Rolling up our sleeves
Relief International will begin Bam reconstruction
Farshad Rastergar
January 5, 2003
Please note that the correct website for Relief
International is ri.org and
the direct donations page for the Iran Earthquake Relief
is: ri.org/iran/donation.htm.
I am glad to announce that the US Department
of Treasury
has issued a new license (No.IA-5761) to Relief International
specific to the Bam earthquake. This supercedes RI's
previous license for funds transfers to Iran that had a Dollar
cap of $450,000. The new license is for an unlimited amount
and has no cap. However, it has a 3-month
limit within which funds can be transferred to Iran.
to the OFAC officer in charge who called to give
us the good news, the Treasury has issued about 7 licenses
so far. Other licenses may take a few weeks. RI's license
expedited based on previous reviews and based on a history
of past and
grants with the USAID, US Deppartment of State and USDA.
I am glad to let you know that Cisco has set
up an employee matching fund. CISCO and employees are sponsoring
the reconstruction
shelter for villagers whose homes have been destroyed by
sponsoring one or more villages for total reconstruction.
Also Intel in addition to making a corporate
donation is likely to begin an employee matching fund for
village reconstruction.
Below please find photos of similar projects
RI has implemented in Iran (as well as in Azerbaijan, Chechnya,
and elsewhere). The cost of a small 2 room shelter
unit that meets
the required
earthquake safety requirements is about $2,000 (compared
to the cost of a winterized tent at the cost of $800).
The cost
of an
average 4 room schools is about $20,000. Some photos
can be viewed in the attached file and more will be
posted on our
site shortly.
Finally, just last night RI obtained the required
licenses from the Iranian authorities to rebuild 500 shelter
units in the low-income
neighborhoods of Bam and in 28 surrounding villages
that have been devastated by the quake. Estimates
8,000 families
lost their home.
So far we have raised $250,000 that is
being made available for the provision of shelter
to 125 families.
of the
village selection took place on Friday January
2nd. RI will begin the task of reconstruction IMMEDIATELY
I thank you for your support in the past and
hope that together we can provide a basic shelter to
at least
1,000 families.
I am gladly available if I can provide any additional
information >>> Bam
benefit concert, Palo Alto, Saturday, January
10 (donations
go to RI)
Author Farshad Rastegar,
PhD, is CEO of Relief International.
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