Ahmadinejad Can Too

Iranian president steals Obama's campaign slogan

CS Monitor: Oh yes, he can. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has chosen the Farsi phrase Ma Mitavanim, or “We Can,” as his campaign slogan ahead of Iran’s June 12 elections. Did he copy the phrase from President Obama? Who knows for sure. But it brings to mind the fictional McDowell’s restaurant in Eddy Murphy’s classic 1988 comedy “Coming to America.” You know. The one that sells “Big Micks” and has the “Golden Arcs.” On the one hand, you can’t blame Ahmadinejad for choosing the winning slogan. But isn’t this the same guy who responded to Obama’s friendly offer to end 30 years of hostility with a cool suggestion that Obama first apologize for all the “crimes” that the US has commited against Iran?>>>

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Ahmadinejad Steals Obama's Slogan
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Obama Copied

by ghalam-doon on

Apparently some moron in Fox "News" started all this to gain some political points. They want to say Obama is some kind of "anti-sematic maniac" like Ahmadinejad, or the image their masters try to project of Ahmadinejad:


Ahmadinejad said four years ago "Mishavad Va Mitavanim."

If there is someone who copied this slogan, it must be Obama.


Then Yes to what?

by GoooGoor (not verified) on

no to Islam? okay fine, then yes to what? look around open your eye, I mean it open your eye. then Yes to what? where is fully democracy and free? I know there is million stupid like you thinks like you lives like bein stupid like you and around you.



He said it first

by cyclicforward on

As much as I hate this Mahmud clown but I got admit that he said it first.


No to islam and islamic regime.

by Iran Sarbaz (not verified) on

Out of Iran you well go people whit no roots no [culture]



by ahmadinejad (not verified) on

In 2005 election, Dr.Ahmadinejad's slogan was "it is possible and we can do it." So it is essentially the same thing now. Mahmoud was first!


Sorry Dudue, you got it wrong

by Bagheri (not verified) on

He said it long before Mr. Obama started his campaign. I am not crazy about this guy, but lets be fair.