The Saka legacy
... in ancient Iran
May 24, 2005
In a number of recent articles I have alluded to
the Saka, a grouping of Iranian-speaking horsemen who entered the
west-central regions of present-day Iran and eventually
became a part of the list of nations that made up the Achaemenian Empires ["Of
wine and war",
"Homavarka"]. In this essay, I explore the influence of
Saka on such place-names as Sakkiz, Sakastan, Sakavand and Arsaka.
To get us to the discussion of the place-names, I will first
describe in general terms the place of the Saka in ancient Iranian.
Theirs is a fascinating story of a people who, not unlike many
others came before and after them, began with a tumultuous arrival
on the Iranian plateau as invaders, followed by them being booted
out and only to return later and become as one of “us.” Whatever
this “us” has been in different times of Iranian history
shall be the subject of a future essay. For now, to learn more
about Saka, I refer you to the Old Persian texts, with transliteration
and translation, on the website,
for the picture of Achaemenian monuments depicting them please
refer to the website
of the Oriental Institute (University of Chicago).
For traditional written works on the Saka, I recommend Herodotus’ “Histories” (Rawlinson’s
edition), Roman Ghirshman, “Iran” (1954), J. M. Cook’s “The
Rise of the Achaemenids and Establishment of their Empire,” in
Cambridge History of Iran (vol. 2) and two general works by Tamara
Talbot Rice -- “The Scythians” (London, 1957)
and "Scythians," in the 15th edition of Encyclopaedia
Britannica (1981). There is also H.W. Bailey’s “Khotanese
Saka Literature,” in Cambridge History of Iran (vol. 3:2);
T. Sulimirski’s “The Scyths” in Cambridge History
of Iran (vol. 2) and Mallory and Mair, “The Tarim Mummies.” For
a comparative linguistic look at the various names that applied
to Saka see the essay by Oswald Szemerenyi called “Four Old
Iranian Ethnic Names: Scythian -- Skudra -- Sogdian -- Saka” published
by the Austrian Academy of Sciences in 1980.
The Iranian-speaking Central Asiatic horsemen who stormed the
Median Kingdom from southern Russia in the 7th century were known
to the Achaemenians as the Saka. The inscriptions of Darius I the
Great at Bisotun, Susa, Parsa (Persepolis) and Egypt, as well as
the records of other Achaemenian kings, provide a rich textual
and graphic depiction of the people who counted perhaps more than
any other group in multiple satrapies of the world’s first
and only two world empires -- the second arguably being Alexander
the Great’s. The tall pointed caps that the Saka donned set
them distinctly apart from all others in the realm.
In 6th century BC the Medes expelled the Saka from west-central
Iran and the Saka retreated into Armenia while another group of
them ended up on the eastern shores of the Caspian Sea, where they
intermingled with their Daha kinsmen. Another group pushed east
and then south into east-central region of present-day Iran and
southern Afghanistan (Zrangiana=Sistan) where they were settled
by the dawn of the Achaemenian times.
The Saka who remained in Media became a part of the kingdom and
in Achaemenian times their lands in Jaxartes River (Syr Darya)
basin and in the Balkans belonged to the empire, while contingents
of them were deployed in Egypt. They were among the few national
delegates that bore arms when in the presence of the king and were
along with Persians and Medes the backbone of the foot soldiers
transported by Xerxes’ ships to fight against the Greeks
in the Battle of Salamis.
In 330 BC Alexander III of Macedonia ended the Achaemenian Empire.
In the course of the Greek pacification of Iran’s eastern
provinces, the Saka made common cause with some Bactrians (Balkhi)
and Sogdians in opposing Alexander. Alexander hurried to Jaxartes
where, with the use of catapults, he overcame the Saka on the north
bank of the river and chased them further inland. In 328 BC Alexander
defeated the Bactro-Sogdian allies, married the rebel leader’s
daughter, installed a garrison of 10,000 infantry and 3,500 cavalry
in Bactria and headed south into India.
