Iran Is Not The Problem


The history of Iran and what has been done to it by Western powers, right up to the present moment where President Obama is taking over Bush's drive to invade and subjugate the country using any means necessary. See

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8


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How wrong can some be here is beyond imagination!

by Sad (not verified) on

These people are good hearted anti war Americans and Iranian-American. They exposed both US warmongering and Islamic Regime rule and dictatorship against Iran and Iranians.

War against Iran was the central concern of this documentary and war against Iran was condemned. Didn’t Americans and Iranian-Americans helped to stop this war momentarily?

By spewing garbage against these people, isn't your agenda to discredit and to pacify activities against Islamic regime by labeling and calling any individual who takes a positive step forward an agent of this or that?

Shame on you. I bet next you would call them Jews, Bahais, Zionists, Monarchist, Where does this shame stop?


It's truly sad!

by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

It's truly sad that these perfectly normal American actvists compleley miss the mark. I attribute this to the concenpt that these left-leaning indivuals never really learned critical thinking. They sound good and make perfect sense so long as you only lok at the problem from a single dimension. For example, they say that the U.S. has an ulterior motive and should be stopped. Fine, but what they miss is that they completely discount the possibility that the Iranian government system is based on Islamic dominance over the Iranians. They seem to say we don't care about the suffering of the Iranain people, all we want is to stop the U.S. Being an optimist, I would say they are simple and gullible. I hope no one really falls for this dangerous rhetoric because otheriwse, we will suffer from ignorance promoted by the IRIB for the rest of this century.


Old News!

by Fatollah (not verified) on

I've promised someone not to use quotation marks!

But, what are all these IR suck up's about?


I like your MOTTO Homayuon

by Benyamin on

It ia a great Motto.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Iran has never been, is not now, and never will be, a "problem".

The problem lies within its leadership (if it can be called that). Yes, Western powers did exploit Iran, at first because it was easy, because it was still way behind the curve as far as being "modern". 

Iran progressed and modernized, but the exploitation remained easy, this time because of all of the internal conflicts. Mossadegh vs. Shah, Shah vs. the mollahs, all of that made Iran an easy target.

The worst part about all of this, is that nothing has really changed, except that instead of the West exploiting Iran, it's the IRI that's doing all of the exploiting.


Kosher documentary

by wtf (not verified) on

It's a nice documentary, but it doesn't cover the main players who are inciting a conflict between US and Iran.

Everyone should read Mearsheimer/Walts' book (The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy):


Nothing new here

by Homayun on

I don't see anything new here, same old story...THis proves even more the need that we, IRanians, are on our own and have to take care of ourselves..No one in this world would care. RIght now I have the feeling that entire world is our enemy...

My Moto: Be Positive, Optimistic and don't fall in routines



by Benyamin on

Eye opening stuff.

Although i have read alot abouth these things and USAs intentions but it feels good to see it in picture!


Roohesh shad


Yes. But, IRI is the problem.

by azMaBehtroon (not verified) on

This is typical of the IRI propaganda. It always takes the opinions of uninformed dissenting marginal factions of the open democracies that is fighting, and represents them as their main stream point of view.

This is a patch work of half truths, all out lies, and out of context quotes by the dissenting marginal uninformed; that miraculously validates the revisionist history based on the IRI; and concludes with the IRI demands as the only logical and rational alternative.

It is interesting that IRI is represents itself as an evil that should be tolerated. Since, it could be a much bigger evil.


Some of these anti-war group

by mehrbob (not verified) on

Some of these anti-war group are a fifth column of global, radical Leftists with ideological connections to Russia and the theo-political-legal ideology of radical Islam. All of these antagonists, including the Russians, cultural Marxists and Islamists, largely conceal their agendas under the guise of being anti-war and tree-hugging peaceniks.


Patriotic Iranians

by XerXes (not verified) on

Knew that and now the world is beginning to realize.


The common problem

by Fred on

Iran has not been, is not and will not be the problem, On the other hand, the Islamist republic has been, is and till overthrown, will be the problem.

 All true anti-war activists should stop fooling themselves by mixing the problem maker with the victim.  They need to help Iranians in every which way they can to get rid of the common problem before a cataclysmic war is imposed on everyone by the Islamist republic.