
Marjan Fariba

Humorous depiction of the journey in dating

Marjan Fariba (right) and Tiffany Lyon (left) are two Saratoga women who have written their first book, Seriously … It’s Not You; It’s Me!. Through this project, Marjan and Tiffany share their epiphany that the words in the old dating brush-off, “It’s Not You; It’s Me,” actually ring true.

Marjan immigrated to the United States from Iran when she was eleven. She studied at Ohio State University where she met her husband. They moved to California and she completed her education in Public Relations and Marketing at San Jose State University. Since graduating, Marjan has established a thriving child development center, raised two sons, worked in high tech with start-up companies, served on many boards, chaired several campaigns and lead many successful fundraising drives in the areas of education, politics, entertainment, and business development. In addition, Marjan has been heavily involved with her community, serving in city and county offices.

Tiffany has a degree in Business Administration with emphases in Finance, Accounting, and Economic Analysis and Policy from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. She earned her law degree from Santa Clara University, School of Law. Immediately out of law school, Tiffany clerked for Justice Panelli on the California Supreme Court. She then practiced in various areas of law, including criminal prosecution, securities, and business litigation. However, her passion has always been writing. She has two children and is now pursuing her passion in life with her friend and writing partner, Marjan >>>


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Loved it!

by khoshbeen on

Have any of you actually read this book?

I read it because I saw that on the cover it had an "S" for sexual content enclosed, and I had to open it... Beside being funny, realistic, and eye opening, this book has redeeming values for everyone.

But seriously, as the authors say in the book:  "if you take nothing else from this book, take this: accept, love, and appreciate yourself for who you are and do the same for your partner or mate."

I like that an Iranian woman stepped outside of her cultural box and wrote about something that applies to everyone.  You're missing out if you don't read it!



JJJ so heartless of you calling others heartless! I'm hurt!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on


i think i hit a raw nerve. the original post did not include the third paragraph.  there was no mention of the second author. the writeup seemed funny to me (and perhaps others) that so many accolades were attributed to this person in all fields possible (education, politics, business, entertainment) and yet from all her accomplishments, her (seemingly) cheesy dating book is highlighted.  not to mention the qulaifiers such as "many" and "several" in her accomplishments.  it reminded me of a bijan mortazavi cd cover that detailed bijan's education in engineering as it was a qualification to be a musician.  that's a type of irooni bazi. 

i'm quick to congradulate anyone for their accomplishments whether on this site or otherwise.  however, this post was funny and i couldn't help but "laughing out loud."  i'm not saying that you should also find this piece funny, but if you have that much time on your hand to criticize people for what they find humorous, i think you need a vacation.  if you or marjan were offended, i'm sorry.  if you need editorial help, let me know. i would have explained how marjan and tiffany's dating experiences made them an expert in this field or skip the book altogether and talk about her accomplishments in one or all the fields that were listed. 

i hope you have a great day. :)



by KouroshS on

Oh , ok. I guess i did not know that.


Shameful badbeen??? all for expressing a tiny bit of doubt? excuuuuse me. And how is that questioning anyone's "integrity"., especially someone we don't, or at least i don't know so well. when one employes some healthy does of skeptcism?  Don't you think that the "general public" has already benefited all it could possibly have in the filed of dating and really does not need yet another item added to it?

And just to answer your Q. It does kill me to be supportive of someting or someone i don't know too much about, and i do not do such thing , blindly just for the hell of it.

Love you:)

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

What a shameful bad-been bunch you are questioning the integrity of someone you do not know -- someone who has worked hard on publishing a book for the benefit of the general public.

I do not know Marjan or Tiffany and I have not read their book. But the very least I could do is congratulate them.

Would it kill you to be kind and accepting and supportive?

hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on

the third paragraph was added (updated) after the comments before yours.  seriously, it's not me, it's them!  :)


HAmsade Ghadimi

by KouroshS on

Did you read the whole thing? So much was said about the other author!!!

Picking up on what Ananymouse said, It seems kinda fishy, That despite all those accomplishements, They suddenly realize that their true passion is writing and in such a mundane and rather overly written about area such as dating!

Thanks for that interesting tid bit about her being Omid K's Koozinioo.



Anonymouse and hamsade ghadimi

by Farnoosh on

I found this video clip (now removied from YouTube) which shows both authors talk about their project.  Their collaboration seems to have been a lot of fun.  Marjan seems like a dynamo! All the power to her and to her co-author for what seems like a really fun book.  I'm buying it!

hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on

i don't see how you would doubt the listed accomplishments.  look at her, she looks like a raiis khanoom.  and it doesn't hurt being the cousin of omid kordestani of google. it's really funny though that nothing was said of the other author.


Another over-achievment over-qualified gholov claims by an Irani

by Anonymouse on

Marjan Fariba has done all of that?! Really?! What about Tiffany Lyon? What has she done? Is she even in the same league as Marjan?

Just kidding but couldn't say nothing after reading she has done so much in so little time!  I'm sure she has and I congratulate her.  Good luck. 

Everything is sacred.