The gradual demise of the Seleucid Kingdom (312-64 BC) and concomitant
rise of the Parthian kingdom in Iran (247 BC -- AD 224) heralded
the emergence of the Saka to national prominence as a part of the
Parthian tribal blend under Parni (Aparni) leadership. By one account,
the Parni were a tribe of Central Asiatic roots, who followed the
road along the upper Atrak River and ended up in Parthava [Parthia,
greater Khorasan] during the reigns of Seleucid I (312-281 BC)
and Antiochus I Soter (281-261 BC). Mixed with the Parni were the
Saka, who probably played an important role in the acceptance of
the Parni as confederates by Daha. By another account, the Parni
were not a separate tribe but the young men of the Saka, who held
sway over an area from eastern Caspian to Central Asia.
In 247 BC, Arsaces (ruled about 250-211 BC) and his Parni followers
took over Parthava and broke away from Seleucid rule. He annexed
Hyrcania [Mazandaran and Astarabad] and crowned himself king in
the city of Asaak. When Seleucus II (ruled 246-226 BC) reached
the breakaway province, in 232 BC, Arsaces fled north to the land
of his allies Apasiacae [= Saka of the Waters]. Arsaces accepted
Seleucus’ suzerainty and this latter returned to Syria. Under
Arsaces’ successor, Artabanus I (aka Arsaces II, ruled about
211-191 BC) Parthia rebelled again and another Seleucid expedition
hurried east and forced the Parthian leader to escape to Central
Asia until a compromise could be reached with the Seleucids.
During the reign of Mithradates I’s reign (171- 138 BC),
the Parthian rule extended ever westward to include Media and the
lands bordering the Tigris. With Ekbatana as its capital, the Parthian
Empire of Iran now was elbow-to-elbow with the Seleucid kingdom
in Syria. By the end of Mithradates’ reign the tribal disturbances
in Central Asia resulted in the dislocation of a group of Saka
from their traditional grazing grounds, which forced them into
southwest China, present-day Sinkiang and Kashgar regions. There,
the Saka established a kingdom at Khotan and began pressing up
against Parthia’s eastern frontier.
During the reign of Pharaates II (139-128 BC), the Persians assisted
the Seleucids in dealing a blow to the Parthians in western Iran,
but in 128 BC Pharaates, aided by the Medians, gained the upper
hand and defeated the Seleucid king, no thanks to the Saka who
managed to join his campaign with too little and too late. Pharaates
dismissed the unreliable Saka and this provoked a Saka revolt that
consumed the countryside and cost Pharaates his life. His successor,
Artabanus II (ruled 128-123 BC) did not fair any better.
Mithradates II (ruled 123-88 BC) regained control of Parthia’s
eastern provinces, but in the process the Saka retreated eastward
into Zrangiana [Drangiana, later Sistan] and further south into
India. Between the 1st centuries BC and AD, the Saka settled in
Zrangiana and in the aftermath of this migration the place acquired
the name Sakastan [country of Saka]. Another Saka group that had
been dislocated from Central Asia passed the Pamir Mountains into
India, advanced to the western bank of the Indus River and established
a kingdom in northwest India by the 1st century AD.
The Parthian kingship under Artabanus III (aka Ardaban, ruled
about AD 12 -- about 38) repaired its relations with the Saka.
Artabanus wanted his son to be elevated to the throne of Armenia,
but the Romans were backing a rival claimant. Under Roman attack,
Artabanus escaped from his capital and hurried east to take refuge
with the Daha; they helped him regain his throne. Subsequently,
in the war of succession that ensued between Artabanus’ sons,
Hyrcanian and Daha reinforcements helped secure the throne for
Gotarzes II (aka Godarz, ruled about 38 -- 51 AD). In 58 AD,
however, Hyrcania threw off allegiance to the Parthian kingdom
and thereafter the Daha and Saka played no noteworthy role in the
affairs of the Parthian state.
I began with this long description of the Saka to support the
point that Saka were present on the Iranians scene for a long time
and they were spread all over the place. And so, I posit, this
significant presence in ancient Iran must have left some imprint
on place-names in Iran, especially where Saka’s geographical
concentration is known to have occurred the most -- principally
in Iran’s west-central region, corresponding to the area
of present-day Kordestan-Kermanshahan-Lorestan; north-central,
corresponding with the east and southeast of the Caspian region;
and east-central, corresponding to Sistan and Hilmand basin in
present-day Iran and Afghanistan.
