Sigheh in Iran

What is "temporary marriage"?


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Sigheh vs Common Law Marriage

by capt_ayhab on

There is provision in US civil law, as well as UK, that if a couple live together for certain amount of time, and if there is some sort of financial arrangement, whereby they share[expenses] they are considered [married] even if they have not fulfilled states marriage requirements, i.e. licensing and and what nots.

This[flexibility] in marriage law does in fact resemble [sigheh] in one form or another, which in essence provides some protection for women.




Not to sound....

by capt_ayhab on

At the expense of getting labeled this and that, many societies have been trying to deal with the issue of prostitution one way or another.

One of the methods that have been tried is legalization of prostitution. 

Advocates argue that that asides form the health issues and taxes[yes TAXES], prostitutes, as member of society, have NO legal protection, and that they are at mercy of [pimp] which often are extremely violent with these women.

Real issue with prostitution is that it is the failure of society as a whole that breads the profession. Jury thought is still out on the legalization issue.


P/S many US states have legalized the prostitution, as many European countries[Red Light District in Amsterdam]


This is Disgusting

by MargBarIRI on

I just can't believe what is happening to woman in Iran. I understand prostitution but not religious sanctioned prostitution.



امیر کبیر در جستجوی تیغ اصلاح (not verified)

شما تمرکز فکری خود را روی این مسائل نگدارید. انرژی خود را صرف بیرون کردن جاسوسان انگلیس،روس و فرانسه و بی آبرو کردن خائنین وطن بکنید.

مسائل فحشا، صیغه و غیره را بعدا باید حل کنیم. اکنون زمان متحد شدن ایرانیان بر علیه دخالت روس و انگلیس و چپاول نفت دریای کاسپین است. شما چرا آنقدر روی مشکلات مربوط به پائین تنه فکر میکنید؟

شما اگر تا ابدالدهر بنشینید و به اسلام و ادیان توهین کنید کوچکترین تغییری در میزان جهل عمومی نخواهید داد. اگر میخواهید مردم آگاه شوند باید ریشه های فقر و استثمار را از زندگی آنها خارج کنید. در ایران کنونی آینده ما حفظ و حراست از نفت و گاز دریای مازندران است و حراست مرزهای ایران. خطری که امروز ما را تهدید میکند مربوط به مناطق پائین تنه نیست، ملیت و مرزهای کشور ما در خطر فحشا هستند.

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez


by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

 In my previous post, I was confused by the two Muslimas in the U.S. thinking that being a sigheh was a good idea

They were aware that a Muslim man was interested in me. So, then the Muslimas were trying to give me advice to protect myself? I opted at that time to not be in a relationship at all

Life was complicated enough for me 



No need to be virgin to marry in Islam!

by choghok on

I think some people mix tradition with Islam here. Yes in tradition of countries in middle east nobody marries a girl that is not a virgin, but it has not to do with Islam really.

Muhammad himself married Khadijeh that was a widow and if her late husband was not gay then she was not virgin prior to her wedding with Muhammad.

/Bidar bash ke ma bekhabim


The answer to your question Mehrban

by Unbiased (not verified) on

In theory Sigheh is only for women who are divorced, widowed or have lost thier virginity somehow.


Lets first learn to have a rational debate instead of cursing

by Unbiased (not verified) on

Intresting clip. But what is it with all cursing and name calling specially in the clip? Can't we just have a debate about the matter instead of getting all angry and verbaly abusive? The way to prove your point is not to yell louder or curse better than the other side.


the best thing about this clip

by Anonymousa (not verified) on

Was The Noon-Sangak


Akhoonds' Witchcraft

by Muslim (not verified) on

"Rooha-nee-oon", "Akhoonds", and "Sigheh" are nowhere mentioned in Quran. The first two self established groups have done nothing but damages to Islam by their own big lies & their own inventions under the title of religion. "Sigheh" is only one example of such witchcraft work. Please read Quran before making any judgment. God bless you all.


