adult Male: Khanoom. Can we see the movie Earthquake please?
You know the one with Charelton Heston.
Setareh: Well, I don't know. I doubt they have that film.
I will ask them. But why? Why do you want to see that movie?
Adult Male: No reason. I just wanted to know who has had a worse
earthquake. The Americans who came here right after the earthquake
said theirs was worse. But I bet we had a stronger one. (the audience
Setareh: I don't about that. Good night now. (Two males remove
the screen and the chairs and leave. Setareh goes inside the tent
in the back and we barely see her changing her clothes. A young
man enters the stage and calls her name. Her head protudes out
the tent, covering the rest of her body.
Setareh: Is that you Abbas?
Abbas: Yes. I just wanted to know... (He steps closer and looks
at her face meaningfully).
Setareh: Yes?! (He steps closer)
Abbas: If I could kiss you? (She is startled and her fleeting
indecision is preempted by Abbas who leans over and kisses her
and then goes
inside the tent. Lights out).
Freydoun's voice on his message recorder: Salam. Please leave
me a message and I will call you back god willing. (the beep).
Setareh's voice: Hi, it's me. Look. Something has happened.
Between the two of us, I 've caused a little scandal and
was asked to leave the camp. I am now at a hotel in Kerman and
am having the auditioning for the film. You were right. A lot of
people are smelling money and are coming forward with their girls.
I just hope Fati is one of them...(the beep again indicating
the end of recording). Act Eight
Setareh is sitting behind a table
and speaking to a woman and her daughter. Abbas is inspecting the
video camera on a corner. Setareh signals him to prepare to shoot.
The mother sits at a corner and the girl starts reading from the
note in her hand acting simultaneously. We cannot hear her or any
one else. Suddenly we hear Freydoun's voice.
Freydoun's voice: Look Setareh. I suggest you pack and leave
immediately. Just got a call from a high placed friend who told
me all about your late night escapades. He says you're lucky
they didn't throw you in jail. I now regret this whole obsession
and think it was a bad idea in the first place. I am worried about
you and am afraid that it will backfire not just against you but
also me and the whole network particularly, if God forbid, the
news of your affair gets out somehow. Knowing how stubborn you
are, I know you are not going to listen to me, so for God's
sake be careful.
(The girl stops acting and Setareh stands and thanks her and
her mother who then exit the stage).
Setareh (To Abbas): Any one else? God I am so tired.
Abbas (after opening and looking out a door closes it): No, that's
all for today. (He approaches Setareh and she repells him).
Setareh: No, not now please. I am very tired. (Points at a letter).
Freydoun sent me a fax today. He wants me to leave. He says it
is not safe for me any more. Calls it obsession now.
Abbas: Obsession?
But you know that is nonsense. You were, are, committed to finding
Fati, am I right? Setareh: Yes, no. I don't know. I am confused (turns her
back to the audience). You just say that because you want me to
Abbas: Of course I do, but not at the price of convincing you
with lies. I mean what I say and you shouldn't confuse issues
either. You either want to find Fati at any price, or you don't,
it's that simple.
Setareh: But how? And how long? It's over two months now
and we 've interviewed how many people so far, how many pimps
and mafia and drug dealers have we talked to? Have we missed any
one? People here are beginning to think that I am whore from farang
making excuses to lure young men. How ridiculous is that! (She
throws herself in his arms and he caresses her hair).
Abbas: Setareh. My love. Stop tormenting yourself. You came here
to find a little girl in trouble, in this vast ocean of tragedy
and we saw each other instead. Tell me. Do you love me?
Setareh: Abbas jon, you know I do. With all my heart I love you.
Abbas: Then stop tormenting yourself, and take it as your destiny.
Setareh (moves away and after a deep breath): I am sorry, I can't.
You need to know me better. When I put my mind to something
I have to finish it. So, after tomorrow's auditionings, if
we couldn't
find her I will leave.
Abbas: Just like that. And what about us?
Setareh: You will come to Rome as we planned. I promise
I will get you there and get you the visa and everything,
never ask me to marry you because that would be the
end of our love,
I am sure of that. (A knock on the door and they both
turn their faces. Abbas approaches the door and opens hesitantly).
Abbas: Yes.
A Girl's voice: You are looking for Fati?
Abbas: Yes?
Girl's voice: I am Fati. (Abbas looks back at Setareh
who is frozen at her spot. They give each other
a meaningful stare).
Setareh: Well, what are you waiting for, ask her
to come in?
Abbas: Please. Don't be shy. Come in. (Lights
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