This is awful. An Iranian Canadian, Mostafa Mohammadi, talks about his daughter Somayyeh, who has been in the MKO's Camp Ashraf in Iraq since 1998:
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This father deserves it
by Hossain in NH (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 07:42 PM PSTParents send their kids to good schools. To MIT, Harvard, Berkley,.... and this SOB daddy sends his kids to Iraq to help the most wrothless losers in the world.
To Subordinate, Rafigh A500
by Rajavi's & Co (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 03:29 PM PSTRooh'e
hanifnejad, lenin va mammad posht-o-panaahe to baad.
You are embarrassing our enterprise, rafigh anonymous500.
People has left loads of insults towards IRI right down this thread and you are saying this BB!? is not publishing it. This is a negative publicity for us. Read all the comments first.
I will be contacting the HR dept. to replace you ASAP. We thought you would be an accurate and responsible asset on such duties. Contrary it seems you only are enjoying the financial side of job. We are very disappointed. Tomorrow, debrief at your local inline manager and hand over the car, PDA, laptop and the flat key. You will be either repositioned at Ashraf site for packing and cleaning up or relocated at the central train station of Gdansk for daily financial collections.
On behalf of our enterprise I do apologize this BB!? for prejudice and accusations.
Rajavi's & Co
HQ Majohedin-e Khalgh, Paris
PS, btw please let us know what exactly we have done during last twenty years on war with IRI? As I can't find anything but publishing materials and websites and hunting down our ex-employees.
میگم ها..............
MajidMon Feb 23, 2009 03:23 PM PST
این «ناشناس پونصدی» هم از اون قورباغه خشگه های روزگاره ها!!
هر وقت یه چیزی از مجاهدین منتشر میشه انگار موی این بابا رو آتیش میزنن! جختی پیداش میشه و یه مشت کلمات قلمبه سلمبه در مدفوعیات مجاهدین «ببخشید.....دفاعیات مجاهدین» سر هم میکنه و ر......فت تا شیش ماه دیگه!
به هیچ گفتار و مقاله دیگه هم کاری نداره! جل الخالق!!
«ال ورشکستة الوکیل القازورات للواخوردگان و الدرماندگان فی الکمپیات الاشرفیة » که میگن همین باباست!
تازه روش هم میشه که بگه......
you are abusing this BB to pile up on those brave Iranians who have fought this criminal regime tooth and nail for the past three decades.
سنگ پای قزوین بدم خدمتتون؟
شما دهها سال با این رژیم مبارزه کردین؟ «د....ه....ها سال» ؟ کور شیم ما که میبینیم و باور نمیکنیم!
انگار نه انگار که همین جماعت ورشکافته «ببخشین......ورشکسته» بودن که پاسبان های بیچاره رو تو ایران «اعدام انقلابی» میکردن و زمینه رو مهیا برای رژیمی که بعدأ بزنه در ماتحت خودشون!
داداش پونصدی!!
شما ها کم سند و سال بودین عقلتون نمی رسید، مسعود جونی هم نمیدونست قدرت تقسیم کردنی نیست؟ و همینکه قباله مملکت بنام رهبر عظیم الشأن امضاء شد و خر از پل گذشت همتون رو مثل دستمال توالت فلاش میکنه؟ ایشون فکر کرد یه پست و مقام خیلی خیلی مهم میذارن تو طبق و میدن دست حضرت «رئیس جمهور بعد از این» خانوم مریم ابریشمچی میگن بفرما؟
ببم جان ! شما ها دیدین ما از پشت کوه اومدیم ! ولی فقط واسه قضای حاجت رفته بودیم اونجا! اونقدا هم که شما خیال میکنین ببو ، فراموشکار و پریشان احوال نیستیم اخوی
انتم الروزی فی الحوالة الغیر الدیار......یا بعبارت فارسی صریح.......
برو این دام بر مرغ دگر نِه
که عنقا را بلند است آشیانه
It's amazing
by MRX1 on Mon Feb 23, 2009 02:26 PM PSThow fast some Iranian condom fellow Iranian without even knowing a thing about them! kind of reminds you of the kangoro courts of IRI in 1979 where thousends of innocnet Iranian lost their life due to savagery and oghdeh of those in charge. Majority of MKO members are rehabitable. It's mullah's repression that gave the MKO their members. The real enemy is in Tehran.
