Science and Islam


BBC: Physicist Jim Al-Khalili travels through Syria, Iran, Tunisia and Spain to tell the story of the great leap in scientific knowledge that took place in the Islamic world between the 8th and 14th centuries. Its legacy is tangible, with terms like algebra, algorithm and alkali all being Arabic in origin and at the very heart of modern science - there would be no modern mathematics or physics without algebra, no computers without algorithms and no chemistry without alkalis.


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Notice the bias! Not much said that they were mostly persians!

by gol-dust on

Even he sounded that Khawrezmi was Arab! Numbers were created by hindis and propegated by Persians even the Arabic grammer for the first time was organized and put in writing by persians!

The magic of Islam was unification of all regional languages into one: Arabic: The islamic Renaisiance happened because after arabs and later Persians spread islam over and amking the arabic the common language. All the books in Persian, Hindi, and all other languages were translated into arabic! All of a suddent he world knowledge was gathered in one place! 

In fact, the european renasience happened because of Islam! Am I bias? I hope not! When Crusaders invaded the middle east besides gaining other knowledge they translated all those arabic books to latin and the knowledge immediately absorbed by them leading to the renascience!



by capt_ayhab on


You nicely presented the essence of the subject. During the so called [Islamic Golden Era] nations who accepted the teaching welcomed the fundamental doctrine of Islam which is KNOWLEDGE [Elm].

Civilizations that were conquered by Islam took this to the heart in a fashion that they contributed to and intertwined with its teachings. One factor that paved the way for the explosion of science and literature was the introduction of ONE[common] language, being Arabic which most of these civilizations accepted.

We can see the same type of occurrence in 20th and 21st century with the worldwide acceptance of English language as the language of [science and engineering].

Most notable of those civilizations was that of Persians. Due to vast array of science and literature writings in pre-Islamic Persia, introduction of one [unified] language by Islam vastly spread the pre-Islamic Persian science and literature throughout the region/world.It is an undeniable historical fact that Persian contributed more to this Islamic Golden Era than we received from it. The same with Mongolians.


Question remains though: Chicken and the Egg paradox. Which one comes first? 


P/S for those who talk nothing but Hate,,,, don't have a cow please.



by Ehteram (not verified) on

Screw BBC and all the other media outlets who have a motive to distort facts and history in order to achieve their goals.

There needs to be an effort to counter these misinformation campaigns with true historic/scientific facts.
Letting these things go is very dangerous.

People in the world need to know the truth about Islam and what it did to Iran. They also need to know about all the detrimental foreign intervention in Iran which contributed to the current misery.

An independent democratic secular Iran without religion and foreign intervention will be on par with a west European country in all respects within a few decades.

Study history!

Give us a chance!


Let em have it

by SamSamIIII on




Islam civilization

by bj (not verified) on

with all the respect for Islam and prophet Mohamad,I think the only reason Persia fell and went under Islamc rules was that Irannians/persian developed and
eslablish the new cicvilization Prophet Mohamad brought for mankind.If you remember before that 80% of the world land were under Persia and all the poets and sceintist were all considered persian or iranian.Now
many diferent so called countries claim poets and scintist.I do not think without Persians/Iraniens life today would be possible.If you check Persian Impires from the beggining they never interested to take over the other side of persian gulf.I do not think the arabs that time were able to understand the civilizarion Prophet Mohamad brought for Mankind.


ther is no limit to stupidity and b.s.

by Rook goo (not verified) on

Islam as I know (former born Muslim)is a killing machine,there is no intelligence in Islam,they are bunch of savages and stooge of the west.their mission is to destroy Iran.


To Ramintork

by Benyamin on

I really enjoyed your comment.


To Skeptic

by Benyamin on

I am skeptical both in your intention by designing that QUESTION and about the Persian Empire before the arrival of Islam.

Well,first let`s look at the evidence, today shall we?

there are about 350 millions Arabs with enormous amount of money and resources! but Iran is the first Islamic country to send the satellite to orbit.