seeghe va faheshegi

by Cyrus_ (not verified) on

ino be farsi minevisam ke bein khodemoon bashe .
ye bar dar ye concert irani ye dokhtare khoshgele irani ro didam ke ba ye pesar va ye dokhtare dige bood. be man negah mikard va moghe raftan dame dare khorooji didamesh azash khastam ke badan bebinamesh.
be man goft ke doost pesaresh rafte ke mashino biare ke beran. oon yeki dokhtar ke bashoon bood goft ke na shookhi mikone oon pesar baradareshe. va khanum nemidoonam bara chi ino be man goft. be har haal, modati bad jelo ye club boodam ( saat 10 shab)ke beram dakhel ke hamin dokhtar ro didam ke ye pesar canadaee dastesh mikesheed va ovordesh biroon va bordesh. in dokhtar ham ba emtena hamrash miraft vali chandan ham kam meil nabood. manam haminjoor dar boht o heyrat boodam.
2- ye bare dige dashtam varede ye club dige mishodam
baz ham saat hodood 9-10 shab bood ke didam ye dokhtari ke shabihe irania bood kheili khoshgel dasht ba ye pesar canadaee miomad biroon , pesare az ghiafash maloom bood ke ye adam level paeen bood. in dokhtar khoshgel ham dast dar daste in pesar khandan va sare hal dast dar daste hamdige boodan. ta be man resid va mano did khast ke dastesho az daste oon biroon bekeshe va be man negah mikard va entezar dasht ke kari anjam bedam. manam ke geej boodam as oon khande ke as door didam va in halati ke as nazdeek didam . hich kari nakardam va ina raftan. fardash yeki as dokhtar haye irooni ke mishnakhtam be man zang zad va porsid chi shod dishab? goftam manzooret chie? goft mage oon dokhtar ro nadidi dar oon club? goftam ye dokhtari didam ke ba ye pesar canadaee dasht miraft biroon saaat 9-10 shab. Maryam goft ke oon bara to omadeh bood chon ma besh gofte bodeem ke to oonja miri. be maryam goftam ahmagh nafahm mage telefone mano nadashty? khob telefon mano besh midadai ke rahat zang bezane va in kesafat kari pish nayad. maryam as man khast ke dar in mored be kesi harfi nazanam. ta hala ham ke ino minevisam be kesi dar in mored harfi nazadam. in 2 mozoo marboot ba 10-12 sal pishe. va har 2 in dokhtar ha kheili khshgel boodan. hala shoma tasavor konid narahati roohi ro ke man keshidam.
3- ye bar dige ham as ye club dige as downtown toronto miomadam biroon saat nazdike 11 shab bood. to parking club ye chevy cavalier park kard va 4 ta siah poost pesar omadan biroon, badesh ye dokhtar shabihe irania ba ehtiate makhsoose omad biroon , vaghty as kenar man rad shodan oon dokhtar roosho oonvar kard , vali man shaki nadashtam ke irani bood.
hala man az shoma miporsam ke kodoom yeki as in 2 halat badtar ast. seeghe ya mesle in dokhta haye khoshgel ( mesle maah shab 14) ke khodeshoono moft be ino oon mifrooshan va ba mardaye irani mesle man injoor barkhord mikonan? ghezavat ba khodetoon


Just wondering?

by Mehrban (not verified) on

I don't understand, how does sigheh and the requirement of being a virgin work at the same time? Does that mean that you can only sigheh women that have been divorced or their husbands died?

Can you say to a real aghdi husband that look I am not a virgin because I was a Sigheh before? How does that go over?

Just wondering?????

Maryam Hojjat

Thanks Anonymous-9999

by Maryam Hojjat on

for your truthfullness.  you said what I feel about this backwarded religion.

Payandeh Iran


Dear Concerned Iranian

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Dear Concerned Iranian!
in the West you don't have to pay some priest/akhound an amount of money so that he can wisper some mambo jumbo in the air and give you a piece of papaer, there! you are now "formal" lovers! "In dok'kan bazar-e akhhoundi bayad jam gardad" ! No doubt! to make some buck Akhounds would do pimping

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Well, in the U.S.

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

I know of two cases

They are two convert Muslimas that attend a Shia Majid. They both agreed to a temporary marriage as a way of getting to know their suitors better before deciding on a permanent marriage.

One has been permanently married for about 9 years and the other one 2 years

I am sure that they are not an isolated case

So, it is not only happening in Iran

The two women that I mentioned are Hispanics


Sigheh good or bad?

by choghok on

Of what Irandokht wrote I could not find any connection between Sigheh and Arabs. She writes about prostitution and not Sigheh. Now I am not an expert in this area and far from it, but from my understanding Sigheh or temporary marriage is a Shiite way of doing something that would in Prophets time would be just for those who had servants.

