
Biggest threat to Israel :o)

Banner in Boroujerd, Loristan

The name Lorestān means "land of the Lurs", and in the wider sense consists of that part of western Iran bounded by ilam and extending for about 400 miles on a northwest to southeast axis from Kermanshah to Fars, with a breadth of 100 to 140 miles. Like most peoples are mixed around the world, Lurs to, like most Iranians, are a mixture of indigenous inhabitants of the Zagros mountains-(Sumerians, Mesopotamians and Elamites) and Iranian-speaking. Together with Afghans, they make up the eastern branch of the mediterranean group termed Irano-Afghans in anthropological terms and part of a larger branch termed Indo-Iranians, spread across the Iranian plateau, stretching from the Hindu Kush to central Anatolia and from Central Asia to the Persian Gulf - a region that is sometimes termed Greater Iran. Their language (called Luri) is closely related to Persian, and there are two distinct dialects of this language. "Lur-e-Bozourg" (Greater Lur), which is spoken by the Bakhtiaris, and "Lur-e-Kuchik" (Lesser Lur), spoken by the Lurs themselves>>>Wikipedia


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this is nothing but IRI propaganda

by Kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

As far as I know, Minorities in Iran, specially us Iranian Kurds are fed up with racist fascists central government. Off course there are always few individuals who do anything for the money... I'm sure one day these people will too stay on trial in their community for their crimes, by supporting the Mullahs.


Zion(ist), No true iranian is 4 anti human NAZI zionist Israel!!

by gol-dust on

We are pro jews, arabs, and all human beings in the world who are treating other human beings with respect and dignity. However, we are against those Israelis who are hateful towards others, namely Arabs! Damn it ARABS are your cousins! You forgot that?

Only the agents of iran's enemies write about separation of iranian ethnics!

We are all iranians regardless! I am a tehrani, kord, Lor, bakhtiari, tork, pars etc. All these people have one origin with different dialects!

Long live peace and IRAN! Down with ignorance and hatred!


Hezbo/basiji Lurs...

by T.h.e.P.o.p.e. (not verified) on

Hezbo/basiji lurs celebrating the upcoming Jihad against Israel:


Zion ordering BalehGhorbanGooz to behave

by Cheshmam Roshan (not verified) on

Zion says:
".....their heritage and real friends of Jews and Israel, as all true Iranians should be. Don't...."

Martikeye aldang, the only jackasses to listen to you are Samsam and Shazdeh.

Real Irani does not take orders but gives orders to subordinates like you.
Thattime is well behind us!
Gozasht anzaman ke ansaan gozasht;

No true Iranian would ridicule any Iranian Ethnic groups.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Another 100 afarin for Ebi (leader of the dirty mob)

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

انرژی هسته‌ای حق مسلم ماست

 هسته هلو، زرد آلو سلاح رهبر ماست

ebi amirhosseini

Samsam & Shazde....

by ebi amirhosseini on

cheers pals!.

Kermooni accent ,let's laugh together:


Ebi aka Haaji

Shazde Asdola Mirza

"lady" friend to the rescue :-)))

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Samsam, with a friend like Zion, you will never need another enemy.

LOL: she calls us 'dirty mob'; thinking that you are any different. You are good samsam, real good! Work on her, get into the "inside" :o)))

Yes, zion jon, we are desperate, so desperate, why don't you lead us to the "promised land"?


Dear NG

by samsam1111 on

Man khodam becheh tehroonam & make dumb jokes on others too & I,m not one to rush to judgment & pass decrees & believe it or not , Shazdeh comment didn,t bother me much since , I myself joke around a lot . But there is a pattern that foes back to a few more blogs on Lurs  in the past . Now if me having a bakhtiari dad is a fun subject in the content of a good laugh I have no problem with it & laugh along but some in those same blogs have used the subject to ridicule my cultural views with serious personal attacks on the count of my background such as Lur wife beater, boro choob bazit ro bokon and idiocy like those . again I wouldn,t give a hoot if my reply comments wouldn,t have got deleted + some other odd anonyms that give me the impression of an agenda here ...So you see my point.. any how..I rant because this is a platform for rant ..so there..cheers !!!

Zion ;

Thx pal..no biggie . I,m cool...cheers!!!


btw*it seems lately I hijack Ebi,s blogs ..poor Ebi ;) cheers!!!



Dear Sam,

by Zion on

just ignore the cheap shots. Knowing you, I am sure the Lurs are proud defenders of their heritage and real friends of Jews and Israel, as all true Iranians should be. Don't let the dirty mob here get to you. This is only evidence of how desperate they are and how intimidated they feel.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

samsam jon, welcome back

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Good to see you back in the all iranic form, and sense of humor.

Yes, we are all one unhappy, confused and (add 4 letter word here) ...ed up family; and there is no shame in that (i guess).

As for associating me with JJ, it is an insult to him and an honor for me. Nah, his sense of humor is completely different from mine.

S.A.M (an official Khar Vazir)

News Goffer

Dear Samsam

by News Goffer on

I hope you have started a good year.  I think JJ has added that text, perhaps feeling the need to provide more information to explain the photograph.  It doesn't seem to me like this was a personal attack on anyone.  It's all in good fun, Samsam.  I doubt JJ or Ebi would want to hurt anyone's feelings.  Isn't JJ a Bakhtiari himself?  Anyhow, my two cents my friend, plus admitting with pride that my father was also a Lur.  Cheers my friend!

ebi amirhosseini

شازده جان اسبق / وزیر فعلی/ اسبق...

ebi amirhosseini

I am only guilty of sending the picture to IC.I think adding the text by the site is just for info as they do for other pictures or clips which originally have no info.

Viva Iran & all her ethnic groups!.

Ebi aka Haaji


JJ & Associates

by samsam1111 on

:) shazdeh khan , why not write your comment in English so folks know it,s about me heh . After all this is not the 1st time site logistics is used to fool around with me heh..ha..Nah amou this won,t do ..atleast do something more original to get to me...isn,t it a pity that in order to get even with me folks go outta their way to put a whole ethnic group down(a few times on Lurs) . Facts, yes I,m bacheh Tehran from a Bakhtiari(Ancient tribe of Parsa in Fars province)  dad,s side , that piece on Wikipedia written by some clueless , there are 23 ethnic group that falls under the Indo-European heritage & Lurs  , Kurds , Afghans,Gilak, Persians are just a few of them , there is no such term as Irano-Afghan group since afghans are just a sub groups of Iranic ethnic groups(Harayva & Sogdiana) & have no direct connection to western Irani tribes , not all who speak Luri are considered Lur(Turikish & Arabs who speak a mixture of Luri in Khuzistan & boyrahmad& south Lurestan), not all Lurs are Basijii hezbollahi ...just like other etnic groups.. cheers!!!


Shazde Asdola Mirza

Funniest proclaimation amongst this whole madness! Ebi rules!

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

ابی جان، حالا اون لر بخت برگشته یک غلطی کرد و یک شکری خورد؛ آیا این `بمباران فرهنگی` کل ملت غیور لر یعنی‌ حلاله؟

ابی جان، عجب استادانه این قطعه ویکیپیدیا رو هم مثل نمک ریختی رو زخم، که یکباره ما رو از اوج عظمت آریایی و اروپایی به سر سفره هندی و افغانی نشوند!

ساقی‌ ار باده از این دست به جام اندازد ... لریان را همه در سوز و گداز اندازد!