
THE IRANIAN Weekly Bulletin, Jan 28, 1997

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Tuesday, January 28, 1997

Responses to the subscription survey

Of the 130 responses to the subscription survey, 106 of you said you would pay a subscription fee for THE IRANIAN bulletin or the online magazine or both. Below you will find samples of the arguments for and against.

My apologies for listing so many comments. But I think to make a decision that may change the course of THE IRANIAN, it would be better to share with you the widest range of views.

It was impossible in a short span of time to ask each and every one of you about putting your name on top of your comment. So I just left the names out.

By the time the new issue of THE IRANIAN magazine comes out (hopefully before Feb. 10) I will make up my mind about the subscriptions and let you know.

Thank you very very much, for ALL your sincere comments.



Your magazine and your bulletins have been sources of pure joy for me for the last year. I have not experienced this level of professionality, civil debates and just the colorful subjects touched in THE IRANIAN in any other Iranian magazine (electronic or print), and believe me, I have read all sorts of them. I really feel THE IRANIAN to be the voice of our generation of expatriates who have always been hungry for a democratic means of exchanging ideas with other Iranians... You can count on me for sure.


I certainly disagree with the bulletin being for sale. There are numerous mailing lists on the Internet, and they are all for free. In fact, the bulletin is nothing more than a usenet newsgroup, but emailed directly to people.


First, I have to say that you have me absolutely hooked on your site. It was your "ChitChat" that was first brought to my attention... Then, I started to browse through the content of your magazine. That has also been a wonderful experience. The articles are interesting and the format is well-designed. When I discovered the free bulletin, I had no choice but, to subscribe. Will I pay for your wonderful services? - I'm sure that it would certainly be worth the money. To be honest, though - I probably would not.


You are providing an amazing, incredible service to both Iranians and non-Iranians all over the world. It has grown by such leaps and bounds that you are perfectly justified in asking for some revenue. In my case, I would be willing to pay for this unique information source because I certainly don't have the time or patience to track down all these resources and read them first-hand. I rely on THE IRANIAN to provide me with most of my news on Iran, and I'm fascinated to read about our accomplishments as a minority group. For the first time since I moved to America in 1980, I feel connected to Iran again!


I guess we are getting close to the moment of truth where everyone who has been enjoying your work must show what kind of "new" Iranian he/she is. I hope we live up to our (very lofty) self image by our actions. I would treat THE IRANIAN like any other magazine / online resource that I enjoy. I would pay up to the same amount that I would pay for the ESPN SPORTSZONE membership.


While I do, and I do mean it, recognize and do appreictae the value of your work and its quality of mission, knowing how most of us, even the so called "Iranian Elites" are accostomed to give aways among ourselves, and many other social reseons beyond the scope of this short respose, I seem to lean for a donation in each category for an experimental period.


I would be willing to pay a subscription on an annual or biannual basis to access both the bulletin, and the magazine. It's hardly fair that you're putting in all these hours, and not really getting compensated for it (financially). It's quite apparent that a publication of such quality, takes up a lot to time to prepare, and manage.


I read your letter few times. I believe The IRANIAN must be supported. I will be the first to support it. But I wish you had not linked the future of The IRANIAN to your lack of ability to obtain a job in your field of journalism and writing.


Your sincere effort is above any payment. You have shown real and sincere open-mindness-ness, tolerance, independence, courage, excellence and love in your work.


By asking readers to pay (and I swear I will, if asked) you will simply force them to seek alternative, free, sites relating to Iran. Charging readers will trigger a silent migration away from you. Please don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that your readers are fickle or disloyal. I am simply saying that asking anyone to pay for something that was once free, will raise the following question: "Can I live without it?". I fear the answer will be a resounding yes.


I think what you do takes a lot of effort and energy. And certainly, you are very talented in what you do and you have done a tremendous job so far. I appreciate all that you have done and that there is someone like you in my community who cares so much and has so much to offer! Therefore, I will surport your decision in regards to charging subscribers's fee.


I just wanted you to know that I totally appreciate you putting so much fo your time in to this online service. I moved to the U.S five years ago at the age of eleven. I have always tried to be involved with Persian events in the area, but usually couldn't find any information on them. So this has certainly been keeping me interested and somewhat involved int he Persian community.


As a college student, I just cannot afford to pay for the IRANIAN. But I greatly value your work and the service you provide for all Iranians. I am second generation Iranian-American who has unfortunately never visited Iran, and I enjoy your email bulletin in particular because it helps to teach me about my heritage.


It sounds like you feel guilty about what you are asking. You should know the value of your work. You should not ask people to put a price on the value of THE IRANIAN magazine. There is nothing wrong with asking people to pay for the services that you provide them.


As much as I like your production and have been soliciting it through email to my friends, I personally do not believe you can support what you are doing through subscriptions ALONE. God knows I hope I am wrong. But the fact is that the Iranian society does not believe in paying for something if they can get it for free.


Please keep it free for Student otherwise I have to go.


Many of us are students and we already have other expenses, so maybe students should get a break here. I must say this is one of the only sources of my connection to the Iranina community/culture/news, ... these days and I'd like to remain as a subscriber. Donations could be the way to go or maybe the subscription amount should be reduced... I feel the information on Web should be free and unrestricted.


