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Noosh Afarin

بله استاد؛

Noosh Afarin

متوجه شدم که اینمردک بیچاک و دهن‌ احساس پادشاهی هم میکرد و خود را پُخی میدانست، خبر نداشتکه چه چیزی منتطرش بود .وای به حال کشورو مردمی که اون شاه دست و پا چُلفتی رهبرش باشد  و این هم یکی از کسانیکه راهنمای او بود. امروز، وقتیکه این مصاحبه را تماشا کردم؛ وقتی صحبتهای این کفتار را شیندم و رفتار زننده اش را در مقابل دوربین دیدم، برای داشتن یک چینن کسانی در راس مملکت جداً  احساس شرم کردم.












Noosh Afarin

فریدم 5 ؛

Noosh Afarin


این نامها از ان سرورانتان و خداوندگارانتان بود. چون حس ترحم را در من جریحه دار کردید برایتان توضیح میدهم که اسم اصلی مادر رضا خان [سکینه زهرا] بود و بعدها که رضاخان به پادشاهی برگزیده شد،براي برطرف كردن احساس   حقارت حتی اسم مادرش را به (نوش آفرین) تغییر داد . تغییرات در اسم و فامیلی، کمکی به انها نکرد هیچ، دورانشان هم بیش از تقربیا ٥٤ سال دوام نیاورد. شاید بهتر است کمی شجر ه ی  کسانیرا که هنوز سر سپردهشان هستید را مرور کنید تا خود را دستخوش سوالاتی مسخره نکنید.

اولین دختر رضا خان« فاطمه» نام داشت که بعدها بعلت فوت مادرش ندیمه زن دوم رضاخان(نیم تاج ایرملو)  شد و  نام او را به ( همدم‌السلطنه) تغییر دادنند، دومین دختر رضا خان سوادکوهی که همزاد محمد رضا بود «زهرا» نام داشت که بعدها به «اشرف‌الملوک» و «اشرف» تغییر یافت. سومین دخترش «خدیجه» نام داشت که بعدها  به «شمس»  تغییر یافت. چهارمین دخترش که از عصمت دولتشاهی و به اعتباری (سوگلی) حرمسرای سرورت بود «فاطمه» نامیده شد. جالب است که چقدر ضمیر ناخودآگاه شما در حفظ آن نامها پافشاری می کند، ضمن اینکه شما  ان نامها را نشانه حقیر و کوچک بودن میدانید.

 بزگترین اهانت را در مورد اربابانتان مرتکب شودید. امیدوارم که از این بر هم ریختگی خارج شو ید که با نام سکینه زهرا فاطمه خدیجه میخواهید شخصیت سرورانتان را کوچک بشمرید!.... پدر جان به خودتان بیاید، نکته دیگری که شما را بیقرار کرده، این است که فکر کردید من انقلاب را پیش بردم.... به جان شما غش کردم از خنده...در سال ٥٧  زمانیکه سروران شما دارایی ایران و هر انچیزی را که به ایرانیان تعلق داشت را جمع اوری میکردنند... من بچه بودم و خوشحال ازاینکه مدارس برای مدتی تعطلیل میشوند... ولی انهاییکه شاه را مثل اشغال از ایران بیرون کردنند برای روی کار اوردن خمینی خونخوار از جان خود مایع نگذاشتند، اینکه بعدها چه شد ،خودتان بقیه اش را  مطالعه کنید...چرا نوشتار من از گذشته خاندان پهلوی شما و یا یارانتان را که حی [کلن] میشوید ناراحت میکند؟ پدر جان، اول باید بیماری را تشخیص داد تا معالجه را اغاز کرد.

