Ahmadinejad vs Rezaie

TV debate

AFP: Iranian presidential candidate Mohsen Rezai took digs in a television debate on Monday at President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's ability to run the country, saying the Islamic republic will not be safe under his rule and will face sustained economic woes. "One of the main faults of Mr. Ahmadinejad is that he thinks he knows everything about every subject," said Rezai, the former head of the elite Revolutionary Guards Corps. "He thinks that he knows a lot regarding security, economy... therefore he has created a kind of loneliness around himself and no one feels safe around him." Rezai said that Ahmadinejad had even dismissed a warning by supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to be ready at all times for the possibility of war and had sacked top officials. "If he is in charge of the nation's security, then our nation will face serious and irreparable danger," said the former military commander and veteran of the 1980s Iran-Iraq war.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

Part 9:

Part 10:


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Now I like Antarinejad -- I love you monkey

by Jag4Ahmadi (not verified) on

He spoke the truth he said all the thugs in the regime (including himself) are corrupt.

That uspet the god father and the mafiose rafsanjani who is asking mommy for help.

Rfsanjani asks Khamenei: Mommy, mommy I am been called a thief. Why is antarinjed calling me a thief? I only stole $100 billion dollars. You told me that is correct since my brother has a condom factory in several flavors.

Mr Khameni reply: son don't worry, that is part of his act. You know him he is jealous. I deal with him personnaly in my private room, bring some of your flavored condoms that might teach him.

This is all part of the act. Thiefes knows a thief, and for the past 30 years these corrupt thugs have been just stealing from us.

The election is sham and orchestrated by the so called governmnet that clearly shows has its tail between its leg. A dysfunctional econmy, a falling education and health system, a growing unemployment and inflation rate, rise in poverty and abuse of human rights.

This regime is under so much pressure that no one can guess when its final date is set.

The people will topple them.



by Abarmard on

They will. As time moves forward, so does the days of our lives;)
They all shall come, in time. Iran is not standing still.
This is the first time in the Iranian history that we had debates on TV. In the near future, all that you are requesting will be in open.
Just keep in mind that Iran had a revolution. In every revolution, there is revenge. We have passed that.


so pathetic

by MRX1 on

These guys sound so pathetic that ahmadi nejad actualy sounds like a genious mong them!

With a glorious past that all of them share, in their debates they should have asked one another about thier past : which one of them killed more people, ordered more execution, participated in violance, rape and abuse of women, university studentrs and the usuall stuff that followeres khomeini participate in.  Now that would be a nice debate worth watching.


فهرستی از اشتباهات احمدی نژاد !

علی (not verified)

نوشته شده توسط بهزاد افشاری


آقای احمدی نژاد چه برنده و چه بازنده ی انتخابات باشد باید حتما این اشتباهات خود را فهرست کند و فکری به حالشان بکند:

یک : در حالی که ویدئوی صحبت هایش در مورد هاله ی نور در همه جا وجود داشت آن را انکار کرد

دو : به جای رقابت با آقایان موسوی و کروبی و رضایی ، اینها را کنار زد و به آقای هاشمی حمله کرد و وقتی که آقای هاشمی جاخالی داد ایشان با مغز زمین خورد

سه : احترام هیچکدام از رقبایش را نگه نداشت و با ادبیات بدی با آنها و حامیانشان که بخش های قابل توجهی از توده های مردم هستند ، صحبت کرد.

چهار : به جای آقای میرحسین با همسر میرحسین در افتاد و از عکس ایشان در جلوی تلویزیون بدترین نوع استفاده را کرد و توده های مردم را علیه خودش بسیج کرد.

پنج : در یک مناظره ی پر بیننده و تاریخی روزنامه ی رقیب انتخاباتی اش آقای کروبی را با یک روزنامه ی دیگر اشتباه گرفت و این یکی از بدترین اشتباهات ایشان بود.

شش : در دادن آمار و ارقام به آمارسازی های اطرافیانش بیهوده اعتماد کرد و در موضع ضعف بدی قرار گرفت.

هفت : ابتدا گفت نرخ تورم ۲۵ درصد دروغ بزرگ رقیبان است اما در آخرین مناظره اش خودش گفت که نورم ۲۵ درصد است.

هشت : رقیبانش را در جایگاه دشمنان خودش و مردم و نظام نشاند و شیوه ی برخورد غیر اخلاقی و تندی را در مواجهه با آن ها برگزید.

نه : در حالی که دانشجویان زیادی در دولت نهم ستاره دار شده اند این موضوع را بارها انکار کرد.

ده : به آقای رضایی که از جبهه ی اصول گرایان بود و زمانی فرمانده ی ارشد او به حساب می آمد حرمت نگذاشت و گذشته ی خود را فراموش کرد.

یازده : زمانی که برای گرفتن پست و قدرت به هاشمی رفسنجانی احتیاج داشت مجیزگویی ایشان را کرد و در یک سخنرانی مشهور در سال ۷۵ گفت : نام هاشمی همچون ستاره ای درخشان همیشه بر تارک نام ایران زمین خواهد درخشید و درست زمانی که دیگر به او احتیاجی نداشت هاشمی را به باد ناسزا گرفت و وقتی به رای مردم احتیاج پیدا کرد شروع به مجیز گویی مردم کرد.

دوازده : از مجموعه مواضع خود دفاع نکرد و آن ها را انکار کرد .

سیزده : تعداد کسانی را که از خودش دفع کرد بسیار بیشتر از کسانی بود به خودش جذب کرد.

چهارده : به مشاوران بی تجربه و ناشی روی آورد تا جایی که محبوبیت خود را در توده های مردم از دست داد.

