Mohammad Reza Shajarian

The Voice of Iran objects to IRI broadcasting his patriotic songs

In an interview with BBC Persian service, the great Maestro Shajarian objects vociferously to the radio and television of Islamic “Republic” (Seda va Sima) broadcasting the patriotic songs he recorded immediately after the 1979 revolution.

He states that he has repeatedly asked those in charge to stop using his voice in advocating what he is clearly implying to be the repression of the people.

These songs, the Maestro says, were recorded for the “khas o Khashk”, in reference to Ahmadinnejad’s derogatory branding of the demonstrators in Iran.

The Iranian artists, writers, filmmakers and musicians, have almost universally come out in favour of the Green movement, further evidence that this movement has no base amongst real Iranians and is nothing but a plot by the foreigners.


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more from Asghar_Massombagi

Zendeh Bashi Ostad

by Kaveh_Ahangar on

Sheer Pake Maadarat Halaalet Baasheh.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

ایشان را هیچ وقت به چشم یک فعال سیاسی ندیدم، نمیدانم که چه شده است که استاد یادی از غریبان کرد و این چنین با خروش غرید و ناله سر داد .

هنرمندان باید در کنار هم وطن هایشان باشند وگرنه آن هنر که به درد هم وطن زجر دیده به کار نیاید،هنر نباشد و هزار بدی باشد. 

از آقای شجریان سپاس گذارم .



Thanks Mr. Shajarian

by Takavar on

He is a wonderful Iranian Maestro who loves his country and his people.

Marjan Zahed Kindersley


by Marjan Zahed Kindersley on


If it's of consolation:

They played it in the Green Movement section on Thursday in London. (Lots of nutters opportunist sections that were partitioned off)




You are a true Mastro


Khoda movazebet basheh

Damet garm




واقعا که استاد


واقعا که استاد شیر پاک خورده هستی‌. شجاعت و صریح گویی شما را تحسین می‌کنیم.
دوری جستن از ننگ و کثافت جمهوری اسلامی وظیفه تک تک ایرانیان، به خصوص افرادی مانند استاد شجریان می‌باشد.
اگر سی‌ سال اخیر دلیلی‌ برای "نه" گفتن به جمهوری اسلامی نبوده، چند هفته اخیر که مسلما هر وجدان آگاهی‌ رو تکون داده، باید دلیلی‌ واضح و روشن برای اینکار باشه. هیچ ایرانی‌ با وجدانی نمیتونه دیگه با این رژیم کنار بیاد مگر اینکه بسیجی‌، پاسدار و یا تبهکاری از همین دو نوع باشه.

سرنگون باد رژیم ضد بشری جمهوری اسلامی!

Bijan A M

A man of character and integrity

by Bijan A M on

Such a demonstration of courage and bravery.

Hezar Afarin.... 


دمت گرم و صدایت جاودان استاد!


تصنیف وطن - همایون شجریان (نسل دوم) و گروه دستان:

Jahanshah Javid

Damesh garm

by Jahanshah Javid on

Mamnoon Ostad.


No surprise

by MRX1 on

No one with any sense of honor or dignity would want to associate their work, music or art with islamic sewer republic.


Well done Shajarian

by javaneh29 on

More artisits should do the same thing. Im not sure the IRI would have any regard for their objections but it makes a statement never the less.
