What do women think...

... of men?

Also see what men think of women.



Lying on one thing

by Yup (not verified) on

They seem honest on most items but they are visibly lying on money being the last more important item to them on the list of what matters in a man. You can even see the discomfort in their face as they deliver the lie.

For women, only having a psycho as a husband or some other severe abnormality outweighs the importance of money in a husband. They may lie even to their own selves until they are blue in the face but it is still true.

And yes appalled is right, every single man should have a prenup. And not just that, every single woman should also have a prenup. If you are not honest enough with your own selves and your future husband or wife on the portion of the finances that you like to share and your expectations after marriage you are entering the marriage in a lie. Outside of children nothing is more relevant to the real lives of a married couple than finances. Finances consistency have been the number 1 cause of disputes in divorces, far, far outweighing anything else.


Liars Liars!!!!!

by appalled (not verified) on

I barely could contain myself from throwing up 1 minute 30 seconds into this video. What a bunch of liars these women are. They said Money is last in the order of importance to them? Come on People! If you believe that I have an ocean front house in Arizona that I want to sell you.

Gentlemen, for those of you who are unmarried (Congratulations) I have a word of advice: Hang on to your wallets with both hands. If you are going to get married ( Don't) have an iron clad prenuptial agreement in place, put all your current and future assets in a Trust account under another entity name with you as the only trustee, have separate bank, investment, retirement accounts. Any type of real estate that you purchase should be purchased under a separate LLC ( Limited Liability Company) with you as the only manager. In case of divorce, never ever use mediation and go to the court from the start for all settlements. Mediation will cost you double or triple what it would cost otherwise in lawyers fees, mediator fees and you have very little input in what is taking place as compared to an open court. If you have children, immediately hire a private children's evaluator who is paid by you to give a report to the court and do not use the state's appointed evaluator who sides with the mother 99% of the time even if you were the primary care provider.

If what I have written here can save just one man from going through the hell that I went through in my divorce it will be worth it. Good luck to you Gentlemen.


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چپی (not verified)

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