Peace like a river...

The Quran is kept in our living room, beside the Bible


Peace like a river...
by John Oliver Smith

This morning began as they usually do, Aman leaping out of bed yelling because he might be late, Amir rolling over, smiling and saying "Thank you Mr. Smith.  Good morning” Just like my boys not too many years ago, two boys so different in how they take on the day.

I am a Catholic, the boys are Muslim. I am an Irish-American they are Iranian-American. I like Cheerios for breakfast, they like bagels, lavash bread and oh yes, Waffle Crisp.

Like every weekday morning; their mother leaves for work at 5:30am so I get the morning duty to get them dressed and on the bus for school. We will all madly try to pull ourselves together, make our beds and grab some breakfast before we head out the door.  Some mornings however, we have a few more minutes to go down by the Severn River to look for the eagle that frequents our neighborhood and enjoy the view.  It is a peaceful place, this walk by the river.  The boys will run down by the docks, or climb the jungle gym, while I walk along the shore taking it all in.

Before I fell in love with their mother, I fell in love with the peace of this water and this place.  Standing on the shore, I sense the brevity of our time and the enormity of the tides.  Ebbing and flowing, they have been carving out shorelines for so long I cannot comprehend their beginning nor their end.  Yet I continue to stand and to try.

When I met their mother we were both so bruised from past marriages.  Fights over property, children, money, friends - the war waged left us both ravaged.  She was Muslim, I was a Catholic. But we found in each other a best friend, someone who would share our quest for peace.  If peace was at all possible we would find it.  For that was our quest. But underlying that quest was our mutual faith in God.   It’s been more than four years now, and the peace we found that night when we first walked by the river when she leaned her head on my shoulder, snuggled under my arm is still with us.

The Quran is kept in our living room, beside the Bible. We found that peace cannot be had by ignoring the problems of the world and hiding. God has made us all to be in the world taking care of each other and sharing our gifts. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in our largest sacrifice that we have the most to gain. And to me the greatest sacrifice is not in the heroic battle, it is being there for my family. Every day, like the tide, being dependable, respectable, and living my life with as much grace and dignity as can be mustered. I learned that back in Ohio from my parents. I see it in the woman I share my life with and I hear it in the sounds of the river.

Very soon the peace brokers are coming to meet in Annapolis. Men and women of different nationalities and faiths will sit down together by the water searching for peace in a conflict that seems to have no end. Their arguments have been in the making for more than a thousand years. Tonight I will go home to live in a peaceful sanctuary built by two people of different faiths that both cling to their one commonality - God, the One who makes all things possible. Who is full of compassion and mercy....and forgiveness. He holds no grudges to those who are truly regretful. He has no fight with the meek and humble. He knows better than us that we are all His children and He has given us all the gifts we need to take care of each other. At our house we live in peace as we realize that, however distant, we are both cousins, descendants of the children of Abraham.

But in Annapolis there will be arguments for sure, arguments over land, buildings, families, and past wrongs. And yet as I stand by the Severn River overlooking Annapolis, seeing our children play and watching the tide begin to flow, all things seem possible.

And the woman I love? Her first name is Iran.

For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river...
Isaiah 66:12

John Oliver Smith is an Environmental Engineer with a Maryland-based firm.  He lives off the Severn River just outside Annapolis, MD. His partner, Iran Davar Ardalan is a Senior Producer at NPR News and Author of "My Name is Iran." John's essay can be heard on Monday November 26, 2007 on WYPR (NPR Station in Baltimore and Annapolis, MD) between 12:00 and 1:00 p.m.  To download the audio go to: search for John Oliver Smith.




by Marg Bar IRI (not verified) on


You do not need to forward the paper from Harvard/Chicago. I am aware of it and have read it. You use it to justify all the IRI nonsense and than you use all the typical IRI arguments against Israel that even Arabs don't use anymore- and you say you are not anti jewish- that is really funny. You still don't understand why Israel was created. You still don't get the 3 billion argument. You don't understand that the 3 billion creates American jobs. You don't understand that the 3 billion is not really for free do you? Nothing America gives is for free. You and Mr. Goldust (Khaktalah) are the same. You are both Khaktosar.


