Sheema Golbaba

Winner of C-SPAN StudentCam Competition

Sheema, from Jenks, Oklahoma, won 2nd Prize in this year's C-SPAN StudentCam Competition for her documentary "The U.S. and Iran: Force or Diplomacy". This interview aired on C-SPAN on Sunday, April 19 during the Washington Journal program:


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Just a question

by MB (not verified) on

Just a question (irrelevant as it may be)what does the name 'Sheema' mean?
I've been wondering this for some years now, I know
the name Sima (Seema) which means chehreh, rooy, soorat... but what about sheema?


No too islamic regime

by Iran Dell (not verified) on

rislamic regime in Iran is a brutal occupier called islamic...and IT IS NAT representative of Iranian Nation.


Baabaa jaane madaret

by Rostami (not verified) on

It is IRAN not "eye ran" or "I ran". She keep saying eye ran and keep hearing IRAN by Sheema. Does she bother to correct her pronunciation? No. Why bother.I haven't been asked, so I keep say eye ran.


She didn't speak a word

by Meehan (not verified) on

She didn't speak a word about the atrocities og the Terrorist regime of islamic republic. She did't tak about the exections,stonings/beheadings of the evil entity of Islamic republic