The late archeologist and Iranist Roman Ghirshman believed that
the Saka who stormed the Median Kingdom in the 7th century BC were
settled in an area south of Lake Urumia in a place presently known
as Sakkiz, which Ghirshman identified as their capital and in which
name “we may recognize the name of the Scythians, or Saka
as they called themselves.” This nomenclature was due, according
to Ghirshman, because “the name of a people was often given
to its capital.”
Ghirshman believed also that Sakkiz was one of the few villages
of Kurdistan that had preserved its name from the time of the arrival
of the Saka. Whether that was indeed the case, I cannot say with
certainty. Naturally, say “sakkiz,” “saqqiz” or “saghiz” and
an Iranian’s ears perk up because the sound conjures up gum,
such as chewing gum, and also reminds one of a kind of wood. But
etymologically, from a present-day perspective, who could argue
with Sakkiz meaning the land of Saka, in which “kiz” referred
to the quality of the land that gave rise to them. According to
Dehkhoda (vol. 21, pp. 1003-1004) the word “kiz” was
already in existence in the 10th century as a noun and place-name
suffix. But in antiquity?
Whether Sakkiz was named such and kept its name from its Saka
days are matters of conjecture. It is likely that the name originated
with the Saka, but changed and then resurfaced at a later date
for a reason altogether different. In the geographical work of
the Greek historian Strabo (d. after 23 AD) no mention is made
of Sakkiz per se, but reference is made (16.1.18) to a small country
named Sagapeni, which was bound in the north by Media and Armenia,
in the west by Adiabene and Mesopotamia and in the northwest by
Babylon. The name [Sagapeni/Sakapeni] and the description of its
geographical situation approximated the location of present-day
Unlike Sakkiz, Sakastana is the most clearly identifiable of
Saka place-names. This designation arose from the fact of Saka’s
migration in large numbers into the greater Sistan region. By the
time of the Greek itinerant Idirous of Charax Spasini (about late
1st century AD) the place was already called Sakastan, a toponym
that would persist as long as the Saka enjoyed regional prominence.
With the passing of Sakastan to Sasanian rule about 224 AD, the
place-name changed to Sagastan. When the Sasanian ruler Bahram
II (Varahran: ruled 276-293 AD) re-conquered the region, he appointed
his son, the future Bahram III (ruled 293 AD) as governor and bestowed
on him the title of Saganshah (king of the Saga/Saka]. Subsequently,
the Arab conquest of Sagastan in 643-44 AD and re-conquest in 650-51
paved the way for the name change to Sajistan, Seijistan, Seistan
and Sistan.
There is an anecdotal connection between Sakkiz and Sakastan
and it comes from the meaning of the word “sakkiz” in
Persian, terebinth. This small tree native to Northern Africa,
Southern Europe and Western Asia is a source of turpentine and
also is considered a common object of veneration. In Iran, it is
most prominently obtained in the forests of Kordestan, particularly
in Pusht Kuh, a mountainous region east of Kermanshah in Lor country.
The etymological assumption has been that the word is of Turkic
origin (see Dehkhoda, 29:545). This in turn raises the intriguing
connection of the plant to Central Asia, the cradle of Turkic languages,
and by this association with the Saka and Sakastan (Sistan), who
were however geographically from Central Asia but linguistically
In the English translation of Joseph Ferrier’s “Caravan
Journeys and Wanderings in Persia, Afghanistan, Turkistan, and
Baloochistan,” one reads of one Kazi Mohammad Hassan, a 19th
century magistrate of Heart, why Sistan is called by that name.
The name, Kazi Mohammad said, derived from the “word ‘saghis,’ the
name of a wood much used in Persia for burning at this time.” The
wood, Ferrier added, was found frequently in the steppes of Central
Asia and grew “in much greater quantities near the Helmund
and it is this that has given to the country in which it grows
so abundantly the appellation Saghistan, the place of saghis.”
an amusing comment, the English editor of Ferrier’s work,
H.D. Seymour, expounded: “The Kazi had not heard of the Sakae
and their migrations [into Drangiana=Sistan].” Neither Seymour
nor the Kazi would have known for sure about the Saka’s presence
in Sakkiz, because the discovery by Ghirshman that made the connection
did not come around until the 1950s. Yet, somehow I get the feeling
that the Kazi knew more than believed.
The preponderance of the Saka in Sakastan, naturally, would explain
the origin and meaning of the place-name Sakavand (variation: Sagavand).
