How about just doing your job?
Ebadi failed
us, and most importantly she has failed herself and her efforts
a lifetime
August 4, 2004
The Question is not "Can
you do a better job?" but
rather -- "Can you risk living up to what needs
to be done to procure necessary change? Can you simply do the job?" In
other words are you selfless, will you the individual Iranian place
the interest of your people above your own even if it means sacrificing
your life?
As a nation and a people, we tend to be highly individualistic,
almost selfish, and unfortunately do not know the basics of how
to begin acting on behalf of a group. Hence we have yet to develop
a sophisticated, efficient sense of what it means to be a team
Blaming Shirin Ebadi is not the answer, she is limited by her
abilities and let the reader not misunderstand: She has NOT done
what needs to be done nor will she! Is she incompetent? No! But
has her discretion failed her? Absolutely! Partly because she is
limited by what can be effectively categorized as "Mullah
influenced discretion."
When Ebadi won the Nobel, the current
regime gave her the "green light" to be their first female
puppet to "speak democracy" and she, as a hypocrite,
accepted. Thus instead of grasping the international platform that
was placed at her feet by the West to expose the atrocities of
the repugnant mullahs, she shrugged, gave a washed over speech
as Iranian Americans and Iranians worldwide watched with open mouths,
not believing that she wouldn't EXPOSE these Islamic terrorists
to the international society.
Terrorists that assault innocent virgins in prisons before killing
them, terrorists that mutilate and suffocate the life out of any
Iranian without the least hesitation, terrorists that have bastardized
a religion and used it to humiliate Muslims, Jews, Christians,
Zoroastrians and to exterminate Bahais.
The latter is only a small taste of what they have done --
Ebadi didn't stir the world like she could have -- she could have
accepted Western immunity, she could have started the Shirin show
of international humiliation. She could have begun clearing the
Iranian name. It is impossible for the world to have remained silent
had she written a Nobel Peace Prize Speech that would have exposed
the daily atrocities committed by this regime. Every Newspaper
in the world would have made it front page news, she was the Nobel
Ebadi had the chance to shake the Mullahs to the point of
no return, to create an international show of their dismissal but
she did not! Why? Simply because she acted with an individualistic
mindset, a cowardly, timid attitude that was afraid of real change.
She thought of herself of how she could bring about insignificant
change in the way that she already has, helping a few at a time
instead of millions who are suffering inside Iran. S
Ebadi like so
may Iranians thinks of herself before she thinks of her people.
She thinks of her life, of her comforts, of leading a less complicated
and dare I say richer life now that the dollars are pouring in
with her World tour promoting her speeches. She knows deep own
that the Mullahs will never change that the idea of 'compromise
with Mullahs' is a better joke than reality!
Ebadi failed
us, and most importantly she has failed herself and her efforts
a lifetime. So where are we now? At a pressing stage where
we need to make certain that we do not fail each other anymore.
is how you can do a better job!