Boy kills Mickey Mouse

As relatives cheer him on!

Pretty disturbing:



Anoymous realist


I tend to agree with you! 


Chi chi migeen are all making too much out of this...

by Anonymous..realist (not verified) on

this is a joke..this is what people do in Iran when they kill a sheep. this child is just role playing. most of you are over analyzing this whole thing. people say Salavat when goosfand is ghorbonee....if it ws beheading it would be Alaho Akbar ...not Salavat...

anonymous fish

may i ask what you mean by "professional" viewpoint?

by anonymous fish on

do you have credentials in child pyschology?

how you can compare this to "acting out" is beyond me.  as you say, most children act out aggressive actions... NOT all, mind you, but most.  as kaveh said, they play cowboys and indians, etc.  there is a HUGE difference between these harmless games and the BEHEADING of a token of the western world.  please don't insult MY intelligence by pretending this is harmless acting out.

i also disagree with your "sex games" theory.  most children are CURIOUS.  there is a big difference between children being curious and parents being responsible enough to satisfy, in moderation, their curiousity and these "sex games" you talk about.  young children are perfectly capable of understanding that "games" are not appropriate.  this "you show me yours" as being the norm is pure crap. 

and comparing hitting to strangleing?  jesus.  i hope you don't treat patients with that attitude.  hitting and biting is normal.  strangleing is not.  playing at shooting someone in cops and robbers is normal.  beheading someone is NOT. 

and again, what does this video... of a CHILD being encourage to behead an american token... have to do with the US... which is a COUNTRY.  man, you are sick.




I was not referring just to propaganda and rhetorics. (that kid too did not kill the Mickey Mouse!). I was referring also to mass murders such as millions in Indonesia, thousands in Palestine, millions in Vietnam, hundreds of thousands in Iran (with direct US assistance), millions in Iraq, where the threshold for violence seems to be very high indeed when it suits government's policies.  In the majority of cases even if there is knowledge of violence, the way it is relayed and justified, sanitises it and leaves no room for compassion and remorse.   You might give me examples of violence in Iran, I would agree.  However, there is a difference.  Firstly displaying a video of this kind in the has a political agenda in relation to Iran and that is why the comparison with the CNN was made to demonstrate the extent of cynicism and hypocrisy, secondly, the scale of violence and mass murder by the US that is justified and made palatable to the population, and thirdly, the moral high ground of opinion makers of the CNN, etc.  It seems that for the time being the planet has run out of money, otherwise it had all the potential of being "vaporised" as you say.


There is a cultural misunderstanding here.  Mickey Mouse is an icon of childhood for Americans, not for an Iranian child.  Even to me who did live under the Westernised Iran of the Shah's time, Mickey Mouse was not a significant icon.  


As to "sex games", of course, it is up to your discretion as a parent to set a limit.  Your limit seems to be stopping at "I'll show you mine .. etc".  Nothing wrong with that. Others might feel there is nothing wrong with children showing each other and seeing each other's genitals.  Many kids do and survive these explorations healthily.  Don't forget I am talking about innocent childhood games between children. 

 As for the video itself, I beg to differ.  It happened that I offered you a professional viewpoint.



Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

We just differ on some points here.

The reason why there isn't a similar moral dilemma when you hear governments approving or inciting violence is the fact that most of it is of a rhetorical nature. Otherwise, this planet would have vaporized decades ago.

I don't know what kind of game it is either, but using an icon of childhood's innocence, purity and simplicity as an object of decapitation is screwed up, period.

As to "sex games", childhood curiosity or playful exploration needs to be kept in check by parents, and not allowed to be satisfied by games of "I'll show you mine and you'll show yours".

What's in this video isn't remotely close to the childhood games I mentioned previously. When a child displays this type of aggression, there's a problem. It doesn't take a professional to figure out that what's depicted in this video isn't benign.




I am pleased that we are agreed it does not display anything about Iranian society.

I don't think it says anything about how this adult who was in the background is raising (is he) that child.  Your children might be angels but my personal observation, as a mother and in my work, is that healthy children too from good families act out aggressive and killing fantasies.  I don't know the context in that very short video but if it were the case that this killing of the Mickey Mouse was regularly encouraged by that adult/adults or that the child was obsessively preoccupied with killing his Mickey Mouse, I would be worried and would alert agencies for help.