Lets compare
by Alborzi (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 02:18 PM PSTIts fascinating, Khomeini set out to change his country to what he believed. The MKO sell themselves to anyone and adopt any ideology. You definitely can argue with Khomeini's goals, but thats his beliefs. The MKO like a prostitute will adopt to their latest patron. They have fought on the side of Iraq and on the side of Americans, they are leftist and ... . But thats not all, after all other have sold their country. The evilness of MKO comes from their former members. They are a cult, brain wash their members and keep them by force. The tales of the former members is just drakonian, yet in all these miseries Rajavi and Banoo (forgive me the unelected president) live a big lie like they are not facing the end and poor followers will pay.
To That comical figure who calls "It"self "Rajavi & Co."
by Anonymous500 (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 01:46 PM PSTIt is not the Iranian people who are expressing their hates against the PMOI on this BB; what you and a bunch of dime a dozen no entities are doing is that you are abusing this BB to pile up on those brave Iranians who have fought this criminal regime tooth and nail for the past three decades.
The likes of you are abusing this BB by using multiple alliases to add insult to injury; the PMOI has been under imminent danger from this pile of criminals that are running this farce that we call Islamic Republic; sitting behind a PC and writing JAFANGIYAT against a movement that is figting this regime to bring it down, is not very brave thing to do, but the likes of you, having no shame and or conscious do it any way.
Once the IRI has closed the Asharf city the likes of you would breath better I guess knowing quite well that the likes of you are good for nothing other than acting the way you do: You have the audacity of doing this demonization by abusing Rajavi's name too.
If I were the editor, I would not allow Rajavi's name to be abused in this calous fashion as he or she does not allow the known lobbyist of this criminal regime in Iran be abused on this BB (they know who they are and you can never disrespect their name in the manner that you do with the PMOI and its leadership). That is a shame.
somayyeh not a persian name.
by Anonymouswqq (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:17 PM PSTsomayyeh not a persian name. so the father had it wrong all the way back when she was born.
The father here is in
by Anonymouswqq (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:15 PM PSTThe father here is in question. He did not do a good job raising his daughter who became mko. he said he was sympathizer, so he is guilty.
i would not call him a person of the day but a man who failed in his life. he has to pay the price now.
having a daughter in iraq with mko boys is a big sin for a father. this will be a lesson for other parents who brainwash their kids to love eligious fanatics and cult leaders.
Parthian! You are ...
by Concerned-Iranian (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:52 AM PSTFirst of all, I personally was not asking for any punishment for this poor 17 year old girl as she has already suffered enough for her wrong choice in her life...
By your comment (insult) here, it seems like you are one of those so called Iranians who probably has traveled back and forth to Iran in the past 30 years and turned his/her head the other way to all those crimes committed by I.R. like a coward while the rest of your country and people have been abused, torchered and imprisoned by I.R. who took power by an armed invasion 30 years ago in which MKO had a major role in...
We all understand this poor 17 year old girl like thousands of others in this camp ashraf needs help. We sympathize with all of them and want their freedom back as human beings and also for them to be called Iranians once again when they denounce what their organization for what it has done to our beloved country and her people in the past 30 years!
I personally fought I.R. and had to leave my beloved country and people in 1982 and never been back since.
Instead of calling people jackasses so bravely on line, tell us honestly what positive thing have you ever done for freedom of your country and her people?
Camp Ashraf in Iraq will be closed down in June and all its prisoners (including this poor 17 year old girl) will probably be given an asylum status in one of those European countries.
As for poor Iran and her people, unfortunately they will still remain under I.R. tyranny until God Knows when...
Free Iran!
by Rajavi's & Co (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:14 AM PSTWith this letter,
We, the management board of great mojahedin-e khalgh order, in the name of Our Way of the freedom of expression, remove all the hateful comments that Iranians are expressing towards us here and just leave the hateful comments we are expressing toward them on this "BB!?"
