Arash Naimian

Son of French embassy worker Nazak Afshar accused of espionage

PARIS, Aug 8 (Reuters) - The French government demanded on Saturday that Iran immediately release French teaching assistant Clotilde Reiss and Tehran embassy staff member Nazak Afshar, saying espionage accusations against them were baseless. An Iranian court has charged the women and dozens of others with spying and helping a Western plot to overthrow clerical rule, in a trial that Britain described as an "outrage". Reiss' friends and family expressed the hope that the trial meant talks over the young woman's release were progressing. "After Clotilde Reiss' appearance before a court in Tehran, France renews its demand for the immediate liberation of the young academic, since the accusations against her are baseless," the foreign ministry said in a statement. It said it also demanded that Afshar be freed.


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Crush the leaders=crush the opposition:

by minadadvar on

Everyone knows that these confessions are false.  The IRI thugs know it.  The Iranian people know it.  The international community knows it.  However IRI's message to Iranian people is:   "look, how we have been able to beat your leaders into submission",  leading to hopelessness and resignation. The only enemy worse than IRI is hopelessness. 

I hope people realize, that this comedy is a sign of,  IRI's fear, not its power. 


Good Point Beyamin

by masoudA on

Those who get arrested for any reason - must do everything they can to come out.   These so called "Confessions" means nothing to no-one anymore.  

Maryam Hojjat

Shame on rahbar

by Maryam Hojjat on

Khomienie who caused so much pain in Iranian people besides plundering country wealth, khrafat, lie, & crimes.

Down wirh IRI & his supporters


I think.....

by Benyamin on

Those that are so called "confessing" are doing the smart thing. Not only we should not shame them but be proud of them that put the well being of others before themselves. One fact is obvious amongst others and that is if these people that are confessing to all contrary to their own believes were worried about their own well being they would have never started any protest in the first place, I belive they are mostly selfless people that the government of Iran has threatended them with the "unthinkable" and that is their love ones and famies. SHAME ON THOSE PEOPLE THAT USE THIS METHOD TO GET WHATEVER THEY WANT.



This is an "assafbar" country

by shahabshahab on

Our country is filled with hate, deceit, misninformation, greed, and all in all malicious self-interest. The Governmenmt obviously does whatever it takes to stay in power. Most  people, who are deeply confused, do or say just about anyhthing to stay out of trouble. At this point, this is not a country. It is a large piece of land, populated by a largely confused people, and governmend by the greedy, power hngry greedy people.