Filmmakers against violence and censorship

Declaration by 112 Iranian documentary filmmakers

Read by Rakhshan Bani-Etemad:


more from Azadeh Azad

For the record in history

by Reza86 on

 بگذاريد آيندگان بدانند که ‏در سرزمين بلاخيز ايران هم بودند مردمی که دليرانه از جان خود گذشتند و مردانه به استقبال مرگ رفتند.‏  - سعيدی سيرجانی

Marjan Zahed Kindersley

Admirable grounding for most artists around the world

by Marjan Zahed Kindersley on

 It does remind me, loosely, of Harold Pinter's Nobel Prize winning speech about duty's of citizens, including artists.


If someone can, please, (I would, but I would botch it up) translate this.


The video is quite a few days old and I see that Darius Kadivar has already written about arrests.


Aghdashloo with O'reilly on Iranian election

by Anony (not verified) on

Sadly O'reilly comes across more sympathetic towards Iranians than Shohreh does.

Shame on Shohreh for wasting such a good opportunity when given the forum. She backstabbed partriotic Iranians with her comments. I had much higher expectations from this lady.



by Omidvar (not verified) on

another 112 brave Iranians. proud of them all.

Ahmed from Bahrain

A Graet Message

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

Ahmed from Bahrain

Darius Kadivar

A Filmmaker and Actor Arrested: Mitra Farahani, Amin Maher

by Darius Kadivar on

Filmmaker Mitra Farahani arrested for breaking sexual taboo in her film:

emprisonnée pour avoir brisé les tabous sur la sexualité (mis à jour)

Amin Maher actor in Kiarostami's film : TEN

Amin Maher, a 17-year-old actor in Abbas Kiarostami's TEN was arrested and beaten in custody

Setareh Cheshmakzan

Maryam Hodjat

by Setareh Cheshmakzan on

Rakhshan Bani-Etemad is an internationally renounced film-maker and a patriot, vociferous in her opposition to military attack on Iran.  I agree she is a lady to be proud of. 

خاک بر سر اونهایی که قدر چنین انسانهای ارزشمند و ایراندوستی را نمی شناسن و اونا  رو با آتش جهالت خودشون می سوزونن 

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Thanks to the Film Makers ; thanks to Azadeh and JJ for posting

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Every voice counts! Every action counts!


A great move!

by Anonymous-USA (not verified) on

I'm proud of them.

Maryam Hojjat


by Maryam Hojjat on

Who is this lady who talks such elquently?

Payandeh Iran & Iranian

down with IRI

Jahanshah Javid

Thank you!

by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks to these artists for stepping forward and taking a united stand. And thanks to YouTube for this wonderful enabling medium.