Thank You John and Iran,

by Q on

for sharing your remarkable story of love and tolerance. I hope you will continue to have a happy life will not be discouraged by small minds you are sure to encounter where-ever you go.


AIPAC controls peace

by goldust (not verified) on

As long as AIPAC, the israel lobby, is in control of our government, they make sure peace won't happen, since they are only after israel's intersts, not the palestinains, or the the American's! No justice for palestinians, therfeore no peace! This is very sad for these torah loving people! What happened to humanity?


Marg Bar IRI ... you should RELAX.

by IranIrooni (not verified) on

I don't think I used the word zionism or zionist. I actually quoted another user's message. But it does seem that my comments hit home, based on your crazy reaction. I am not ragging on Judaism, I am just criticizing the israeli govt. So, hopefully you can understand that, or at least try to.

By the way, if israel uses 80% of that $3billion (that we give them) to buy weapons from us, then it means we're giving the weapons basically for free (or just in case you go crazy, we're giving them weapons at an 80% discount). I'd say that's very very unreasonable ... and again, no return on these investments. And the remaining 20% (IF what you're saying is correct) is probably being spent on AIPAC to keep 'israelizing' the whole US. And then of course, its tough to put dollar value on US soldiers' lives literally wasted there, first in Lebanon (President Reagan was smart enough to tell israel to take care of its own problems and brought the troops back home), and now in Iraq, and probably during Spring, in Iran.
So, lets see ... based on your crazy reaction ... we give israel over $3billion per year (our tax money), and israel uses 80% of that to buy weapons from us, the rest probably to strengthen its own military (with which I have no problems), and some on AIPAC and other millions of pro-israel lobbying groups to buy off our politicians (which really is TRUE ... again, please read this research done by Harvard and U of Chicago professors ... //$File/rwp_06_011_walt.pdf). Wow, what an investment! As a tax payer, I'm not sure if I'd want my money to be WASTED like this.

Of course, then you got israel, after getting all these 'welfare' payments and favors from us, COMPETING with us in selling WEAPONS both to india and pakistan! Now that is crazy! That is basically a BIG waste of tax payer money!

And PLEASE don't try to bring in the whole anti-semitism crap, because I am not. I am just against the policies of the israeli govt. Which reminds me how funny it is that we, the US citizens, can openly criticize (and must) our govt and the President in such a great democracy, but CANNOT say ONE negative thing about israel, or else all of these so-called freedom this and freedom that groups will jump on us like we were just inbred in Hitler's home.

I'd suggest you download that research paper on US foreign policies being greatly influenced by israel and its planted seeds here in the US, and read it. Then I'd suggest you go back and read about various events and policies that took place in that region starting in late 19th century and all the way to now. Then I'd suggest you put yourself in those people's shoes, and see how you would react. By the way, once you read that stuff, you will learn that the 'innovators' or 'inventors' of terrorism, were actually the people that wanted to create israel so badly, even before WWII. Those include Irgun and the Stern Gang that literally killed and bombed innocent people on the streets and in bazaars (INCLUDING Jewish people that had been living there with non-Jewish arabs) to drive them away and make room for the 'Holy sponsored' country of israel. They certainly were successful. And for that, I commend them. Now lets hope that they and the Palestinians can work out something and live together in peace ... if that's not too much to ask, which includes "hey, can I get my fuckin land and home back? How come this special guy and his kids can just cruise over here from Russia, demolish my home and farms, and just live here and push me out?" Tough, tough question to answer, as we, all HUMAN BEINGS, value home and family more than anything else.

Good luck to you pal, and all the marg this and marg that, maybe you just need to calm down, and like a real man use knowledge and logic to find solutions.


Our poets planted love back to hearts of brutilized people

by Irandokht (not verified) on

You are saying that "We are the spiritual sisters of Rumi, Hafez and Saadi" and "I follow these sages. The beauty they found in Islam is evident in every poem they ever wrote.."

