
Soheil Nasseri

Piano performance in Florance

My Iranian of the day is my nephew Soheil Nasseri who performed Beethoven's Concerto No. 3 on the piano with the Florence's Symphony Orchestra, in Teatro Comunale del Maggio Musicale, December 14, 2008. Conductor: Fabio del Cioppo. Orchestra: SINFlorentia. Visit

Movement 3


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Azarin Sadegh

I wish I knew German...

by Azarin Sadegh on

Soheil has sent me the link to this article:


Unfortunately, he didn't send me the translation...but since this newspaper, Die Zeit, is one of Germany's four main national newspapers, so I assume that it should be telling nice stuff about Soheil him in his profile!!

Cheers, Azarin 



by Slap the slapper (not verified) on

Ahsant or ahsan.... its irrelevant, because its an Arabic word and has only infected the Persian language... might as well bastardize it to Ahsan, for all we care. I agree that Afareen is a better word!


Well done!

by KavehV (not verified) on

Here is another talented Iranian playing Lachini, Chopin and Scriabin, the sound quality and acustics are not great:


More Scriabin by the 100 year musical talent, Kissin:



Kadivar, it's AHSANT

by Slapper (not verified) on

Kadivar, you need some education, just a bit to become an average guy and use the Farsi/Persian words like millions of other Iranians. If AHSANT is too hard for you to learn say AFAREEN, it's a beautiful Farsi/Persian word.


excellent piano performance

by Anonymouser (not verified) on

the orchestra, not so much.

Darius Kadivar

AHSAAN ! ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Congratulations ! Bareh KALAH ! ;0)