Masoud Pezeshkian

Member of parliament from Tabriz condemns use of force against people


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to Ali P.

by Yashar (not verified) on

So, you don't get MR. Pezeshiki's point???

He is refering to what the Government claims to follow which is the path of the Imams. Ali was the greatest of Imams as the the ruling clerics claim. He is bringing examples that (the government) is not even acting based on its own standards. He is saying, Oh, Khamenie, you claim to be walking on Ali's path, but Ali did not force people to obay his orders like a ruthless king. Ali saw himself below the law, not above the law. Which is the standard in all real democracies in the world (US, Europe). So why don't you undrerstand his easy to be understood words. He also talks about freedom of speech and the way Khamenie kills Iranians like an, you still don't get it??? need more explanation?


good speech

by azadi55 (not verified) on

Good to see him stand up there and talk like that. I wish whoever put this clip together would get rid of that background music.

Ali P.

Case dismissed!

by Ali P. on

Ali loses his shield somewhere, and takes the Christian to court.

(Haalaa God knows where he left it!)

Deevaaree az deevaareh Maseeheeyeh kootaahtar paydaa nemeekoneh, and sues the Christian! 

Due to lack of evidence, the case is dismissed. So what?

What is there to brag?

Is the story supposed to illustrate the magnificence of...what?

That EVEN a Christian has rights?

That EVEN Ali can't just go around filing frivolous law suits?

 What was Ali thinking?

 " Pedaresho dar myaaram...Naasalaamatee pedareh khaanom payghambar boodeh...iin ghaazee ham , Faatee deeshab meegoft, engaaree az as'haab boodeh...too khatmeh payghambar ham deedamesh...12 aa khormaa khord...goftam alaan meetekeh....yeh salam-alaykee ham kardam baash hamoon shab...hatman damaar az roozegaareh marteekeh maseehee dar myaareh....beesharaf! Separeh mano boland meekonee? Beh man meegan "ali"..."ali shagh-ol-ghamar! Khestaketo meekesham saret......Ehhh iin Maalekeh Ashtar ham keh gharar bood byaad shaahaadat bedeh kodoom gooreeyeh deegeh...??"


Sorry...I got carried away...Good speech though :-)


Masoud Pezeshkian -- Thank you


This was great speech in the heart of fascist regime

 Tabriz, Shiraz, Isfahan, Sanandaj, Zahedan va Tehran va mardom Iran

Ba name Ali sarvare ma bepakhizid 

This is not the end don't stop please unite


Everyone unite for the common cause 






by Reza86 on

Have courage for the great sorrows of life andpatience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake. - Victor Hugo


yek mard e digar az azerbijian

by bikar (not verified) on

drood besharafhesh


Great Great

by gol on

We need more brave mem like you sir.


Brave! Bravo!

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

Brave! Bravo!