Even the fact that Islamic revolution happened in iran in itself is another proof. Iran had had the first full fledged DEMORATIC revolution in the ME. and the third one over all in the world(that is for democracy not independent).

I believe alot of ACHIEVEMENTS that the Greeks call their own must have come from elsewhere!

Let me enlighten you, first of all the country like Iran in 1200 hundred years could have not produced NO SCIENTISTS I mean not even one, something is fishy, let`s examine that. Any time ANY nation attacked Iran at ANY TIME they destroyed Iranian culture and even tried to destroy the Language. In the BBC documentary it admits that happening but they give a different raesons. Second In old time Greece they gave totaly different names to other people from other nationalities for instance if your name is KOUROSH the Greeks called you CYRUS if your name is KHASHAYAR the Greeks called you Xerxex or things like that. meaning there is a good possiblitiy that many of their scientiests came from Iran or at least the names come from Iran and in time the name themselves have changed to other things and now everyone thinks that Greeks were such smart people(not that they were not but so were the Persians) Another reason is that the Persians NEVER destroyed anybodies culture this is so evident that is not funny, it is very sad. The only country that lost everything in whenever experiencing invasion was Iran, but anytime Iran invaded anywhere Persians PRESERVED the defeated nations culture. Just take a look around, Greeks kept their libraries and books, the Egyptians did the same and both places were taken over by Persians but suddenly Iranians have nothing to show.

As I said something is fishy. 


BBC Propaganda against Persians is not unusual!

by Iruni (not verified) on

No country in history man kind contributed to Science, Art, Literature, Humanity and freedom as much as Persia.

Unfortunately during last 150 years "ESTEMAR" have tried to ignore this and change the course of history in their favour... and tell the rest of the world that we had nothing apart from looking after farms and sheep...

Iran had been, is and will be SARAMAD e GITI and no one can take or hijack these from our nation...

Iruni Agah bash...

Payendeh Iran


What happened in the Islamic

by daiush (not verified) on

What happened in the Islamic Empire is very much like what is happening in America. People from all over the world were able to work together to solve issues. It is stupid to attribute it to any one nation. The whole reason behind their success was their inclusion. Just as it is in America today. You see a people that would most likely waste away in their own country come together and make scientific discoveries that was unimaginable if they each were sitting in their own countries.



by tsion on

Here is an idea: You could ask that question from the hordes of pious muslims that invaded the land back then and burned and looted all the "sacrilegious" sinful works of the infidels to please their Allah. You know, before their descendants were tamed gradually and finally realized maybe they needed all that kind of "infidel" stuff to run the lands they were constantly looting as conquerers and decided to let them infidels in and make them translate the little that was left and had luckily survived their "pious" fathers' and forefathers' "holy" zeal.

You can perhaps talk to them through one those séances the mumbo-jumbo of your Islamic mystics know of! :-p



Can someone here please

by Skeptic (not verified) on

Can someone here please enlighten me of some of the scientists Iran produced before Islam. Just curious.


Can someone here please

by Skeptic (not verified) on

Can someone here please enlighten me of some of the scientists Iran produced before Islam. Just curious.


we are under attack

by MRX1 on

we are under attack by foreign and domestic enemies. If we had even, a half ass decent nationalist givernment, these people would have not been able to get away with this kind of nonesense. One day persian gulf, is 'the gulf', next day calling cyrus the great savage, another day calling persian scientist as islamic scientist with no mention of their ethnicty and nationality, list goes on and on... It is also interesting that every time you see some thing like this it is manifested from Brittain!


Iranians were the main contributors, not arabs!!

by Homayun on

If the Islamic world was so advanced in science, then why did it stopped after the Mongols concured Iran!

THis indicates that it was Iran that was the source of so many advancemnts and with the come of the Mongoles, who destroid so many resourses, the so called "Islamic Scientists" were so helpless and fell behind the Christians...

Is there otherwise any other explanation than this why all of sudden the Islamic scenitst lost the scientific race??

