Dolphins Show

Kish Island


more from Q

I sent this to JJ ages ago...

by Q on

Relax Khar, it's just a video.


Mr. Q

by Khar on

Sir, We Iranians are not worthy and don't deserve this great paradise of Islamic Republic, we don’t see all the greatness that Islam has brought us, shame on us. Even our dolphins live in high standard of living and freedom of the sea. Thanks for opening our eyes and not to mention our stricken hearts.


Kish Island reminds me....

by yolanda on

Kish Island reminds me of Hawaii, this dolphin show reminds me of "Sea World" San Diego. Hopefully Kish Island will become the #1 tourist destination in Middle East in the near future! Yeah!



lol....very cheerful creatures!!!

by Benyamin on

After watching Khameneie`s speech and feeling depressed, watching these Dolphins was fun and theraputical god bless these Dolphins and damn Khameneie all at the same

They work so hard to put a smile on people`s face unlike of the other "dreature"