 اگر جوانان ونوجوانان از خانوادهای خود سوال میکنند که چرا شاه را بالگد بیرون کردنند؛ علتش این نیست که شاه میخواهند. این تمنای درونی شماست که به بیرون [پروجکتش ] میکنید، خیالتان را اسوده کنم؛ (هیچکس غذای بالا اورده اش را دوباره نخورده ). یادتان نرود که حتی وقتیکه رضاخان مرد، برای چندین سال جسدش را به ایران نیاوردنند، ایا از خود پرسیدید چرا؟در مورد پرچم شیر و خورشید گفتید؛ برای من همدمی و یکصدا بودن با  ایرانیان داخل ایران مهم است و بس. پرچم شیر و خورشید مشگل گشای کار ایرانیان نیست و من به ایرانیان داخل کشور اهمیت میدهم.

 در اخر؛ دوست ندارم به شخصی که همسن پدرم و شاید هم پیرتر از پدرم  است پند و اندرز بدهم؛ و لی در مورد شما احساس کردم که با اسب دو نعل وارد معرکه شدید ... لطفاً «نوراتیک» نشوید و نگذارید که اسم (فریدم٥) راکه بر خود انتخاب کرده اید، لکه دار شود. و  بعد از این به نوشته های من عادت کنید برای یادگیری دمکراسی شما خوب است.












Since the recent unrests in

by Siavash31 on

Since the recent unrests in Iran, monarchists are once again smelling power in the air. So they are desperately trying to clear their past from the crimes and treasons they have committed, by distorting historical facts and rewriting history.

Unfortunately for them people today are much more awake and aware than they used to be. They will not settle for any monarchy left-overs whose only pride and highlight is to have been "less violent" that the I.R in their tortures and methods of oppression.

I don't know if they will ever get this into their heads that the Iranian people deserve better than any Shah or Vali faghih. They did not kick you out of the country 30 years ago just to take you back again because they had worse. Our only options are not you and the I.R and the MKO. 


Mrs. Rusta

by Khar on

You Wrote: "The testemant to Mossadegh's unpopularity is in the total absence of nationawaide turmoil and protest after his removal."

Do you really believe that or just like the general's son which by the way who is trying to manhandle the interviewr and can't even talk sense, are trying to revise and manipulate the historical facts and events. To answer your comment I would just say these very important facts in establishing any dictatorship and the facts which in Farsi we call them: SARKOOB, KOSHTAAR, EKHTENAAGH during and after the Mordad 28 and Shah and his men did just that and more, like the IRI today. Just like today (Bsijis) back then also plain cloth thugs, army and police were unleashed on people. I'll be glad to provide you historical details if you are and really concerned about facts.

We can't lie about the past and wish it to go away! Perhaps you should read more about Iranian history of that era before you attempt to post another comment and before calling others as you are in Iranian history, Beesavaad.


**Freedom & Democracy for Iran**  


American Dream

زاهدی احمق است

American Dream

این یارو

زاهدی فکر می کند از شاه باهوشتر است

عجب چه آدم گوهی



Dear Farah Rusta

by masoudA on

Thanx for the compliment the feeling is mutual.    You are indeed a class act.   


Mr. Ardekir is Full of It ...

by k1s1000 on

who is he thinking he is fooling? He must be an idiot. No wonder the poor shah is gone to the horse's ass. With advisors like this, even God would be gone!

Farah Rusta

Mossadegh's dark moments

by Farah Rusta on

 May I first thank Messers Ali P. and MassudA for their balanced and thoughtful insights. I don't know any of these two gentlemen apart from what I read from them on this site but their presence on any blog makes that blog much more interesting and exciting to read.

Although I cannot rule out the Anglo-Russian theory as put forward by MassudA I am not knowledgeable in this issue so I'd better leave it to those who have evidence pro or against such involvelements and I would be most interested to read more about it. 