All the way back to time of Abraham servants were "halal" for sex otherwise there would be no Ismael and so no Arab people.

I would guess that Sigheh came about in Shia so that even less fortunate men could still have out of wedding sex.

The sigheh rule could be practiced in a healthy way as well, like for a boyfriend girlfriend relationship that is standard in west could be applied as sigheh in Iran and then they could not be harrassed by the state.

But since most of people in Iran (even educated) are conservative (hymen... amen) and want to blind away from young peoples sex life they just use Sigheh as a way for the married people to have out of wedding sex, hence sigheh=prostitution.

/Bidar bash ke ma bekhabim

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Dear IRANdokht

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Thank you

It is sad that such drastic measures had to be taken so long ago to protect women

However, as you did note its time has come and gone

Reform needs to be done but from what I understand it is easier said than done

It is also my understanding that many within the Muslim community believe that change needs to take place

For the time being any woman that marries a Muslim has to stipulate in their marriage contract that they will be the only permanent wife and no sighehs will be allowed

It is sad that life is so difficult for women in Iran. I truly wish that it was not the case



Dear Natalia

by IRANdokht on

Sigheh was a substitute for prostitution back in the day. Those days, prostitution was rampant and arabs who were mostly in transition would hire prostitutes on a regular basis, which in turn made a lot of men actually kill their newborn girls in fear of what the future held for them.

The reason it's said that the woman would benefit from this contract was the accountability of the men in regards of any child that was produced during their short term sigheh contracts. 

These matters are not absolute and cannot be judged by today's values. What is actually wrong is to apply the ancient rules of 14 centuries ago in 21st century. Back then those were meant to resolve the problems of that society in which people killed their baby girls and prostitution was the norm.

People were taught hygiene, social responsibility and even moral values through religious rituals and yes even sigheh which is a henious act today was meant to save the women's reputation and the lives of little girls back then.


Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Sigheh is NOT

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Sigheh is NOT for the benefit of the woman

You can dilute yourself all you want but it does not make it so





by Mojgan1 (not verified) on

What most commentator forget is that in all Abrahamic religions there is a lot of guilt in premarital sex . At least Sigheh takes the guilt out of the sex .

secondly , I'll take it that all the male posters here have always treated their wives and girlfriends right ,no cheated ,never lied to them , never had too many girlfriends , and have been always fighting for women's right . Yeah, sure !!:)

People can twist any law to suit themselves . so what is wrong with premarital sex without guilt and without permanent commitment which most men are not ready to make until they are at least 150 years old :).

And, even if one woman that has to walk the street to make a living ends up with someone to take care of her and get her off the street that is a Mitzvah, as you call it !!


What's the difference?

by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

Sigheh is not mandatory. It's by choice of both parties. It is not prostitution because two individuals decided to be with each other under certain terms. This is much more fomral than what they have in the West, where individuals do the same thing without any formal commitment.
Islam, like other religions has so many flaws. But let's be objective: Sigheh formalizes what they already do in the West. It makes the two indviduals accountable to each other, even is if it is in a limited way.


sighe = prostitution in

by Fatollah (not verified) on

sighe = prostitution in disguies! As simple as that ...



by religulous (not verified) on

aaahhhh religion, the slime of humanity....Islam and its lovely for Iranian government to embrace this garbage as a way to rule the masses just awesome...



by Shahyad on





by Anonymous-9999 (not verified) on

سیغه فاحشگری و روسپی گری به روش اسلام ناب محمدی میباشد و اخوندها هم جاکشهای این رسم و رسوم اسلامی میباشند. وقتی رهبر اسلام محمد بچه باز دخترهای ٨ ساله را به نیش میکشید پس به توله سگهای او هم مثل علی و رضا و حسین و...... باید حق داد که پا جای پای جد کثیفشان محمد بگذارند و هزاران مرد ایرانی را سر ببرند و زنان و دخترانشان را به زور شمشیر سیغه خود کنند. امیدوارم بزودی مردم ایران از این خواب هزار وچهارصد ساله بیدار شوند و این دین کثیف را به صحرای خشک و وحشی عربستان باز گردانند و استخوانهای پوسیده و متعفن عربهایی مثل رضا و معصومه و....... را از خاک پاک و گوهربار ایران بیرون بریزند. به امید ان روز .