Roshanak Bahramlou

Photographer and painter featured on French TV

Portrait of Iranian photographer and painter, Roshanak Bahramlou, by French TV France3.


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French is awesome...

by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

Very proud of Roshanak & Reza. Thank God, there is a culture and language such as French that have always appreciated Persian language, culture and artists too...
They are much more profound than all the other countries that Iranians migrated to combined ....

If you have a problem with French government policies especially them bringing Khomeini to Iran back in 1979, that's a different deal and story... (USA, U.K. and others are as guilty...)

Don't Hate French Culture and People based on those unjust judgements otherwise, Iranians must be hated more than anyone else in this world because of our Islamic Government.

French are the closest Civilization and culture in the west who actually respect and get us more than others...

Learn French and you will see for yourself...



به امید روزی

ممدعلی خان آشتی بقائی (not verified)

که فرانسه هم مثل سوئیس به ایرانیان ویزا ندهد و تمام ایرانیان بار دیگر در کشور عزیز ایران جمع شوند.

چقدر این فرانسه از ما ایرانیان بهره برداری کرد و آخر هم خمینی را بخورد ما داد.


Doubly cool!

by Milan (not verified) on

I not only admire her talent in photography, but also envy her fluency in French--gosh it's a beautiful language.

Darius Kadivar


by Darius Kadivar on

Her Uncle Reza is Very respected in France too. Love her concept of using Color on B&W photos.

Thanks for Sharing.