There were a number of dark momens in Mossadegh's politcal life that the Iranian intellectuals of the left have generally chosen to ignore and sufficed to make a few passing comments about it. But one such moment was indeed when Mossadegh used the term "mofsede fel arz" long before Khomeini uttered it. This was in connection with his predecessor, Ghavam ol Saltaneh. Then he passed a bill to have Ghavam's properties confiscated. He continued his wooing of the Islamic fanatics by passing a bill through the Jebhe Melli dominated parliament to declar another former prime minister, meaning General Razm Ara who had already been assasinated by Khalil Tahmasebi  of Fadaeeyan Islam, as mahdoor-od-dam (one whose blood is halal to be shed) and a traitor to the country. As a result of this bill the assasin, Tahmasebi and the rest of the Fadaeeyan like their boss, Navab Safavi, were pardoned from imminent execution and returned to their spritual mentor circle, Ayatollah Kashani.

See this site //

for some information (though not entirely unbiased) on this issue. I didn't have time to search for a better reference but itf any of he readers can offer a more reilable reference on this incident - supportive or unsupportive - I would appreciate it.

Now can those who believe in the sanctity of Mossadegh offer any moral explanation in one prime minister sanctioning the assasination of his predecessor while remianing in office under the same regime? 



For those who support Mosadegh

by Freedom5 on

I have one question for those who kept saying Mosadegh was the reason for the oil nationalization.. the oil would had been nationalized anyway... show me one country with oil that is not.

To people like Noosh Afrin, I have a suggestion why don't you call yourself Sakineh or Fatemeh.........I do not see any fact of what you are saying except cursing.  Balming  Shah's regime will not resolve anything . You and people like you brought Islamic Republic in to power . Take the ownership and admit that you and people like you who were the true supporters to institute the Islamic Republic. Even now the young generation that you are speaking of asking their parents " why did you revolt against the shah". People like you blame everyone but themselves even if shah was a dictator we people are at fault. The IR is your fault and guess what you are here and critisizing it again. Nothing is good for you. I bet you have a lot to say about the goverment in the US or where ever you live.

Our country was on its way to become a reginal power , 30 years ago in Iran we were buliding 8 nuclear reactor, Iran was prosperous . The queen had a rule half a century ago like what we are seening now in the US called the first lady. 

Do you remeber before we take the Arab red crescent what Iran and only Iran was using .....let me tell you THE RED LION AND SUN SOCIETY .....  But no... you wanted Khomeini people like you discussed me.. damn you.

Go and read before you make these absurd comments.


Dear Ali P

by masoudA on

I also agree with everything Farah Rousta said - but you and Farah miss the big picture.    Don't you see the hidden agenda ?   First - during some of the most important days of our modern history - it once again derails us to discuss the past instead of looking ahead.   And worst looking at a past that creates divisions amongst parlimentarists - be it republists or monarchists.    Also - the very last thing Zahedi said - was the most important thing he said.  His only comment with an eye on the future.   And unfortunately Zahedi said what BBC wanted to hear.  Negotiate with the mullahs.

BTW - Behnood may not be bisavad - but he is certainly totally clueless - at least about 28 Mordad.   


Noosh Afarin, obviously Zahedi's talk makes you blood boil, but

by Ostaad on

you're spot on, girlfriend. The most ingenious part of this jerk's diatribe was when he pointed the finger at "others", who kept the Shah in the dark and ignorant about what was going on - as if he needed any help in THAT department, while covering his own arse by lying trough his denture.

The white socks did wonders for his image, didn't they?


Farah Rusta calling Behnood "bisavd" :)))

by Siavash31 on

That was funny.

Ali P.

Without taking sides...

by Ali P. on

Except for Farah Rusta, all I read from everyone is rhetorics. Some love/dislike Shah, and some love/dislike Dr. Mossadegh. And that's fine.


Can anyone add to the substance of the discussion by offering a rebuttal to  what Farah Rusta has written here?


poor guy

by XerXes on

I feel sorry for him. he seems like a nice guy but definitely not right.


The old man is full of contradictions

by farrad02 on

The book by Ms. pirnia was sanctioned and verified by Ardeshir Zahedi and the pieces that are quoted from A. Zahedi were apparently scribed from interviews that the author did with Zahedi. Now he is denying a corner stone of that book!!!

