Parazit: Idol worshipping

Why do we elevate our leaders to divine heights?


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Sargord, FYI Iran's nation is as old as 7500 years.

by پیام on

Maybe 30 years is how long you have been around in Iran, but Iran's nation certainly is older that that and has achieved much more than manufacturing tools of threat that without the US made gps probabely will be as inacurate as drunk man atempt to piss in the pot.

btw, another one for your information, all the infrastructure of weapon manufacturing in that i.r. is using these days were built back in the days of our late patriotic Shah ( may he rest is peace).

Ali9 Akbar

Sejil-2 ballistic missile test a success???

by Ali9 Akbar on

I guess if you want to call it me it's nothing more than an OLD OBSOLETE US ARMY ATLAS Rocket that was deactivated in the late 1970's.... sure it has some nuclear capabilities but a squadron of USAF and US NAVY Fighters can knock it out of the sky within milliseconds of being launched if the USA wanted to.... 




the only success I see that the Successful Test will put the FIRE UNDER THE UN to PUNISH IRAN for it's human rights abuses 


Eh Sargourd.. the country is only 30 years old?

by OmidKarimi on

Large error in that statement no?


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پیروز نگو "پتن" بگو...آفت این وطن بگو


جناب سرهنگ خیلی‌ دوست دارم خودمو منتقل کنم توی گردان شما؛ که
پارتی میخواد که اونم ما نداریم. حرفای شما منو یاد فرمانده قبلیمون بعد
از اینکه موج انفجاری شد، میندازه. ببخشین فضولی می‌کنم بد نیس شمام خودتو
به دکتر پادگان  یه نشون بدی؛ ضرر که نداره. ببخشین سر گروهبان صدام میکنه
باهاس برم. یک دو سه چار...

Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

My favorite part was the Sejil-2 ballistic missile test. Quite the technological achievement for a nation that is barely thirty years old. A clever defense solution based on deterrence, too.

So far, it's worked.

Najjar was a competent Defense Minister, with many accomplishments. Vahidi will certainly see many additional challenges in the years to come. 


Very well done. And thanks

by benross on

Very well done. And thanks for the choice of music (Tool)!


The best

by IRANdokht on

The best parazit so far!



Age of Rahbari, Imammat, Shahanshahi is over...

by Khar on

In the free and democratic Iran of tomorrow these terms won't have any meanings, unknown in our social vocabulary and people are free to question Any and All "Sanctities" including burning their pictures if they wish too.

PS. This seed is already is rooting in Iran.


Very Good point!

by Vattan on

Very well said. I agree and I hope this would be the last uprising!

Jahanshah Javid

Well put

by Jahanshah Javid on

Very relevant and the the point. We are ALL human and FALLIBLE.