My Moto: Be Positive, Optimistic and don't fall in routines



by Benyamin on

I watched the whole thing and I felt as if the host is AFRAID to mention the originality or nationality of Ebnesina! What a shame! I am embarresed for them.

Although it is important what some Khalifs did for scinece, But it shows that this program is there mostly to please CERTAIN audience. Also it shows that Arabs are still ignorant of accepting Persians of the source of alot of enlightment throughout their Empire, but they still don`t acknowledge that, they still fail to see the hard work that Persians put out, they still are along way to the TRUTH!


Aryan culture

by Aryan-Sorna Anonymous (not verified) on

The only way to subdue and take advantage of nation (or a culture) is to degrade, intermix/confuse and even erase their history/cultural/scientific/humanitarian contribution to the world history. There is a systematic effort on part of interest group (domestic & foreign) to do this since, the occupation of Islam. Have you look at the school text books on world history or any typical world history book in bookstores? They omitted or misrepresented the greatest empire of the mankind (PERSIAN) who ruled most of the world for 1,200 years. One must ask why? Why they show us as if we lived in desert of Arabia with no civilization or contribution to mankind?

Persian Empire was the greatest and the First Empire of the Earth (before Persian, others lived in tribes or city-state like Egyptian, Babylonian, Mesopotamia & Greece). The first Persian Empire's dynasty lasted 235 years. They ruled the world alone. When you look at the map of each of these “city-states”, you see one city with its surrounding area. Persian for the first time in history of mankind had the ingenuity and advance social far-site to not loot and burns the defeated city-states but to incorporate them within it by granting them the same liberty.



by masoudA on

Once again - BBC selling it's soul to the devil.

As others said - there is definitly a political agenda being followed here - and like the British agendas of the last 100 years - it involves undermining of Iran and our culture.  


BBC propaganda

by cyrus-m (not verified) on

There is a political agenda in BBC's attempt to distort the history of science and extract such absurdity as "Islamic Science", it is obvious the producers of this program have tried to bundle contributions of scholars across Asia and Europe as "Islamic Science", despite the obvious evidence. Non-Muslims, Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians laid the foundations for almost all the scientific achievements mentioned in this program. They relied mainly on Greek, Persian and Indian sources. Persian scientists who lived under the Muslim Rulers had no choice but to present their work in Arabic, their empirical findings risked being disregarded if they challenged the authority of the Koran in any way. Science is not and has never been religious.
Take the Algebra for example, yes it bears an Arabic name, but the basis of the discipline it is Greek. The "Arabic" numbers were originally Indian, including the invention of the all-important concept of zero.

If you are interested to read about Iranian scientists and scholars:

Here is about Khwarazmi, the Iranian-Khwarizmian scientist:


here we go again

by religulous (not verified) on

the religious idiocy is claiming scientists as Islamic scientist while their achievements where purely cultural and individual...just because some guy created Algebra and happened to be a devout Muslim does not make this achievement religious .Persia would have been many decades ahead of its surroundings if it wasn't for religion specifically Islam... but I guess you wouldn't learn that two women are worthy of one man and you should use your index finger to wipe your hole after having a poop!!!


This did not come from Tent makers and raiders armed with swords

by ramintork on

I've said this before, but I shall say it again, and by no means I want to be deragotry towards the culture of other people, there is beauty in all humanity but...

Suppose the ground opened up today and humanity was plagued by a breed of vicious worms with no talent other than eating flesh and after digesting all the MIT professors, Seamus Heany and Lucian Freud's of this world humanity managed to temporary rebuild civilization under the scroupulous eyes of these worms and by building temples and singing songs for their glory people tried to stay alive, would you turn in admiration and say that these are the new fruites of the worm's intellect?