As I mentioned earlier this is just a taste of; how the freedom of expression will be practised by our doctrine in the future, once in power.
We shall never respect the Mosht Nemoone-ye Kharvaar expression, despite the fact that all backwards Iranians(99%) are sharing and showing the same point of view towards us; the absolute great mojahedin-e khalgh.
Payande mojahedin,
Nabood anti-majoahedin Iranians
Rajavi's & Co.
canada should not accept any
by advisor (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:48 AM PSTcanada should not accept any of the garbage people who are mko members. they will ruin canada or usa or any other place. send them to saudi arabia. they like arabic culture and language anyway
And You are one NOT very Evil one, right?
by Anonymous500 (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 09:40 AM PSTAmong most of these absolutely meaningless hate mongering posters, you are one of the most comical Alborzi, because you want to white wash the crimes of Khomeini by attacking in the most vile and yet comical "mozhek" manner, Khomeini's biggest victim.
This is a SHAME that in the name of freedom of expression this much hate and nonsense is tolerated on this BB. It is a SHAME! Period.
by Toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 08:01 AM PSTShould be disbanded, the regime should give them amnesty and let their members move back into Iran if they want to, letting the MKO leaders flee to Europe. Both mentioned sides would obviously never accept this.
Isn't a bit suspicious?
by Blind and Suspicious (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 07:54 AM PSTWas khomeini(the great, ssala'laah) also sent from Iraq to Europe to receive the scheduled briefing prior to moving to Iran!!??
Is the bilderberg group having a new plan on their agenda?
Is history repeating itself?
Are we still as blind as we were back then? Or even blinder? But if negative, what will be our agenda against such power shifting which takes place on our behalf in our homeland every 30 years or so!!??
Wear Green, Think Red, Pray Black
by Rajavi's & Co. (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 07:31 AM PSTThis is how we are treating you now.
Imagine what would be your destiny once we are at power. You will no longer be Iranians but mojahedins, living in mojahedestaan, having a green- black-red flag.
We are a rare cocktail, prescribed only and only for Iranians, by capitalists. Our chem-substances are:
* marxism-leninism, 50%
* mammadism, 50%
* moral base, 0%
* patriotism, 0%
Warning; Any nano presence of morality and/or patriotism will be breaking down this chemical bond, therefore be sure, your environment is absolutely neutralized off these two elements.
The lab results shows a guarantied accurate 100% corruptive and mercenary characteristic.
This innovation was brought to Iranian through a series of assassinations in 50's.
Rajavi's & Co.
Mojahedin-e Khalgh-e Mojahedestaan
Foroozandeh kojaii A friend
by pirooz (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 07:27 AM PSTForoozandeh kojaii
A friend of mine said that hoved a girl by that name. But he never saw her after she went to sepahe danesh in yhe west of country.
she married a jerk perhaps an mko and no one knows where she is. even her family is ashamed to discuss it.
what a pity for a nice young girl for marrying a jerk and then moving to taziland.
Moving to Germany?
by Davoud (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 05:39 AM PSTFew weeks ago I read an article about the Mujahedine Khalq that the Americans have decided to send them to Europe, namely to Germany.
MEK is going down the hole
by King Rostam (not verified) on Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:30 AM PSTGreetings,
When European Union delisted them last month, it is a sign of hope inorder to end their cult. Their time is running out in the new Iraqi freeland. IRAQ wants them out by this June. Once the Coalition Forces pull out, they have to pay the price for betraying their countrymen. CULT is a controlling method. AMERICA does not support them. They murdered seven U.S. personnels. I thank God that Khomeini did not do such a thing. Who wants Socialism?
I have never seen so many jackasses
by Parthian on Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:29 AM PSTmake comment all at once. This video is about a 17 year old girl, who has first been under the brainwashing control maniac parents, than at 17 has traveled to the ashraf camp. What does she have to do with killing Imperial armed forces? Should she be killed with the rest of the MKO? Iranians have completely lost their compassion, and that is perhaps Khomeini's biggest legacy. We are not talking about Rajavi here, we are talking about a girl who was not born till few years after the revolution, and has never fought Iran, or your beloved Imperial forces, or your beloved pasdari, and basiji thugs.
by Concerned-Iranian (Original) :-) (not verified) on Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:55 PM PSTThe previous MKO generation were trained by PLO in south Lebanon (By CIA) to attack Iranian Imperial Armed Forces (who were ordered by SHAH not resist) and help Khomeini and his other Hezbolahi criminals take over the entire country for the past 30 years and commit so much crimes...
