
Samim Anghaie

Professor and his wife accused of defrauding NASA

CNN: Federal authorities raided the office of a University of Florida professor on Wednesday who, along with his wife, is suspected of defrauding NASA. The FBI searched the school's Innovative Nuclear Space Power and Propulsion Institute, founded by Samim Anghaie, and his office on campus, said university spokesman Steve Orlando. Anghaie is a professor of radiological engineering.

FBI spokesman Jeff Westcott would only confirm the searches on campus, referring all questions to the U.S. attorney's office. Calls to the U.S. attorney's office were not returned Wednesday.

According to an affidavit filed February 19, investigators from the FBI and NASA said that since 1999, the government has awarded 13 contracts to the couple's company, New Era Technology Inc. (NETECH), and deposited $3.4 million into the company's corporate account. Investigators allege they diverted much of the money from the corporate account into personal accounts to buy cars and property.

According to NETECH's Web site, the company was established in 1988 as a research and development firm to perform "high-tech, cutting edge research." It boasts "a highly skilled staff of research scientists, engineers, and physicists" and lists NASA, the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy among its employers.

Anghaie's wife, Sousan, is president of NETECH, which is listed under the couple's residential address in Gainesville, according to court documents. >>>


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by A (not verified) on

They are good people. No one is really talking about what this family - all of them - have contributed to the US in the field of science. If I had a project I needed done, I’d hire his family too. They are monster minds. I keep reading….over and over again…it is ‘unclear whether the projects were completed.

This family worked 24/7. They aren’t ‘cons’, they are all very hardworking, and the projects were delivered.
What about NASA’s responsibility here? They agreed on the amounts ahead of time.

There’s something else here. I’m not sure what. Why would the US want to so publicly humiliate this family? Why would they want to lose this family? Somethings not right here. I wish the media would actually investigate the story fairly and not just keep repeating what the feds are half saying.


Disgrace, if Guilty

by IranFirst (not verified) on

If proven Guilty (and it would be found out in court, this is not Islamic republic's Savage Islamic justice), I hope him and his wife get the highest punishment and are put away for good, for stealing tax payer's money and brining shame to honest Iranian-Americans. I also hope him being a "Dr" does not reduce his punishment, as we have seen many times having degrees does not necessarily bring character, good examples are IRI's so-called "Dr" idiot Ahamadinejad and the criminal "Dr." Velayati


He's innocent --

by ganselmi on

until proven guilty!



by Anonymous in Florida (not verified) on

As they say what it takes to make an accusation these days is a quarter and a pay phone. This man is a highly regrded scientist and a pride of Iranian community in Florida. He is also an honorable man who loved his family. Let the man have his day in court before judging.


Amir Kabir Khan

by capt_ayhab on

Madoff[however you spell it] took $50,000,000,000 and not 50,000,000.

50,000,000 is a chum change for that guy




by capt_ayhab on

Specially when it comes from a high education institution.




I don`t believe it!

by Benyamin on

Until the alligations are proven.


Be patient

by Amir Kabir eating yellow cake (not verified) on

Let's see what his lawyers have to say.

I have heard that the truth might be his warming relation with Iran. I am sure the best way to prevent him to share his knowledge in radiation engineering with Iran, would be a label of embezzlement, which automatically included passport confiscation and being put on watch list.

You are not guilty until proven (or randomly decided by the government).

Nobody gives enough detail on $50,000,000 stolen by Madoff. In comparison to him, the professor is a penny pincher.

Kaveh Nouraee

Let's Not Get Judgmental

by Kaveh Nouraee on


Let's first allow the process to run its course. If there's merit to this and they're indeed found guilty, then punish them to the fullest.

What I've read so far about this is so unbelievably vague, who can tell fact from fiction?


Its the weather

by Alborzi (not verified) on

when you live in the frozen tundra, you do not care about convertible cars or jewelry, you just want to survive the cold. When you are in Florida and all the gorgeous girls in bikini, you forget your manners. They should ban good weather, its the mother of all evils. :-)