THE IRANIAN Weekly Bulletin, Jan 28, 1997
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Tuesday, January 28, 1997
Iranian-Americans: Proposed bill of rights; survey
The objective of the survey posted below is to assess whether the Iranian-American Community feels the need and merit for, and is committed to supporting a Center as proposed herewith.
Therefore, prior to completing this survey, please duplicate this flyer, distribute it among friends and colleagues, and ask them to do the same. Please take a few thoughtful moments to answer the following queries.
Your response in Persian or English is equally acceptable. The completed survey can be forwarded with your name and address, or anonymously if you wish, to:
Davood N. Rahni, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry, Adj. Prof. Env. Law Director, Graduate Program
in Environmental Science
Pleasantville, NY 10570-2799
Phone: 914 773-3655
Fax: 914 773-3418
Iranian-American Bill of Rights
Mission Statement
There are a million Americans of IranoPersian origin and their American born descendants and dependents, who have adopted the United States as their motherland, and,
This population of inspired Americans of great aspiration, motivation, and dedication, are law abiding, hard working and taxpaying citizens, who have greatly contributed toward further betterment of the American life through their capital investments, entrepreneurship and business endeavors, education, professional and scholarly achievements, inventions and discoveries, and,
These exemplary citizens have established family units based on firm visionary, ethical, and cultural values to raise potential future leaders of America, who will take their pivotal responsible place at the global level, it is, henceforth, resolved that:
Iranian-American Center for Constitutional, Human
and Bill of Rights is to be the conduit for the realization of our American
dreams through the following tasks:
( Creating, facilitating, aiding and maintaining an arena where the legitimate
professional and personal goals of our constituencies can further be realized;
( Identifying, presenting, and promoting American
scholars, inventors, entrepreneurs, investors, public officials, and sports
and media personalities of Iranian origin;
( Disseminating information about our community through mass media, periodicals,
public forums, press releases, articles, books, and interviews. This will
credit the contributions of our community members to society and bestow
upon them with the national and regional recognition they truly deserve;
( Continuous screening and assessment of news and articles by mass media
pertaining to, and having possible ramification on the Iranian-American
community. When warranted, proper response, and rebuttal will be submitted
to offset, if needed and balance the media's statement;
( Screening and evaluating federal and state legislation and bills, and
other stances taken by branches of government with possible direct and/or
indirect (explicit, or implicit) impact on our Iranian-American Community
in the United States.
( Setting immigration related objectives and priorities with respect to
legislation and possible ramification on our relations abroad. Our task
will be to contact and lobby branches of the government in an organized
manner, articulating our position and expectation.
( Documenting, and investigating possible discrimination, and violation
of due process, and/or illegal actions taken by the government or private
institutions against Americans of Iranian origin, and when warranted, filing
and completing a successful grievance procedure.
We will strive to achieve the above objectives with the following set of actions:
( A national membership drive, and inter-networking
with current Iranian cultural and professional associations in the US.
( Deliberations based on participatory democracy, and consistent with the
laws of the US.
( Publication of both a printed and Internet based newsletter for members.
( Development and maintenance of a directory of members, and a data base
of the membership expertise and the community's contributions to the American
( When warranted, the newsletter will also be disseminated to government
institutions and other immigrant associations with visions similar to ours.
( Coordination of our actions with other immigrant associations with which
we have commonalties.
( Our Institute will be fully independent, non-racial, and non-religious.
Iranian-American Center for Constitutional, Human and Bill of Rights
* Please email your responses to this survey to RAHNI@PACEVM.DAC.PACE.EDU
1. Do you consider the objectives as stated in the enclosed Mission Statement to be worthwhile, and therefore useful toward further enhancing the status of our community in the United States?
_______YES ______NO ______DON'T KNOW ______NO OPINION
2. Please state your reason(s) for your response to question #1.
3. What other objective(s), if any, and the mechanism to achieve it (them), would you add to the proposed Mission Statement?
4. Which, if any, of the objectives stated in the Mission Statement would you omit, and why?
5. If the name as proposed tentatively is not satisfactory, what should be the name of the Institute, as concise as possible, and why?
6. What annual financial commitment per person are you willing to make?
____Over $100, ___$100, ___$50, ____$25, _____$10, _____$5, ____Specify
7. What other commitment, such as expertise, time, membership drive (s), etc., are you willing to provide?
8. Are you, and/or, do you know of a philanthropist patron or a corporate sponsor who will be receptive toward supporting the Institute as proposed? If so, please provide name, address and telephone number for such person(s).
9. How many people are there in your immediate family in the US?
10. Are you currently a member of other cultural and professional Iranian Associations in the US? If so, please state the name and address of such group(s).
11. Further comments are appreciated.
12. Your Name, address, telephone number, fax number, Internet address (optional, but requested)
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