This old man is trying to establish misinformation about his role, his father's legacy and the life and role of his old friend the Shah!!

And I say this as someone who doesn't think the Iran of Shahanshah was as bad as we thought it was when we pulled him down in 1979!!

We were wrong to depose the Shah and Ardeshir Zahedi is lying today!!

Noosh Afarin

وطن فروش و خیانت کاره نامرد....

Noosh Afarin

انگار كلمه ها در درونش برای سالهای زیادی انبار شده بود و حتی نوشتن موهملاتش بصورت کتاب شفابخش نبود ... هنوز هم از پر روئی و پر بادی نیفتاده، در این سنی که رو به زوال است، هنوز هم پر از توهمات و خرفتی ملوکانه است، هنوز هم  هاره! ....هنوز هم راه و رسم ادم بودن و انسانیت را یاد نگرفته، هنوز هم دروغگو کوچکیست با ایگوئی به بزرگی کره زمین.... در دوره این آقا و پدرش و دوستان خانوادگیشان؛  همچون شعبان بی مخ و طيب و غیره که خود را وطن دوستان سر سپرده نظام پادشاهی میدانستند، در کودتای  وراندازی دکتر مصدق نقش بزرگی را ایفا کردنند، اما چون پیشرفتهای تکنولوژی مثل امروز نبود که ابروی نداشته انها را ببرد، هنوز پر مدعا هستند.

 ...اگر  اون محمد رضا شاه(بیمخ) که یک کامیون لقب بهش بسته بودند طرفدارانی مثل پدر تو و تو و فردوست و غیره را نداشت، رو ی پای نمیماند. شماها از ان ‌تیپ آدم‌های اشغالگر کشور بودید و کل کشور را مال خود میدانستید.... شماها از ایران و ایرانی خیلی متنفر بودید که اسم «کودتای پلید» خود رو «رستاخیز» می نامید. ولی به گفته خودتان، عاقبت ان رستاخیز گریبانتان را چنان گرفت که حتی نمیتوانستید برای پادشاه خود از جایی ویزا بگیرد!... ارزش هر پادشاهی فقط در دست مردم کشور است و وقتیکه مردم پادشاه کودتاچی را بیرون کردنند، او دیگر کشوری نداشت که پادشاه اش باشد، دوستان سابقش با او غربیه شدند... چه برسد به دارو دسته اش مانند تو و امثال تو! تو هم  با تمام خود بزرگ بینی ات نتوانستی کاری برایش بکنی.

بلایی که امروز مردم ایرانمان گرفتارش هستند؛ همان باتلاقیست که شماها اسمش را «رستاخیز »گذاشتید،  و ان دست اوردهای شما کل کشور را به فنا کشید.  امروز  عزیزانی که ٣٠ سال بعد از ان «رستاخیز شماها» بدنیا  امدند، بهای رهایی از دست بازماندگان شماها را که به جای لباسهای پر زرق و برق گذشته، عبا و عمامه بر تن دارنند، را با جان خود پرداخت میکنند. اگر چندین میلیون دلاری که برای برگرداندن حاج محمد رضا پهلوی خرج شد به دولت نو پای دکتر مصدق برای پایه گذاری دمکراسی کمک میشد، امروز ، مردم ما در دست قصابان کشتارگاه  بازماندگان دیکتاتوری رژیم پادشاهی سلاخی نمیشدند.



by human1 on

Ardeshir Zahedi is most definitly telling lies right here. Al documents for proof are there and people who witnessed the coup can tell you what happened. People don't get misguided by this guy. I don't claim that the coup was a bad thing, maybe the shah is the greatest thing that ever happened to iran. But what he is doing here is very wrong. And as we can see he doesn't clearly answer the questions about the statements his own dad made. What sense does it make to reply by saying that the statements the interviewer makes are "zeer Shikam" emotions. I think he is very disrespectful and isn't telling the people the truth they deserve. That is what caused the Retarded(=Islamic) Revolution in the first place. It seems like aristocrats never learn.