It is widely accepted for your information among academic circle that the brutality of Islam is not something new. In our famous poets’ times, Islam was more vicious and indeed crueler with no human rights watch group over them and no international laws. These poets had to plant love back to hearts of victimized and despairing people against the most barbaric ideology, the Islamic cult ruling their daily lives and poetry was the best instrument. These poets could not jeopardize their own lives; they were not revolutionaries. Instead, they offered love to people and tried to humanize and reform this backward and brutal Islam cult through their poetries. However, Islam has not and can not be reformed. We have been witnessing all atrocities of Islamic Republic of Iran against Iranians. The backwardness of Islam and Islam being an obstacle to our freedom and democracy in Iran is well recognized to suffering Iranians and if you become an apologist here after 1400 years of nothing but misery you would very well position yourself with this dark force.


I wonder who all of these disrespectful, war loving people are?

by Mehrdad666 (not verified) on

Wanted to let you know that the IP addresses of all of these disrespectful commentators will be checked and traced next week. Then I guess we'll really know what's up. Good luck.


U.S. and Israel ... are they the same????!!!

by IranIrooni (not verified) on

The answer is NO. So, Mr. (or Mrs.) "War Veteran", take your neocon spiel and shove it. I love how the politicians that are paid and controlled by AIPAC phrase their stuff. Yours perfectly displays it ... "condemned the U.S. and used the word Zionist instead of Israel." I'm sure you're happy to have your taxes go to israel for NOTHING. Over $3billion in CASH (from our taxes) that we give to that country. Our soldiers' lives, our weaponry, and more ... for what???? NOTHING. ZILCH, ZIP, NADA, NULL. And don't forget that we let them get away with everything and anything, including committing treason right here in the US. I hate to say it, but the US govt motto is now "israel-first, America-second." Read and enjoy! ... //$File/rwp_06_011_walt.pdf

I say we, Iranians, must stay united, no matter what religion we have. Nationalism is key to unity ... and unity will hopefully prevent mass bloodshed in Iran by either the US or israel. American and Israel citizens are also against this possible invasion. A peaceful resolution will also reduce future costs for all sides. It will minimize any crap that extremists from any side can make a big deal out of. Stay united.


Ask her . . .

by War Veteran (not verified) on

Ask her how many times during the course of her reporting for the IRI she condemned the U.S. and used the word Zionist instead of Israel.

How nice for her to live with you and her kids when millions of Iranians still suffer because of people like her!


Mr. Smith, on behalf of fellow Iranians, I truly apologize ...

by IranIrooni (not verified) on

... for the amazing and immature responses that you have received. What you wrote is how we all should be thinking. Actually, if we did, then it would be less likely for the extremist Iranian govt to stay in power. And the change of power ... would be more peaceful! I wish you and your family health and happiness. God Bless!


This is Self Promotion

by Marg Bar IRI (not verified) on

This is just self promotion. You are using an event, unrelated to Iran, to self promote your book and story. Not impressed. It is because of people like you that many Iranians died during the revolution. Whether you like it or not, your sexy hot wife, was an instrument of the IRI. Marg Bar IRI!


John Walker Lindh. . .

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

John Walker Lindh was prosecuted for waging war againt the U.S. Mrs. Smith did nothing less when working for the Islamic Republic of Iran's government.

Your kids' names are arabic/Islamic. You have a copy of the satanic versus in your home. Does Mr. Smith know that Mrs. Smith's book teaches her not to trust Christians and Jews. You ask where it says so - Qur'an 5:51 "Believers, take not Jews and Christians for your friends. They are but friends and protectors to each other."

Clearly, you are more than a friend.

Your cousin runs this site and we know what he did for years working for the IRI.

He is going to delete this post anyway, but at least a couple of people will read this and know that you might have pulled the wool over Mr. Smith's eyes, but you will never do the same to the people you betrayed.

Many people lost their lives because of people like Mrs. Smith and JJ. They kept the murdering machines of IRI well oiled and moving. It is a wonder how they are now able to change "abah" and claim to embrace peace, love and freedom.