In the 10th century Sistan, Sagavand referred to a town at the
foot of a mountain of the same name, with a fortified wall and
much agriculture. On the other hand, Abulfeda (d. 1331) wrote the
name as Sakavand and placed it in the Bamiyan region of Zabolestan.
Further Similarly, the place-name Sokavand referred to a fort and
village near Ghazneh in the eastern part of present-day Afghanistan.
The connection between the Saka and the place-names Sakiz and
Sakastan at two opposite ends of Iran suggests the likelihood of
the existence of other Saka place names in the areas where the
Saka are known to have inhabited. In the southeast Caspian region,
the evidence of a Saka place-name appears in the name Asaak (variation:
Asaac, Arsace, Arsacia), which was the early Parthian capital built
by Arsaces in about 250 BC. The Orientalist W. Schoff, among others,
identified the town as the present-day Quchan, located in the upper
Atrak River valley eighty miles northwest of Mashad. The topography
of Quchan is highly mountainous, with the nearby Hezarmasjid, Aladagh,
and Shahjahan elevations ensuring wintry conditions that last for
six months.
The name Arsaka was probably a from of Ark+saka that would have
meant “the fort of Saka.” The Persian word “ark” meant “fort.” Its
variant “arg” meant a small fort built inside another,
fort, walled fortification and in Sasanian times “Arkbod” meant
commander of the fort. The name Ark (Arg) occurred as a toponym
referring to a fort in Sistan (Dehkhoda, 5:1875-76, 1880). Regardless
of the form or orthography, the significance of the name “Asaak” itself
was in revealing that, unlike in Sakiz and Sakastan, the marker “sak” could
serve as an adjectival suffix. Similarly, the notion of a ‘fort’ or ‘fortress’ was
evident in the description of the place name Arsakavan [?Ark+sakavan],
located south of Ararat Mountain, which served as the seat of an
Armenian king named Arsaces II in 4th century AD (see N. Pigulevskaja’s “Cities
of Iran in Parthian and Sasanian Eras”).
Lastly, I offer this explanation about the origin of Zadrakarta
(a Greek name) and what possible influence the Saka may have had
on its development. This was the capital of Hyrcania (Mazandaran
and Astarabad) in Achaemenian times and it was where the governor
of Hyrcania-Parthia tendered his submission to Alexander. It is
identified with present-day area of Grogan. Phonetically at least,
in the name one could hear the echo of the proto-toponym Saka-karta
[= village of Saka], where “karta” in Old Persian of
the Achaemenians meant “village.” I would go even further
to entertain the notion that the word place-name was probably Sakarta,
made up of “sa,” which I have equated with “pasture” or “grassland” in
Avestan/Old Persian. That a city could be called “Sa-karta” is
not far-flung -- do you know the way to Sabzevar? Can it then
be that people who hailed from Sakarta came to be known to the
Achaemenians as Saka, for short?
Regardless, the Greeks turned Sakarta into Zadrakarta. Many believe
that Gorgan was founded by Gorgeen Milad, a hero mentioned in Ferdowsi’s
Shahnameh. I have wondered about the connection between “Zad” in
Zadrakarta and “Milad.” Zad in Persian means “birth” as
does “milad,” albeit the latter is an Arabic word.
Could the name of Ferdowsi’s hero (Milad) been a translation
from Zad preserved by the Greek writers as Zadrakarta?
I also wonder about the connection between “saka” and “asagh.” This
latter word was explained by the German Orientalist Wilhelm Geiger
as a derivative from a series of Avestan words meaning “district” -- not
unlike the word “dehestan” that originated from the
name of the tribe known as Daha (literally meaning “enemy” in
the original Indo-Iranian lexicon), which already inhabited the
areas in the southeast corner of the Caspian littoral by the time
of Cyrus the Great. Could the Saka have left us their imprint in
the innocuous locative suffix of “sak” or “asak” that
end many of the Iranian place-names?
Guive Mirfendereski is VP and GC at Virtual Telemetry
Corporation since 2004 and is the artisan doing business
as Guy vanDeresk (
Born in Tehran in 1952, he is a graduate of Georgetown University's
of Arts and Sciences (BA), Tufts University's Fletcher
School (PhD, MALD, MA) and Boston College Law School (JD). He
is the author of A
Diplomatic History of the Caspian Sea (2001).