New war with Iraq?

Iran acknowledges oil well takeover

AFP: Iran on Saturday acknowledged its takeover of an oil well on the Iraqi border but insisted the well lies on its land, playing down the fallout from the first such incident since the 2003 invasion of Iraq. "Our forces are on our own soil and, based on the known international borders, this well belongs to Iran," the armed forces command said in a statement, quoted by Iran's Arabic-language Al-Alam satellite television. On Friday, Iraq's state-owned South Oil Co in the southeastern city of Amara said "an Iranian force arrived at the field ... It took control of Well 4 and raised the Iranian flag even though the well lies inside Iraqi territory." Baghdad has demanded that "Tehran pull back the armed men who occupied well No 4" and condemned the incident as "a violation of Iraqi sovereignty." >>>


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As I predicted before, the

by vildemose on

As I predicted before, the only chance of regime's survival is to provoke a war against itself.


WTF! I thought the Iraqi government was in the pokect of IRI?!

by Khar on

External conflicts are the best things that can happen for IRI! they used this card before to consolidate public opinion and power, remember the early 80's!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

I'm with MPD: War War Till Victory; Iraq belongs to Iran anyway!

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Every voice counts! Every action counts!


 Tabnak 19-Dec-2009 (one

by vildemose on

 Tabnak 19-Dec-2009 (one comment)

رئیس کمیته روابط خارجی مجلس شورای اسلامی اعلام کرد که بر اساس برآورد سازمان ملل متحد جمهوری اسلامی ایران یک هزار میلیارد دلار بواسطه خسارات جنگی از عراق طلبکار است.

حجت الاسلام حسین ابراهیمی، رئیس کمیته روابط خارجی کمیسیون امنیت ملی و سیاست خارجی مجلس در گفتگوبا خبرنگار مهر به جنجال اخیر برخی رسانه های عربی درباره ادعای تصرف یک چاه نفتی در عراق از سوی جمهوری اسلامی ایران، اشاره کرد و اظهارداشت: ایران کشوری است که از بسیاری از مسائل عراق گذشت کرده است.

وی با بیان اینکه طبق برآورد سازمان ملل عراق به دلیل آغاز جنگ علیه ایران باید هزار میلیارد دلار خسارت به ما پرداخت کند، افزود: ما تاکنون هیچگاه این مسائل را مطرح نکرده ایم و طبیعی است که هیچگاه با عراق منازعه نخواهیم کرد.

ابراهیمی در خصوص انجام مذاکرات بین ایران و عراق بر سر مسئله چاه نفتی، تصریح کرد: قطعا این موضوع از طریق دیپلماسی، مذاکره و گفتگو حل خواهد شد؛ ... >>>

 // // Why bring up the forgiving of the war reprations owed to Iran? Or any other war rapraations for that matter? It seems that the regime is in a financial bind.


How is this news played out

by vildemose on

How is this news played out in IRI newspapers and other state-owned media?


this was a normal game by border guards

by Anonymous8 on

i think it is being exploitd by all sides. listen to this:




As of late Friday, the U.S. military had grown silent on the incident, directing queries to the Iraqi government. Earlier in the day, the Agence France-Presse news agency quoted U.S. Army Col. Peter Newell, an Army commander in Maysan, as saying the well in question is on Iraqi soil about 550 yards from an Iranian border fort.

Newell told the AFP that Iraqi oil workers make maintenance visits every few months, leave an Iraqi flag and paint Iraqi colors.

"They'll hang out there for a while, until they get tired, and as soon as they go away, the Iranians come down the hill and paint it Iranian colors and raise an Iranian flag. It happened about three months ago, and it will probably happen again," Newell told the AFP.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who spent years in exile in Iran and maintains good relations with leaders in Tehran, summoned his security chiefs for an emergency meeting on the matter, Iraqi state television reported.

"The Ministries of Defense and Interior are in high-level talks with the Ministry of Oil in order to have a clear stance announced by the Iraqi government as to what exactly happened," Interior Minister Jawad al-Bolani told the Arabic-language al-Arabiya satellite channel.


This will help Iraqi

by benross on

This will help Iraqi national reconciliation.


Please don't fall for the diversion tacktics of the i.r.

by پیام on

This is the second diversion they have tried to pull in past 2 weeks. First the Khomeini picture gate and now this. March on my fellow Iranians for i.r. last days are ahead of it.


BAGHDAD — Iraqi troops

by vildemose on

BAGHDAD — Iraqi troops massed Saturday near an oil well on the border in a standoff with Iranian forces that seized control of the site in a sudden flare up of tension between the two uneasy neighbors.

The top U.S. diplomat in Iraq said Baghdad's speedy response to the border incursion showed that Iraq is "not going to be pushed around" by Iran.

The Iraqi troops and border guards were waiting for further orders at a staging ground about a kilometer from oil well No. 4 at the al-Fakkah oil field, said an Interior Ministry official at the site who was not authorized to talk to the media.

The Iranian military, meanwhile, denied they had violated Iraq's sovereignty since the oil well was part of Iranian territory according to a 1975 border agreement, in a statement carried by the Arabic language Iranian news station al-Alam.

The field is located about 200 miles (about 320 kilometers) southeast of Baghdad.

It was not clear, however, whether the Iranian forces who seized the well late Thursday night were still there.


Multiple Personality Disorder

جنگ جنگ تا پیروزی!

Multiple Personality Disorder

یا تا بدبخت تر و بیچاره تر بشیم، بعد از راهء کربلا بریم قدس.