Oh she is mad!!!

by Iranian in exile (not verified) on

Mrs Davar,we all read your book ,and nothing I said about you was a secret.I just want you to realize that you are not and never been a victim,that is all.
Marina Nemat(if you could tolerate a reall victim story ) is and was a victim not you.
You were playing this fun game and when it got to be tough and boaring you stopped playing it.



by Iran Davar Ardalan (not verified) on

My story is available for all to read. It's not a secret.


I agree with "I know your wife"

by Iranian in exile (not verified) on

Mr Smith you have said in your article that "it is in our largest sacrifice that we have the most gain".What has your wife sacrificed in her life?
She has been enjoying the wealth and comfort of being in the late Shah's close circle,her mother was friends with Farah Pahlavi.Then the storm came and as soon as it was changing her mother and her became followers of Ayatollah Khomaini!!!!!!
then she was board of being covered with the hejab and escaped her backward husband to the land of opportunity and freedom.
Really did she lose a loved one ,was she raped did she lose money or status?Was she separated from her family?any of her close friends killed and mamed?
Please,stop this show that she is putting up being this little victim.true victims are in un named graves somewhere in Iran.


Thanks John...

by Midwesty on

I found your article very peaceful. Let's pray and hope for peace,  worldwide.

With the Best of Regards


how can she find peace after being the mouth of IRI television!

by I know your wife! (not verified) on

Your wife sir used to broadcast for the IRI television when young Iranian's were killed by thousands in the hand of the regiem she was advocating for!
Her mother was in the close circle of rulling mullah's and your wife married one of them!
How can she find peace when she mothered their children willingly. We suffered and had to escape Iran,and have not been able to go back because of people like her.
You know when I see a true Hezbullah person ,I do not hate them because they believed in what they did to us,but she is a two face person who changes her political side like how she changes her hair color,and we are just casualities to her.


We are the spiritual sisters of Rumi, Hafez and Saadi

by Iran Davar Ardalan (not verified) on

I follow these sages. The beauty they found in Islam is evident in every poem they ever wrote. It is all about searching for God and his love. For this and for many other reasons I am proud to say I am a Muslim.


Davar Ardalan is not your typical muslim (80% )!

by Ex-Muslim (not verified) on

Hear it from an ex-Muslim who lived in Iran for 18 years during the regime of the Shah and has been living in the USA since 1979. Islam is a barbaric ideology that was designed to deal with the barbaric Arabs 1400 years ago. It has not been refined and modernized yet. Verbatim, it wants to force the rules and regulations of 1400 years ago on today's society and matters reinforced with chopping arms, legs, and heads! Islam, the way it has been, must be eradicated, with force, I am afraid!

God Bless Bush


My Brother John

by Shaer on

The "Blessing" of the Lord Has "Come" To Your "Home" ..

The "Loveliness" of "Passion", Amidst "Conflict" ..


"Cherish" The "Sweetness" of Love And "Behold" ..

The "Grace" of God, Much "Abound" ..


O' Lord O' God, "Almighty" ..

"Blessings" Upon Our "Peace Makers" ..


The "Passion" Of "Creation", But "Within" Us ..

The "Joy" of "Salvation", But Not "Afar" ..


May Your "Wisdom" Cometh through To Our "Peace Makers" ..
Though "Fearful", Yet "Acceptable" ..


"As Though" There "May Not" Be A "Tomorrow" ..

Hold Their "Hands", "Comforting" Their "Sigh" ..


O' Father "Guide" Them ..

"Comfort" Them ..

Give Them "Wisdom" ..


The "Knowledge" of Your "Sovereignty" Brazen In Their "Hearts" . .

The "Confidence", Your "Might" Is "Evident" ..


No "Strife", No "Wars", No "Conflicts" ..

Knowing "Full Well" ..

That "Blessed" Are The "Peace Makers" ..

For "They" Shall Be Called "The "Children" of "God" ..


Amen ..


Room for peace . . .

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

There is no room for peace in Islam - only submission. Resisting Islam has been futile for many, because it is love they preach it is violence they preach.

What you have achieved in your home cannot be duplicated in the IRI or any muslim country.