Protests, ban, defiance

Tehranis defy ban with large downtown gathering, angry protests in Najafabad and Isfahan

[More videos will be posted here as they become available]

Reuters: The authorities have banned memorial gatherings for a leading dissident cleric in most parts of Iran, reformist websites said on Thursday, days ahead of an emotive Shi'ite ritual that may draw more opposition protests. Vast crowds attended the pro-opposition cleric's funeral procession in the holy Shi'ite city of Qom on Monday, some chanting anti-government slogans. On Wednesday, opposition websites said security forces clashed with his backers who were gathering for a memorial service for him in Isfahan, one of Iran's biggest cities. There were also reports of scuffles in his nearby hometown, Najafabad >>>

Dec 24, Tehran, growing crowd near Toopkhaneh, "marg bar diktator":

Dec 24, protesters near Toopkhaneh, chant anti-regime slogans:

Dec 24, near Toopkhaneh, "Ma bachehaye jangim, bejang ta bejangim":

Dec 24, near Toopkhaneh, "Diktator nangat baad, Montazeri roohat shaad":

Dec 24, near Toopkhaneh, cars honking in support of protesters:

Early stages of demontration towards Toopkhaneh:

Part 1: Hosseiniyeh Najafabad, Dec 23, memorial for Montazeri, attended by his son Ahmad:

Part 2: non-stop anti-regime slogans, "Ma naveye Kooroshim, diktatoro mikoshim":

Part 1: Angry protests, Isfahan, Seyyed Mosque, Dec 23:

Part 2: Isfahan, Seyyed Mosque, Dec 23:

Police rough up a protester, Dec 23, Isfahan:


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gitdoun ver.2.0

could go civil war?

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

im very impressed and i think it's great that people are standing up for their rights but if they go for a regime change expect a civil war. The armed minority Cultists of Khamenei will use alot more lethal force in the months ahead and spill blood knee high to protect "God's Government".  


Thursday, December 24,

by vildemose on

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Iran protests spread in heartland;
State of Emergency in Isfahan;
Regime Threatens Harsh Crackdown

Iran protests spread in heartland --

The LAT reports further on Wednesday's demonstrations in Isfahan and Najafabad, pointing out that these central regions are strongholds for the regime in general, making the challenge mounted there seem especially threatening. There were also further demonstrations at Tehran University and the eastern city of Mashad. There was also a local protest against an execution in the southern city of Sirjan.