Amsterdam Unite for Iran Rally

Shirin Ebadi and Payam Akhavan speak


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Farah Rusta

Is this what you wanted me to read?

by Farah Rusta on

A sample chosen from the same source suggested by Dariush:

Ebadi writes in her book:  an interpretation of Islam that is in harmony with equality and democracy is an authentic expression of faith.

Ebadi expresses a nationalist love of Iran and a critical view of the Western world. She opposed the pro-Western Shah, initially supported the Islamic Revolution, remembers the CIA's 1953 overthrow of prime minister Mohammed Mosaddeq
with rage
, and feels anger toward family and friends who have emigrated
to Western countries with better job opportunities. "I refuse to write
letters to those who had left ... When someone leaves Iran, it's as
though that person has died to me."


Ebadi has openly defended the Islamic regime's nuclear development programme:

Her husband, Javad Tavassolian, was an advisor to President Khatami.

As you see Ms Ebadi has more powerful friends in the regime than enemies.


Thank you for validating my points.



farah roosta

by Dariush on

Here is something for you to read.


If you do 1% of what she has done, I will vote for you.  

Shirin Ebadi is not good, but Reza Pahlavi is. Right?

Well, keep dreaming!


Rustaee, why didn't answer my questions? U Just want to repeat

by gol-dust on

your thoughts. never listen to what others have to say! Shirin is not stupid. Did you expect her to fight against the regime in the past few decades? She is smarter than that, and she is much braver than you and I!! She had to live to see this! I

t takes a lot of guts to even express her opinion against this regime. She was never put on the death row despite her confrontaion with the regime. They were afraid of the world reaction.

In terms of islam and democracy, there is such thing, but you just are too illiterate to know.  It is like saying, there is no democracy since certain government always ignores it! I admit that I don't even follow islam. who cares!

BTW  What rusta are you coming from that is destroyed? don't worry, there many others that are not destroyed, and they would love to have IRI supporter like you!

American Dream

Shirin Ebadi is just plain bogus

by American Dream on

Shirin Ebadi doesn't represent Iranians anywhere.  She is a fraud.  She has on countless occasions attacked the west and the United States of America.  If she wants real freedom she should embrace the United States and the West.  She is just a tool that the Islamic Republic of Iran uses in order to keep the world guessing about what is really going on in Iran. 

It is safe to say that she was sent on a mission to Holland by grand Ayat'Allah Khamenei in order to make Iran once more relevant in the news.

She is stalling US-Iran talks so that Iran will be able to get nuclear weapons and then annex Jerusalem into the new Persian Shia Islamicized Empire.

For all we know, she may one day be called Ayat'Allah Shirin Ebadi.





Rusta, no one has asked for your "service"?!!!

by Ostaad on

Madam, you can't hold a candle to Ebadi and people like her who are under the gun in Iran but still hold their heads up and speak up for the rights the Iranian people by being in mollahs' face every day.

Everything you're saying seems to be coming out of your pie hole just to cover your political cowardice. You seem to have such a huge inferiority complex when it comes to brave people like Shirin, that you come up with all kinds of nonsense including accusing them of not being honest just to put them down for your own sick satisfaction! Can you cite a SINGLE example of what YOU have done to help the cause of human rights in Iran other than running you big mouth from the safety of being abroad?!

Yes, Eslam and human rights and democracy CAN coexist, and by no means a bunch of reactionary despot who rule Iran speak for Esalm, just as reactionaries like you don't speak for democracy either.

How can you talk about hypocrisy when you have proven again and again through you hypocritical, xenophobic and Islamophobic remarks that make you a perfect poster girl for hypocrisy?!

Finally, what is keeping you from going to your "rusta"?!!! Are you that blind
to see that millions of people are practically laying down their lives
on the line in Iran to show the regime their human/civil rights cannot be taken
away from them? Are you saying those people are not Moslems?!!! Dodouzegi ham hadi dareh.


Farah Rusta

Sorry to be a kill joy but I am doing you a great service

by Farah Rusta on

Against Hypocricy is my motto. If you guys stopped being personal and used a little bit of that  brain matter between your ears instead of that hole further down (no I mean your mouth not the other one) you should see that all I am trying to get you to unserstand is that Ebadi is not being honest with you. One cannot claim to support human rights while paying hommage to one of the partners in the abuse of human rights like Khatam. Hypocricy of Ebadi and her likes is nowhere better manifested when she claims that Islam and human rights/democracy can go hand in hand. If you still fail to understand this then you need some schooling in both Islam and democracy which is beyond the scope of this comment.

And please don't claim this movement for yourself. Whatever the outcome of this movement, you and I who are out of iran cannot claim any share in it.

Finally, I wish I could go back to my rusta. Sadly my rusta is ruined by the religious fanatics. 




Farah Rusta,didn't Khomeini say:"I am not a Politician,I am only

by gol-dust on

an Ayatollah. After the over throw of the Shah, I would let the politicians take care of the politics and I continue my religious work"? Then what happened? All Iranians are involved in politics and you are asking Ebadi to stay out? really? She would reveal the truth that you didn't know about?

It is obvious to me that you are one of those radicals supporting this criminal regime and want them to continue their killing of the oppositions. Do you work fro IRI? If you support this regime, which you are, then you are criminal like them!

Go back to your rusta! You should have stayed in your rusta!

How can Ebadi stay out of this when we are asking the world to get engaged? Arent' the other Noble lauriates such as TUTU condemn this? Now you are asking Ebadi to shut up? If she shuts up and ignores all these violation of human rights by your government, then she should return the Noble price!

Down with IRI! Long live Iran!


farah rusta

by tehrooni on

if you want a perfect revolution where no one ever said or done anything contadictory then wait forever.

If you support the facisct criminal lying regime and love things to go back to pre june 12 then start criticizing anything you can get your hands on including people who waited patiently and compromisingly
who tried to work it out within the system for 30 years and then they got rigged out of it.

If you want to belittle this movement  (for one reason or other) I suggest though find someone other than noble peace price winner mrs ebadi.

David ET


by David ET on

Farah Rusta

Mrs Ebadi you said your were a lawyer not a politician

by Farah Rusta on

So what made you change your position? There was a time that you were  refusing to condemn Khatami for his suppression of the students protests claiming that you were only interested in the legal side of things. Now you are codemning the 'elected' government of the day and calling on the people to ignore the governments funded radio and tv's news. You sound more like a leader than a lawyer. 

Since when did you decide to change your hat from a human rights lawyer to a political activist and a wannabe leader in waiting? Could it be due to that fact your favorite government coalition of Khatami/Moussavi/Rafsenjani was not 'elected'?  



american dream

by tehrooni on

dont worry about these things, go keep dreaming. stuff might happen in your dreams much more important than what is going on in real world and you dont have to worry about  suspicious people.

I bet you loved everything pre june 12 anyway. good night.

American Dream

Only Slogans and nothing more

by American Dream on

All these protests have led to nothing.  The regime in Iran is in it place and has nothing to worry about.  Ms. Ebadi is one of the employees of the Islamic Republic of Iran.  She went from a Judge during the Pahlavi era to an attorney in the Islamic Republic of Iran era.  Akbar Gangi, Shireen Ebadi and Gogoosh.  3 people involved in these protests who lived and mode money in Iran after the 1979 revolution.  I would be very suspicious of these people.

They don't desire an American dream for Iran.

All they want is more problems.