
Michael Mahyar Hojjatie

Iranian Independent Film Producer

Michael Mahyar Hojjatie and his father Michael Massoud and mother Fariba Farband attending the premiere screening of two films he produced, "Gunheavy" and "Red Door" in Tucson, Arizona.



Michael Hojjatie

by Chicago Beth (not verified) on

Michael is a truly gifted man. I am eternally grateful to know this shining star and wish him the best in everything he does. A beautiful person, inside and out!


Michael Hojjatie

by Morgan Boatman (not verified) on

Michael is one of the nicest, most honorable people I've ever met. I wish him all the prosperity he deserves and that's a lot! His parents must be bursting with pride. He accomplishes anything he sets his mind to. I see great things in his future.


Michael Hojjatie

by Anonymous99 (not verified) on

Damn, he's hot!

Great films!