Zahedi is absoloutely Correct on everything he said - but..

by masoudA on

He did fail to answer the main Question.   Someday when he is no longer scared for his life he would say something like:  The British and US interests were different in Iran.  The Anglo-Russian Entente (// wanted Iran back - after USA had somewhat freed it after WW2 - they wanted Iran back in 1954, and failed.  Unfortunately they later succeeded in 1978.    

Also - and most importatntly - BBC succeeded in what they wanted to do - to get himsay: Mozakereh, Mozakereh, Mozakereh .... with the puppet government.   Last thing the Entente wants is for USA to go back into Iran.  

Darius Kadivar

FYI/BOOK: Mosaddiq's ( aka Mossadegh ) Memoires (Out of Print)

by Darius Kadivar on

It would be interesting if the late Prime Ministers memoires would be re-edited so as to compare the two versions regarding the events of 1953 confronted to current knowledge.

Below is Mossadegh's Memoires which were last published in 1988. A Re Edition is long due :

BOOK: Mosaddiq's ( aka Mossadegh ) Memoires (Out of Print)


Following Zahedi's argument, can we...

by Ostaad on

call Khamenie-Ahmadinejad "thing" a coup? How can a government have a coup d'état against itself?!!!


Ghormeh Zabzi, thanks for posting this informative interview.

Kudos to Zahedi for being truthful about the damage the "atraafiaaneh oun khodaabiamorz" inflicted on HIM and the nation. But at the end of the day it was the Shah who deserves to be blamed for the disaster that visited Iran in the form of Khomieni and his "velayat" because the Shah was despotic, insecure, incompentent and submissive to the "foreigners". 

The buck stopped at Niaavaraan.

reza karimi

BBC Interview, Ardeshir Zahedi

by reza karimi on

General Zahedi was gavernor of Isfahan. He was kidnaped by the English. After 2 years in England, he came back to Iran as a prime minister.  That should tell you the whole story. (Stephen Kinzer) All The Shah's Men, page 143

That is not talking SHEKAMI

Farah Rusta

A popular uprising agaisnt the Mossadegh coup

by Farah Rusta on

Darius jaan 

You are perfectly correct in saying what the Shah did, dismissing Mossadegh, was constitutionally legal but I beg to differ on the question of popularity. The nation was disillusioned and diappointed in Mossadegh and his empty promise of prosperity after the oil nationalization. Mossadegh was at the lowest point of his popoularity in the weeks leading to his fall. The country was bankrupt, civil servants were not paid their wages, the parliament was unconstitutionally dissolved by Mossadegh, the newspapers and the free press that were critical of Mossadegh were shut down, the Shah, his queen and his sister were forced out of the country, their properties and places of residence were sealed and confiscated. Mossadegh had declared martial law and had become the self-appointed ruler of the country Mossadegh's coup was fully and firmly in place. After the newspapers publish the Shah's decree that dismissed Mossadegh, the silent populace took to the streets.There is no doubt that the Anglo-American forces were preparing to intervene (and failed) but the turn of events made their planned coup unnecessary.  

The testemant to Mossadegh's unpopularity is in the total absence of nationawaide turmoil and protest after his removal. The country was relieved to see the back of him and the message was clear: Good riddance.!


Darius Kadivar

FYI/Mansoureh Pirnia's Biography of Zahedi

by Darius Kadivar on

This is the Book from which the Journalist Quoted to Zahedi's dismay:

“Ardeshir Zahedi, the Offspring of Storm,” the book written by Mansoureh Pirnia, edited by Daryoush Pirnia and publand published by MehrIran Publishing Co.



Darius Kadivar

FYI/Zahedi's Book Available on & Ibex

by Darius Kadivar on

First Volume of his memoires :

The Memoirs of Ardeshir Zahedi: From Childhood to the End of My Father's Premiership (Farsi Edition) (Hardcover)

Persian Edition at Ibex publishers:


I believe the second volume's English Edition is due soon


Darius Kadivar

Zahedi actually makes some valid points ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Zahedi naturally has his own personal views and any informed journalist or historian would know what they are. So the purpose of such an interview should have been to draw us on what new insight Zahedi's book offered and eventually to contradict him based on what the journalist may have noticed as biaised ... instead Mr. Enayat Fani went on quoting from Pirnia's book ...