All MKO have paid and will pay further for their crimes against Iran and humanity.
Islamic Republic, Hezbolah, Pasdaran and all other criminals/collaborators are next! They will pay too, One by one! Mark my words......
Long live Iran.......
There is something wrong
by Mehbod (not verified) on Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:00 PM PSTHow could you put this in Iranian of the day section? They are either stupid and/or traitors. I never feel sorry for these people. They deserve whatever happens to them. BTW, I despise them as much as I despise the IRI.
mohamad somaye mostafa
by Iran parast (not verified) on Sun Feb 22, 2009 09:56 PM PSTmojahed allah rughia... inof to get overdose on my depression pills - [mosalman] cant be Irani.
MEK is a stupid traitor Cult who are trapped and manipulated
by gol-dust on Sun Feb 22, 2009 09:50 PM PSTby Rajavis. They are viscious bunch! They should fight Israel! They think they love Iran, but they don't understand that what they do is what the traitors do! That's why saddam and Iraq kept them there. How can they fight their own country and kill their own countrymen along Iraqi army and call themselves iranians?
They are all brain washed! I really feel sorry for their stupidity and their family! I am sure deep inside they have good intentions for iran but they are manipulated by Rajavis! They are poor and naiev.
These MKO Hejabis are like mollahs. What's the difference?
by Soraya (not verified) on Sun Feb 22, 2009 08:05 PM PSTWhy would any Iranian man or woman join this Hejabi cult? They are no different that Mollahs.
Every woman MKO has to wear hejab like maryam. Even their news reporters wear hejab. So why would Iranians change mollahs with MKO? Where is the benefit?
Maryam, the MKOs cult leader should throw the islamic hejab out along with her so called islamic beliefs and disassociate herself with those who have been oppressing Persians for 1400 years.
She is a disgrace for all women in Iran.
Alborzi, Thank you.
by Majid on Sun Feb 22, 2009 07:53 PM PSTCouldn't agree with you more, Thank you.
He was brilliant
by Alborzi (not verified) on Sun Feb 22, 2009 07:44 PM PSTEven I never thought that MEK could be as evil as they turned out. To his credit, Khomeini understood them and very bravely (they were his supporter) dealt with them. As stupid as Ahmadinejad may be, a cold chill comes over me when I think Rajavi and his wife could have been there. They are evil.
Sign of things to come!
by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on Sun Feb 22, 2009 05:44 PM PSTThis group has always been very harsh on those who oppose it. Now they are desperate. Whatever they do, they have a justification for. If you are against the, they don't view you as a dissenter. They see you as a traitor who shold be killed. It's unfortunate but then again, these are the same dogmatic Moslems in Iran, and would do even worse because now they are bloodied. Look at their own women's lack of freedom. This is a cult. Too bad, they were the only ones who had a chance.
What kind of dumb stupid idiot
by farrad02 on Sun Feb 22, 2009 05:40 PM PSTallows his 17-year old daughter (a child) to go to a questionable para-military terrorist camp in the mountains of Iraq in the first place? He brought this upon himself and his family! How completely irresponsible and stupid!
bring me one women
by memeya (not verified) on Sun Feb 22, 2009 05:28 PM PSTI am looking for women and all this women go there for what?
MEK AKA Dumb & Dumber
by tehrooni (not verified) on Sun Feb 22, 2009 03:31 PM PSTThe MEK appear to have good intentions but that is where the hope ends. They obviously go about accomplishing their objectives in a completely assenine way. They get an "F" for mismanaging resources, mistreating Iranians, and misguided strategies, with a f***'d up ideology to boot.
They have been wasting a viable chance to topple the corrupt IRI regime for years even with all the weapons, supporters, and other resources at their disposal.
What a shame, and what a waste!