As a librarian my reply will not be representative. If THE IRANIAN maintains its present high quality and diverse makeup I would definitely subscribe to the bulletin and the online magazine.


I am a librarian and use THE IRANIAN for new information on Web sites, books, etc. I cannot afford to pay for it out of my pocket and our budget is already severely overspent.


Any new publication takes time to become established and secure. It is just like forming your own business. It's tough in first few years and then it becomes smoother as the customer base is building up. Donations is also a good way to raise funding. I don't know what is best solution for your circumstances, but patience and persistance has always paid off in the long run!


Hang in there, but don't count on many Iranians to subscribe! You may receive lots of TAAROF's and nice words, and maybe a few people really mean it. But as you said it right, the only way is adverstising income.


I think you are doing a great job and putting a lot of work into it. I also believe that adding a subscription fee is actually a great idea. However this fee is in no way a payment for your efforts since they are priceless.


First and foremost, I would like to thank you for all your efforts. Without a doubt, it has consumed great energy, time and creative resources to provide this service to the community. And yes, there ought to be a method to renumerate you for this service.


I have always enjoyed THE IRANIAN online magazine and THE IRANIAN Bulletin, and I would like to thank you for your efforts. Although I don't get the chance to read your magazine and bulletins often, but I do believe you must be rewarded for your hard work... I think the quality of your magazine is much higher than other Iranian magazines sold in stores.


As a poor student, I cannot justify paying for internet (or other) subscriptions. Let the businesses who will profit from advertising pay. I do like this service and it would be a shame if I had to discontinue it.


As for earning a living from THE IRANIAN, I really think you should. I'm surprised why you didn't think of it earlier. Go to the Web and you see almost any good or semi-good Website is charging.


I think you do a great job with THE IRANIAN Bulletin, I don't really have time to read the magazine, so I can't really comment on that part, but I love getting the bulletin from you every now and then, its a part of the day that I look forward to.


Your mother will be your first paid subscriber and I the next. Whatever you decide on I'll pay.


I think that you've done an incredible job with THE IRANIAN. I would be willing to make a contribution, and depending on the subscription rate, I would pay that.


You are On The Right Track and hope to see you keep on going... I do agree with your argument that the Internet should remain free, especially because of my financial status as a student. However, if this means the end of THE IRANIAN, why and how could we reason that we cannot afford $30 dollars a year for your wonderful services?


I think that you guys deserve a great deal of funding in order to keep up the good work on the Iranian. I agree with your decision to either pay per issue on-line, or the idea of donations would not be too bad either. But I think that 3 month or 6 month subscriptions would turn people off and make them click on the "back" button on their browser.


I enjoy THE IRANIAN very much and admire your work and efforts. I think it's fair to pay an amount for all the (zahmat) you put forth to put the iranian community in touch with each other.


You are undoubtedly doing the right thing to develop the commercial potential of your brainchild.


I'd be happy to pay for what I think is a first class magazine. I enjoy it daily and it is an exciting hobby to check my email every night mainly for THE IRANIAN magazine.


Rest assured that I will try to support any format you decide on and I'd like to put my vote in for the donations system. I really like your bulletins and even when I don't get the time to read THE IRANIAN I love to get the daily bulletins. Maybe you have something there!


THE IRANIAN must survive. You are very much on the right track and there are, due to the conditions we live in (AZ RANJEE KE MIBAREEM) bigger wider horizons to consider. I know that for me personally this is not merely an internet nerdy hobby thing.Far from it it is the link I have with an Iranian culture I knew existed but could not see or show the evidence for it anywhere else.


If you are planning to add a fee, please be careful to give enough notice to people and I think many people will support you since most of the time you have kept a nutral position with the reports you have sent out.


I would be more than happy to pay to support this great publication and your excellent job. Just tell me how much.


Like most Iranians, I am alergic to spending money. BUT, I really must admit that although I have only been subscribing to your bulletins for about 2 months, I have already come to rely on them, especially for latest news developments about Iran.


I think it is a great idea to ask your reader to pay for it. You spend lots of your time and energy on the Iranian Magazine and you should be rewarded/compensated for it financially too!


You put in a great deal of work on the bulletin and magazine, and you deserve to be compensated. Don't give it up; the magazine is classy, "PC," and of great substance, and the bulletin is almost indispensable (for me). I would definitely pay to get both the bulletin and the magazine.


I think it would work better to ask people to pay rather than donate. You are naturally bound to lose some customers in this process but there is always a tradeoff. You might want to do it in two, three steps just get a better sense of the market.


You are providing an invaluable service whose interruption would harm the Iranian expatriate community tremendously.


I believe you have to make money from this venture through sponsorship and adivertising, and trying to add to your subscriber list. Charging money will limit the subscription base and would put a final damper on your chances of getting ads, all you'll end up with will be subscription dues, which will be very limited.


Your service has opened many doors to me, to my wife, and to our friends and colleagues. I am certain that it has done the same for all of your regular visitors. We would feel a sense of loss if you were unable to continue.

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