Recently by Ghormeh Sabzi | Comments | Date |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | 5 | Dec 02, 2012 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 2 | Dec 01, 2012 |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | 2 | Nov 30, 2012 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
"American Dream"
by Kaveh Nouraee on Tue Aug 25, 2009 04:41 PM PDTis an example of why negative stereotypes exist in our society.
This fool pontificates as though he is an educated authority, when in fact he is a wannabe intellectual, lifting entire texts from sources like Wikipedia, Microsoft Encarta, and other non-objective sources and using them here as if they were his original hypotheses and theories.
Mosaddeq Myth Machine is Still Churning Lies
by Farah Rusta on Sun Aug 23, 2009 02:38 PM PDTI can see from the comments here that there are still people who willingly and happily swallow whatever lies and fabrications are thrown at them and amusingly they urge`others to follow them too!!
Mohammad Mossadeq was a Grand charlatan, land owner, opportunist, twister and abuser of the Constitutional laws and parliamentary democracy, collaborator with the clergy (does the name Kashani ring a bell?) flirter with the Qajari-Tudehi grandees (do the names Eskandari and Firooz ring a bell?) and many more "accolades" who wanted to rule as a monarch under the guise of prime minsiter. He was lucky to have arrived at the scene when the movement to nationalize the oil that had started by many others including Haerizadeh, Makki, Baghaii and yes the Shah himself (see Abbas Milani's work on this issue) was reaching its peak and Mossadeq simply pushed the last push.
The biggest indictment against Mossadeq is his foolhardy opposition to the true champion of the post Constitutional Revolution era: Reza Shah. This alone is enough to expose Mosaddeq's true colors.
To Fozolie and American dream
by Benyamin on Sat Aug 22, 2009 06:46 PM PDTI read your comments and if I may to comment about yours!
Mosadegh was a direct result of "Mashrootiat" and all he did was actually "enforcing" the law! yes, the law was that Shah is meerly a head of state but not the enforcer of constitution. Shah was only a lauxury position if you will and Prime minister is the one who getes elected by the people and that is him/her to impliment and enforce the law.
As it comes to the 1979, I am with American dreamer, I believe that ousting Mosadegh was never accepted nor felt right with Iranian people, so they look for a leader and they saw khomeini, Khomeini was the only outspoken leader at the time that was not a "leftist". Interestingly enough unlike what the Americans and British claimed that Mosadegh was preparing Iran for the comunism to take over, Iranians were never at ease with the Comunism, they could never understand it or agree with it in Iranian psychy it just didn`t have any place. So suddenly Khomeini looked great and at that time he wasn`t talking so much about Islam but he was more moderate and since he was a good leader(we have to accept some facts about him) he started to attract alot of fans. The problem with Khomeini was that he "tricked" the entire nation and in another word he betrayed them all.
But the struggle for freedom and democracy is still going on in Iran because of history of Iran and her people, so whoever is against that will is really against the trend and sooner or later they will be crushed. the monorchists had their time, the Islamists had their time it is Iranian people next in line to take control and have a true democratic country.
American Dream
by fozolie on Sat Aug 22, 2009 05:30 PM PDTYou seem to be incapable of independent thought and keep repeating the same propaganda. And I don't agree that 1979 was a result of 1953, it was caused by many other factors. The most tragic impact of 1953 if you want to know is the rift amongst modernists that let the Islamists in and as someone born long after 1953 I hold both Mossadegh and the Shah responsible. Given what is going in Iran now, it really is not the time to insist on this nonsense. The protagonists have all turned to dust yet the division between people who should know better still exists today. THAT IS THE TRAGEDY!
No only is there no benefit to digging up of all the past skeletons in the dire circumstances today, it just reinforces all that is divisive. Is that what you want?
Mr. Fozolie
by American Dream on Sat Aug 22, 2009 03:02 PM PDTI agree with you that people should not worship the dead.
Yet, we must agree that the result of the 1953 removal of Prime Minister Mossadegh was what eventually led 30 million brave Iranians to kick the Shah out of Iran in 1979.
The theocracy that exisits in Iran today is the fault of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
The Pahlavi dynasty was so hated that both father and son died in Africa, a total different continent from the one that Iran is located.
Not Emamzadeh Mossadegh again
by fozolie on Sun Aug 23, 2009 06:18 PM PDTWe are Iranians. We celebrate failure and worship the dead.
This is one instance that delving in the past does nothing but to make us more divided.