When the forefathers of Arabs of present day Saudis with no talent other than tent making and raiding others with the sword attacked two major empires of Persia and Byzantine and subjucated the people, took the wealth of farmers and the gold of the kings,

When they relaxed their dogma as it was not functional to run an Empire as their doctrine was and is disfunctional, 

and for a short period in history, before our eventual decay, they left our intellectuals to be what they were and the Razi and Ibn Sina's and Kharazmi's of their age bloomed;

would everyone still count these great men as Arabs?

These great men who reaped the benefit of their persian heritage, and their investigation into Indian, and Greek culture, and could not speak out deserve historical justice. 

After so many centuries, is the West going to see us as the first crusaders who encountered the Eastern cultures did.

Is there one single Christian world which is why there should be a single Islamic world?

Is it not annoying that when the world is crying out for reform in dry dogma ridden Muslim World that someone should take the misunderstanding of early crusaders that has stayed in Western history books, the understanding that this entire World to the east was one World and use it to play the fiddle in glory of Islam.

When the Mongols moved from making towers of severed heads and built their empire, they relocated people, and for a period certain things in science and Art improved, what other than Islamic dogma is different between blood thirsty Muslim Khalifs and ruthless Khans that makes humanity indebted to Islam?

If like a mother Pearl we ornamented a dust, a parasite on our side that we could not get rid off and we turned it to a beautiful Pearl to be appreciated, perhaps one should remember who had the dust and who made the Pearl!

When this was covered by BBC I made a complaint.

You should do the same as this is not any different from the Persian Gulf campaign, it is the theft of a great heritage.


Economics in Islam

by capt_ayhab on

The origins of capitalism and free markets can be traced back to the Islamic Golden Age and Muslim Agricultural Revolution, where the first market economy and earliest forms of merchant capitalism took root between the 8th–12th centuries, which some refer to as "Islamic capitalism".

A vigorous monetary economy was created by Muslims on the basis of the expanding levels of circulation of a stable high-value currency  and the integration of monetary areas that were previously independent.

Innovative new business techniques and forms of business organisation were introduced by economists, merchants and traders during this time.

Such innovations included the earliest trading companies, big businesses, contracts, bills of exchange, long-distance international trade, the first forms of partnership  such as limited partnerships , and the earliest forms of credit, debt, profit, loss, capital , capital accumulation circulating capital, capital expenditure, revenue, cheques, promissory notes, trusts , startup companies, savings accounts, transactional accounts, pawning, loaning, exchange rates, bankers, money changers, ledgers, deposits, assignments, the double-entry bookkeeping system,and lawsuits.

Organizational enterprises similar to corporations independent from the state also existed in the medieval Islamic world, while the agency institution was also introduced.

Perhaps the most well known Islamic scholar who wrote about economics was Ibn Khaldun (1332–1406), who is considered a father of modern economics.

Other important early Muslim scholars who wrote about economics include renowned Iranian scholars and scientists:

Farabi (873–950)

Qabus (d. 1012),

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980–1037)

Ghazali (1058–1111)




capt_ayhab [-YT]


Al Khavaarazmi?

by XerXes (not verified) on

Khaarazmi was Iranian, so was Eva Sina, so was Raazi. Yes we can.


I don't get something. Why

by Nima (not verified) on

I don't get something. Why are these great scientist referred to as "Islamic scientists"? did islam have anything to do with what they achieved? I mean we rightly don't call Isaac Newton a Christian Scientist or Einstein a Jewish Scientist.


A Myth

by tsion on

In reality, they were the last breath of the greatest cultures of the world of their time in the very birth place of man's civilization. The last breath before all was fully vanquished by the zeal of Islam for good. Islam was the direct sequel to the medieval Christian zeal before it from which it had branched out.



Islamic Scientists or

by SinaCan (not verified) on

Islamic Scientists or Persians? cause both great scientists refereed were Persian!


Science and Civilization in Islam

by Aziz (not verified) on

Is a good book on the subject.
The author is:

Seyyed Hossein Nasr: an Iranian University Professor of Islamic studies at George Washington University, is a leading Iranian Islamic philosopher. He is the author of many scholarly books and articles.