With due respects ... That was not very professional.

Such an important witness who played an important role during the Pahlavi Era deserved a much longer interview and a better interviewer. 

On the otherhand Zahedi doesn't always give others the opportunity to debate or contradict him easily. Some of it I think is due to old age also.

But I do share one of Zahedi's arguments and that is that given the Constitution of the Time, the Shah was head of State and Not Mossadegh. In this context the use of the term "Coup" seems inappropriate. That does not mean that What the Shah did was good or bad but that it was "legal" however unpopular.

A less dogmatic and passionate debate ( on both sides ) could lead to more accurate assessment on that era.

I believe Abbas Milani has interviewed Zahedi in detail for the purpose of his upcoming book on the Shah. So I guess he will offer a much more detailed and interestingly Fresh outlook on those years.

This is an interesting recent interview of Milani




Farah Rusta

The trouble with Enayat Faani is ...

by Farah Rusta on

... that he like the rest of the cast of the BBC Persian (like Sadegh Saba and Massoud Behnoud) are what we call in Farsi: bi-savaad (of shallow or no proper education). Was it not for the massive infrastructural support that the BBC has given these unprofessional bunch, they would not have been employed by the LA TVs.

Look at the bumbling Faani. He has hardly researched his interview and is not in control of the exchanges. Zahedi is the one who runs the show and effectively tells Faani to shut up and listen.




The devious BBC

by Bahramerad on

Is there any reason that BBC has not put this interview on it's YouTube channel and there is no other place that one can see the whole of this discussion ? This interview is chopped up and the interviewee - does not give Mr. Zahedi to finish his sentences before coming up with more questions and diversions... We have seen this method from the BBC before --- this is another attempt to get what answerers they want - from someone to suit their agenda --- and not to gain the truth of the matter... In this case they were not successful thanks to Mr Zahedi who was too cleaver for them....


Whatever his views on history

by Q on

he is a patriot for saying "Mozakereh, Mozakereh, Mozakereh" and rejecting foreign interference at the end of the interview. (Second video at 3:00)

More so-called "opposition" should learn from this man.


قسم حضرت عباس


قسم حضرت عباست رو باور کنیم یا دم خروسو؟ همه دنیا (از جمله خود آمریکایها) میگن این یک کودتا بود که توسط سیا و انگلیسیها ترتیب داده شد و حالا این یارو راضی‌ نمی‌شه و میگه یه قیام مردمی بود. از این دلخوره که میگن کودتا رو با با ۶۰۰۰۰ دلار راست و ریسش کردن. فکرشو بکنید که چه قدر اینا اشل پایین و بدبخت و خوار و وطنفروش بودن که سیا با چند ده هزار دلار قال قضیه رو کند. این وحشی‌ها هم ادمکشاشون از قبیل شعبون بی‌ مخ رو به جون مردم انداختند که مردم صداشون در نیاد. همون کاری که اخوندها سالهاست با مردم ایران میکنند.
واقعا که ننگتون با‌د فقط یک کلمه برای توصیف این فرد به نظرم رسید:



He sure looks much older now! Still very sharp!

by gol-dust on

He is a related to my friend. Now i can see the similarity. The looks, height (my friend is 6'-7"), the manners, hands, face, and of course the knowledge. He reads books all the time, i mean 12 hrs a day.

I don't know much about ardeshir to comment, but I would only say that I would much rather have him than the ugly daahaati haye ozgaleh adam kosh that are ruling now. This is not endorsement of him or wishing these guys to return. I am only comparing the two! IRI made these guys look like angels. Isn't that sad? ifeel sorry for us who have no good alternative right now.