Maz Jobrani


PAAIA: Nobody makes us laugh at our Iranian culture more than Maz Jobrani does. His sharp-witted humor and endearing ability to poke fun at the very serious issues of racism and discrimination seem to be the key to his success. Credited for helping put the first Middle Eastern show on American television, Maz was a founding member of the Axis of Evil Comedy Tour, which featured some of the top American comedians of Middle Eastern descent. It later premiered as a special on Comedy Central in 2007. After two years of tremendous success in the U.S., The Axis of Evil Comedy Tour headed to the Middle East, selling out 27 shows in Dubai, Beirut, Cairo, Kuwait and Amman>>>

PAAIA- Profiles of Iranian Americans: Maz Jobrani from PAAIA on Vimeo.


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Maz is FUNNY!

by Monda on

Catch his act anywhere you can, you will laugh your heads off, seriously! Thank you for posting this clip here.