17 Shahrivar, 1357

Rare scenes from massacre that inflamed people against Shah's regime

People mowed down by troops on "Bloody Friday", September 9, 1978, Tehran's Jaleh Sq.:

Radio Iran reads announcement declaring martial law on September 8, 1978:


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

announcement on the radio

by Fatollah on

listen to the music prior to announcement, and the announcer seemed so calm! the music was kind of tranquille ...


Desperate attempt

by MRX1 on

by islamo facists in Iran to justify their take over at the time that their whole regime's existence is under threat of collapsing. Those of us who are old enough remember that the army did not have any authorization to shoot any body excpet when the life of a soldier was in danger. Even then the order was to aim below the knee. Funny thing is truth has a way of comming out sooner or later. Just as people  found out Isalmo creeps burned Rex cinema in Abadan to have a cause for their reveloution, people are waking up to these lies dealing with the supposedly massacres and so on...

Kamran Ramyar


by Kamran Ramyar on

Someone please show this clips to reza Pahlavi!!!  


History repeats itself

by jasonrobardas on

       Shah's dictatorship , as grand and  powerful it was , it went into the trash can of history .   This is the lesson for all dictators , be it shah or sheikh .


Poor editing and mixing by IRIB in order to create lies.

by پیام on

What else can one expect of these incompetent basterds. Even an untrained eye can understand that this "footage" lacks original audio and the the shots heard are mixed on the video footage later. Video is probabely 16 mm film without audio track.


I can't agree with you more

by divaneh on

Nation should have grabbed that chance. How everyone wishes that Shah had made that move one year earlier to defuse the situation and grant people their wish. That would have denied the charlatan sheikhs the chance to hijack the move. We would have worshipped him forever. Unfortunately once the society gets in turmoil and sees blood spilt, it becomes uncompromising and in its blind rage refuses even the best offers. That is now all past and what matters is today.


But then he gave em democracy

by SamSamIIII on


Didn,t he?--> Government of democratic change Bakhtiar and even left Iran as a compromise. If khamenei gives the greenies a tenth of what Shah compromised then, these green leaders would have been worshipping his shadow by now.  So If democracy was the point of the struggle and not blind kneeling for the cause of Ommah then why did they not keep democracy & Bakhtiar and chose instead the path of a shaikh. lets not fool ourselves, those who died , died inadvertantly for the cause of Ommah and if folks dont watch out the blood of todays martyres will be in vain for the cause of IR version 2 .


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia


Lets not kid anyone

by divaneh on

These are the pictures of people who died 30 years ago for the same reason that people are dying today. They want freedom, democracy and a say in the today and tomorrow of their country. Iran will not stop. One revolution after another until she gets what is due to her and her children.

Thank you GS for reminding us of the depth of this struggle.


How similar, the two events and 30 years apart

by mahmoudg on

dictators never learn.  although there is  afar cry from the just rule of the Shah and the demonic rule of the Mullahs.


another piece of bs from the mullahs.....

by shushtari on

just like cinema rex which was proven to be the work of akhoonds....

meydoon jaleh was another carefully planned event where PAID FELESTINI PIGS shot at the soldiers from the rooftops so to make them shoot back.....

if the shah was so bloodthirsty, then why the hell didn't he unleash the army on the mullas???

or why didn't he order the IIAF to shoot down the devil's plane???? there were multiple officers who had volunteered to shoot that s**t out of the sky!

these were all carefully planned and orchestrated events to inflame public sentiment and create a 'revolution' out of nothing.

it's too bad that the army was tricked into turning themselves in and getting murdered instead of killing all these thugs who were a mortal threat to iran 



by SamSamIIII on


Then how come Most of the dead people got up & left . just like the 13 Abaan massacre hoax on Daneshgah Tehran where I was as a 14 yr old witness who saw 1st hand that the only one who died was a kid who fell from Shah,s statue hit by a practice bullet in the gut & yet the dumb teen crowd led him to bleed to death by showcasing his body hand to hand for an hour. So much for a massacre .

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia