Handcuffed detainees thrown off roof

Exact place unknown; possibly students at Tehran University dorms

This is horriffic:


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Free Iran

by BehnamBB (not verified) on

This video is from Iran-Iraq war of 80s. Those are Iraqi prison guards throwing down Iranian prisoners of war! To me, they were treated like that partly because of what Khomeini brought upon us. This is the same as what we are witnessing today on streets of Tehran. To the day of freedom and peace for our country......


who edits this site anyway?

by tehran24 on

this is perfect example of: az aab e gelaayood maahi gereftan.  iranians are too smart to fall for your false propoganda!  next you will post chinese tortured prisoners and frame it.  khejaalat bkesh!



در عراق است . لطفا برش داريد !

حميد (not verified)

در زمان صدام اتفاق افتاده و بارها هم از تلوزيونهاي امريکايي به نمايش گذاشته اند.
لطف کنيد و اين را از سيتتان برداريد ، چون ما با يک دروغ گفتن ( يا نوشتن ) در باره اتفاقات در ايران ،رژيم ايران را قادر مينماييم تا صد ها اتفاقات راست را هم که روزانه در ايران اتفاق ميافتد به زير سعوال برده و انکار نمايد.


Oh boy...

by Babak Joon (not verified) on

This video was shown repeatedly on all major news networks leading to the Iraq invasion. It was used as a tool to mobilize public sentiment for the invasion. So all one had to do is be up on current affairs and not live in a bubble.

And, Yes, the IRI is perfectly capable of committing these atrocities and beyond; but we should be a bit more responsible in fact checking before posting videos.


Please Check this out

by darius on


Iran or Nat

by Sarbaz Iran (not verified) on

Down with terrorist islam ideology ocupaing-Iran


Very disturbing

by North Star (not verified) on

As you can see the third person in back has Iraqi army hat. Thay are special forces of Iraqi republic guards during Saddam.

I have heard it has been done to the student but not from any reliable source!!!

Old veteran Iran Iraq 1982-1984


this was done in Iraq

by shirazie (not verified) on

I am certain this video is from Saddam years in Iraq. But IRI is well capable of doing this.

Tearing people apart by strapping them to trucks and stoning women is Imam Khomeini's hallmark

rosie is roxy is roshan

I think Mouse is right..

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

that they did it to a couple of students in Iran a few years ago, but as the Mrs. pointed out on her blog the other day, when you see a video without a date and/or location it is immediately suspect.

If something like this were true it would've been 'tweeted' all over the place and widely shown and commented on facebook and so on, and on the reliable primary funneling sources, like niac and huffington post, which are the ones I use...

unless assuming it were brand new and JUST out, in which case it would still have today's date...

and location...

so even if several people weren't saying here that they remember it's Iraqi, I would've said I doubt it.....


oh yes, and p.s. That's what Hezbollah did to about 40 of the Fatah party but my bringing it up on the Gaza thread wars was not ...appreciated by...my side'...

Oh, I can't stand my side anymore. I want to become a Republican.



by MERSI (not verified) on

Why shame on Ghorme Sabzi? It's not like this isn't beyond what IRI would do--

Wake up.


Even if this

by MRX1 on

is not Iran fact the matter is that these kind of stuff has happend in iran in the past thirty years and the regime is quite capable of doing more of it. 



by Sadness (not verified) on



IRI, can do worse than this ,but..

by darius on

This video was taken in Iraq after an unsuccessful uprising by Iranian

war prisoners.This video starts up with th eprisoners first beaten , then

thrown off the roof top.

I am sure , IRI, is capable of doing worse, but posting unrelated videos

will damage a movement that is looking for truth.If you wish to be like

khamenei and  ahmadinejad and all other thugs of IRI, then go ahead .The only way out of this mess is to be truthful to those who are putting

thier life on line for freedom.Falsifying the truth and trying to fabricate stories to push the movement forward is absolutley unjustified .We all know, IRI is capable of committing harsher crimes but please do not taint the movement with fabrication and


Just updating my comments, hopefully the link will work.The clip is  Torture Tape and the lin k is;


As , I mentioned beofre ,IRI from the inception shows its talent for , group killing, child killing, political assasination,religous killing and long list of killing.So no proof is needed, just have to wait and get rid of them by telling the truth.