As for children play acting, yes they do, it is much healthier to allow children to express aggression and sexual curiosities in games and play-acting than suppress them.  However, there is a difference between play-acting and play-acting.  In relation to sex games, I was referring to what all healthy children do.  They are curious about their sexual feelings, their gender, their parents, and about the opposite sex. Children play things like doctors and nurses, or mummies and daddies. Sex games between children is very different from adult sex material being accessed by children or sexual games with a child by an adult or even an older child.  Because then would not be playful exploration but abuse because of the age and power differential.

I gave the example of violent computer games because they are used routinely without an eyebrow being raised in many homes. They are played by children and young people in arcades legally. I find it revolting because it desensitises children to violence and that virtual space blurs the boundary between reality and game.  

In relation to the relevance to CNN, etc, the point was made by another commentator and I fully agree.  It is apparent that incitement to violence, approval of violence when it is committed by the media or by governments, washes over some people's head; no moral and ethical outrage and dilemma there!! But a child pretending to chop the head of a Mickey Mouse (and we don't know what the game is) disturbs some sensibilities...   I personally consider, with the scant information the video gives me, that the kid play chopping the head of the Mickey Mouse is no different from kids at the nursery play-acting hitting, strangling and taking heads off teddies or kill each other with their swords and guns.  

anonymous fish

without understanding what is being said,

by anonymous fish on

it's difficult to determine what the intention is.  no, it doesn't really make any difference.  if it's islamic ranting against the US, it makes it personally offensive to me but regardless of the intention, it's just plain sick.  to compare this to computer games is ridiculous.  and worst of all, to try to justify by comparing with CNN is pathetic.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

First of all, there is no point of displaying a video like this, unless you're trying to show that you are raising your child to be devoid of values.

Second, what does this have to do with Iranian society? This kind of BS happens all over the world. Whether it's teaching and encouraging children to embrace the "gangsta" subculture, the "cholo" subculture, or the "skinhead" subculture, or this crap on this video, it's all wrong.

Children do play act. Boys playing cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, war games, using cap guns, water guns, girls with their dolls and tea parties and so on.

Sex games? What do you expose your children to where they would be playing "sex games"? As for computer games, the only ones I allow in my house are the ones that do not involve any type of "adult" material. It's called parental responsibilty.

Lastly, this has nothing to do with CNN, or the U.S. Government, and is not a cynical point about "society". This isn't "society" in this video.


havent you seen ...

by Anonymous123123123 (not verified) on

when u were a kid, havent u seen someone ghorbani/zebh a sheep? Of course all u adults after seeing taleban/al-qiada beheading human beings think that this kid is getting it from there but in reality when you think about it a little bit more you realize he simply gets it from seeing it done on sheep to eat afterwards. and if you people eat meat then you should be laughing as well, so as usual dont think complicated!




What on earth is the point of displaying a video like this?  That it is symptomatic of Iranian society?!  What a load of utter crap!  Children play act, do war games, do sex games ... why is this any worse than computer games of killing and maiming and blowing up, not a micky mouse, mind you, but people, en masse?  As for the adult apparently cheering him on, that's nonsense too.  This is a short video, you don't know the context.  

Yes, what is distrubing is CNN who cheers on US government while they commit crimes all over the planet.  and displaying this stupid video to make a cynical point about a society.



by Mehrban on

please delete. 

Kaveh Nouraee

This isn't disturbing????

by Kaveh Nouraee on

I can't decide which part of this is more disturbing:

1) The child pretending to behead a symbol of childhood innocence (Mickey Mouse)

2) The idiot "adults" cheering him on

3) The a-hole with the camera whose mind is on the weekly prize for "America's Funniest Home Videos"


Good Mother of God...

by Saman on

Please leave Saman out of this!


The next Son of Sam (or Saman)

by Anonymous411 (not verified) on

I thought it was funny, but I can see this kid in the future killing his family and others. Funny thing is then people will wonder: why did he do it? he seemed so normal?
Funny(in a weird way), yet creepy at the same time.
I would be scared to baby sit this little bache!



by Reza Khaneh Mir Five (not verified) on

and his father murdered my uncle the very same way last year, it runs in the family. Now, are you still going to complain about child execution in Iran?


it's not disturbing

by Anonymou99999999999 (not verified) on

what is distrubing is CNN who cheers on US government while they commit crimes all over the planet. i would kill micky mouse myself if i could.