Mr. Fozolie
No one is greater....
by Benyamin on Sat Aug 22, 2009 06:04 AM PDTThan the late great Mssadegh in modern iranian history. and of course Mosavi has a long way to reach his status or he may never reach his status. Persolally I believe mousavi isnot a strong leader. But I am hoping truly in my heart that I am wrong! I am hoping that one of these days he gets out of his Islamic shell and declare the Islamic Republic the main reason behind all of our problems. A system that has no dirction but the direction of its leader(sounds like a cattle that ramms as one dominant character is leading it) where as any idealogy must dierct based on that idealogy and not a person.
Islamic Republic-Republic nowadays, is not inspiring any excellence, no motivation and no direction the only direction is God which is as vague as the Mollah`s costume made dress(I have no idea where this funny dress has come from). we have lost alot and we may get to the point that we are never going to retain what has been lost, we may drop to sttatus of Pakistan or even lower in income parity and culture. Although it is not too late but if these people with the same idealogy stay on then unfortunatly this may happen.
My grand mother lived till 95 and she told us many times "I have never sen such dress code in my life" she had seen 4 kings to come and go and 2 Mollahs(leaders) but she said this culture(the current Islamic culture that IRI so insist that is Islamic and also Iranian) is "FOREIGN" to her. I don`t know about you, but I intend to believe her.
Islam is a direction to dead sea,what we want is the "green land" not the dead sea.
تاریخ ایران
American DreamFri Aug 21, 2009 07:24 PM PDT
در سال 1953 مصدق نخست وزیر بود. او توانست نفت را ملی کند
موسوی چه گوزی هست؟
کدام احمق می گوید
by maziar 58 on Fri Aug 21, 2009 06:55 PM PDTche strazzio la vita ?
nascere,crescerer ,sofrire e poi morire. alberto moravia
in 2009 we're crying for 1953; I think american orchesterated the whole things to get the Brits out of middleast one country at a time, and thats where we are now in diaspora.
thanks ali p. Maziar
OK. Let me try again..
by Ali P. on Fri Aug 21, 2009 06:34 PM PDTشاه گفت: منزل امير تيمور کلالي ديده ام ٬
من ديروز اين فرش را چهل و پنج هزار تومان فروختم؛ بيست هزار تومان آن را دادند ٬
رفته اند بقيه را بياورند که امروز فرش را ببرند. گفتم اعليحضرت! براي چه مي خواهيد
بفروشيد؟ ديدم رويش را به سمت ديوار برگرداند و سرش را پايين انداخت. بعد هم
براي اينکه توي چشمش نگاه نکنم چاي خود را هم زد و خورد. دست کرد جيبش يک
بسته سيگار کامل که عکس شتر روي آن بود برداشت و به من تعارف کرد. در حال
روشن کردن سيگار بود که چشمم به چشمش افتاد. با بغضي که داشت يک دفعه ترکيد و
با حالتي برافروخته گفت از من مي پرسي چرا مي خواهم بفروشم؟ اينها که پيش شما
آمدند (منظورش خدمه دربار بود) حقوق نمي خواهند؟ وزير دربار و رئيس دفتر
علياحضرت ثريا حقوق نمي خواهد؟ گفتم چرا. گفت مصدق دو ميليون بودجه دربار مرا
زده. من هر سال يک پهلوي عيدي به کارکنان دربار مي دادم و امسال کادوهايي که براي
عروسي به من داده اند دارم مي فروشم که نيم پهلوي بدهم. وقتي برگشتم نزد مصدق به
او گفتم آقاي دکتر مصدق! اين شخص تا حالا مثل موم در دست شما بوده و هر چه گفتيد
انجام داده ٬ چرا بودجه دربار او را زديد؟ حتي تأکيد کردم که او گريه کرد ٬ کاري نکنيد که
برود و با خارجيها سازش کند و با يک کودتا شما را سرنگون کند.
Please summarize
by Little Tweet on Fri Aug 21, 2009 05:56 PM PDTAli P. what did he say? it's too long to read! I am used to 140 characters or less...
گفتگو با حسين مکي
Ali P.Fri Aug 21, 2009 02:46 PM PDT
يک روز سپهبد يزدان پناه آمد به منزل ما و يک خرده از اوضاع انتقاد کرد. گفتم
چرا اينها را به شاه نمي گوييد؟ يک دفعه متغير شد ٬ رگهاي گردنش متورم شد و گفت FULL TEXT
Thank you for the clip!
by yolanda on Fri Aug 21, 2009 02:32 PM PDTIt is sad!