That is in Kurdestan(Iraq)

by Anonymous-kaveh (not verified) on

That is in Iraqi kurdestan and goes back to Saddam regime, but it is an islamic punishment that is practiced in many islamic countries includin Iran. If you remember the Pasdaran in Tehran did the same thing to Iranian students some years ago and also two girls in the recent uprising were thrown off of a bridge just like shown in this video clip. You don't need to be surpriesed by this kind of punishment because it is islamic punishment in islamic lands practiced by Muslims. Shame on Mohammad for making such a barbaric acts.



by Benyamin on

But some people here are constantly torturing me by their outragous comments .

These people help a murdarous regime to stay in power. It is obvious to me if they arenot SPIES of The IRI they must be benefiting one way or another. As if Syria is so different from Iran whatever Syria knows is from Iran so if what KouroshS is saying is true then I cry for the youths in Iran since they must be facing something even more horrible.

I am sorry I have people like them as compatriots that pretend are Iraninas.

You are not human you sold your own closest ally in a second just to stay in power. "they look like arabs it must be Syria" shame on you, shame on you, shame on you.

I believe strongly that those people have parents and they also have their own god that one day not too far will punish people like KouroshS.



This is what SADDAM did to

by mehrano (not verified) on

This is what SADDAM did to his people, although I.R. is not very far from what you see here. This did not take place in Iran! or university of Tehran.


this was done in Iraq not in Iran

by rtayebi1 on

This was done in Iraq under Saddam Hussein. This video was available about 6 years ago.


This is not beyond

by Anonymouse on

This is not beyond the regime and they have actually done it to the Tehran university students few years ago, right behind the university and eyewitnessed by others.

However, this footage seems like something I saw few years ago in a documentary Iraq through Iraqi eyes where they gave ordinary Iraqis 150 camcorders and asked them to videotape what they see.  The movie gave me a headache because they hand-shook the cameras so much.  Saram geej raft!   

If you recall at the beginning after collapse of Saddam there were torture videos and Saddam and his sons home movies that they were selling on the streets.  In one occasion one of the people with these camcorders took some footage of something like this video being shown on the street, as an advertisement to sell their DVDs/videos.

Everything is sacred.

Darius Kadivar

The Palm Trees don't look like it were in Tehran ...

by Darius Kadivar on

However Horrible I also doubt the source of this video as being Iranian or set in Iran.

It could even be a military commando training camp. The Beret of one of
the officers ( or soldiers) on the roof top also seem to suggest that
this is not necessarily carried out by the Police but the Army. Also
the ground looks as if it was covered with sand to stop or make the
fall if not less hurtful at least less dangerous.

Its a HORRIBLE Scene Nevertheless ... 

It is important to always try and verify the sources whenever possible particularly in such emotional and conflicting times ...

I don't think Ghormeh Sabzi is to blame for posting this based on her searches. The Youtube video link indicates its in Iran not her.




Come on now...Shame on you Ghorme Sabzi

by Babak Joon (not verified) on

Where have you people been? I love the part that says "Tehran University dorms"....
If the person posting this had excersised due diligence in investigating this clip, then he/she/it would have know that is clip is about 12 years old. It is in Iraq under Saddam's regime.

I am wondering, is it a Persian trait to not want to check facts???


I think

by KouroshS on

The words are absolutely difficult to understand. However, Looking closely you can see some soldiers standing on the roof top, and they have a very striking resemblance to Arab soldiers... Could it be from Syria... Joradan or may be Iraq? I think they all have pretty similar uniforms.

PMOI supporter

Cruel but,

by PMOI supporter on

This isnt iran, the regime is totally capable of carrying out such crimes, however this is not iran but Iraq during the early days of Saddam,(bad video quality)


this video was shown on CNN in 2003

Jahanshah Javid

Beyond shadow of a doubt?

by Jahanshah Javid on

I have looked at this clip several times now. As I mentioned earlier, I think the Islamic Republic is perfectly capable of this. But we have to be absolutely sure that this clip actually took place in Iran, either recently or at least during IRI's regin.

Please correct me if I'm wrong:

I don't hear any words I understand, there are no clear signs in Persian, I don't recognize the buildings, and the film does not appear to be from a digital camera but rather more like old black and white.

I wish it was clear beyond doubt that this is a recent clip from Iran. But I'm not so sure.


One day ...

by KouroshS on

... one day soon some one will be throwing their worthless bodies off the same roofs. INSHALAH. Of course. First they should be starved for a few days, to make revenge even more sweeter.

Jahanshah Javid

This cruel theocracy

by Jahanshah Javid on

Horrific but not surprising. The Islamic Republic has shown time and again that it is very much willing to commit such senseless crimes. Thanks to digital cameras and the internet, everyone can see what this cruel theocracy is up to.