پانزده : وقتی رقیبانش در مناظره با او مواجه می شدند ایشان پیوسته یک خنده ی مصنوعی را در دستور کار خود قرار داده بود که خیلی تابلو بود .

شانزده : خود و اطرافیانش را به مردم به گونه ای معرفی کرد که توانایی پرونده سازی هایی دروغین دارند. این هم از بدترین اشتباهات ایشان بود.

هفده : به میرحسین گفت برات متاسفم

هجده : به کروبی گفت برات متاسفم

نوزده : به رضایی گفت برات متاسفم

بیست : ....

+ نوشته شده توسط بهزاد افشاری در سه شنبه نوزدهم خرداد 1388 و ساعت 13:11 | 4 نظر


Strange time to be alive!

by mahtab (not verified) on

watching these debates makes me think that why as Iranians we are so cursed to have these options? this greatly is disturbing to have to choose either a psychopath delusional man like Ahmaghinejad or a killer like this guy, or an akhond like Kahrobi, or a man who has blood of our young on his hand like Musavi. I think the best option is to jump of a cliff from this national curse.


Very good debate!

by Jaleho on

This one was one of the best debates.

If there was no dangerous consideration because of Rezaie being the former IRGC head, of factionalism of groups who have lost some opportunities (financial and personal) because of Ahmadinejad's policies.....I would have agreed with Shahram that without any prior knowledge, and just based on this debate, Rezaie came out ahead! He managed to bring out the most valid criticism with a "matin" posture.

Mousavi had so many obvious sly point of attack on everything positive that Ahmadinejad had achieved that even with Ahmadinejad coming off as a jerk at times, he still clearly lost the debate to him. Not here, I'd say!


حجم ثروت ایران

felfeli (not verified)

حجم ثروت ایران از نفت و دیگر منابع طبیعی و مسابقه در دزدی آن، بقدری این حضرات را سرمست کرده است که دیگر همپالکی‌های دیروزشان را هم نمیشناسند. آقایان موتلفه به سرکردگی عسکر اولادی و مصباح و جنتی و تحت سرپرستی رهبر در پشت احمدی‌نژاد از یکطرف و باند خانواده هاشمی‌ و ناطق و یارانشان از طرفه دیگر برای هم چنگ و دندان تیز میکنند. تفاوتشن هم برای مردم این است که اولی‌ اینکار را با توسعه فقر و دخالت روزمرهٔ سازمان اطلاعات در زندگی‌ مردم و با زور انجام میدهد و دومی‌ به اصطلاحی با پنبه سرمیبرد. آقای موسوی هم در این وسط فکر نجات نظام افتاده است ولی‌ از آنجا که دیده مذهبی‌ او بر تیزبینی طبقاتی او غلبه دارد، متوجه نیست که گروه دوم دارد با مخفی‌ کردن خود پشت سر او عواقب زیانباری را به او تحمیل می‌کند. ولی‌ در هر حال میشود گفت که او در فکر منافع اقتصادی شخص خودش نیست. برای همین اگر او انتخاب شود و حضور مردم در صحنه سیاسی کشور ادامه پیدا کند، شاید، شاید بتوان اصلاحاتی را متوقع شد. درهر حال، بدون حضور دائم در صحنه زندگی‌ سیاسی و بدون هشیاری و بیداری نمی‌توان از به غارت رفتن اموالمان و مورد تعرض قرار گرفتن حیثیتمان توسط دزدان حرفهای انتظار دیگری داشت.


Rezaei beat Ahmadinezhad

by shahrahm (not verified) on

Rezaei was the only one who could challange this liar!


Vote for Ahmadi = You are a criminal

by Mirza taghi khane amir kassif (not verified) on

I will vote but i realize that this not a truly democratic election and these 4 candidates are not true representatives of Iranian people but, voting of Ahmadinejad is a crime against Iran and Iranians. This guy thinks he is making things ready for Agha emam zaman to come back and fix the world. He is simply crazy. So what if he is street smart in debates and has more confidence than other douchebags. He will start a war with Israel and expose our country and people to unnecessary danger. The Iranians outside of Iran who vote for Ahmadinejad are criminals. The ones inside of Iran are just stupid.


I am not going to vote, but

by sorry to say (not verified) on

I think there is no question that Ahmadi is by far the most impressive candidate. I think all these other guys, all three of them, are such disgusting liars that Ahmmadi emerges as the one much much less full of shit. I agree that he's also definitely smarter, which is not the same thing as being zerang. Those other three have plenty of zerangi to be where they are but that's different from having intelligence.

Big Boy

The 80s - craziness!

by Big Boy on

Kadivar, thanks!  Iran's contemporary history is quite amazing.  Can't believe the country overcame those turbulent times.  Craziness!  Thanks for posting part of Iran's history.


Darius Kadivar

FYI/TV Debate: Mohsen Rezaei & Banisadr (1980's)

by Darius Kadivar on

A younger Mohsen Rezaie at the time Head of the Sepah Pasdaran aka Revolutionary guards denouncing the Anti Revolutionaries and monarchists to Banisadre :


Darius Kadivar

FYI/FIRST PRESIDENT: بنی صدر پشت میکروفن داغ: فرقی بین بد و بدتر

Darius Kadivar

First President of the Islamic Republic:Abol Hossein Bani Sadre says No difference between bad and Worse in these elections: 


Darius Kadivar

FYI/Rezaei Arrested Gobtzadeh for Execution (1982)

by Darius Kadivar on

Remember Sadegh Gobtzadeh ?

See BOOK:  The Man In the Mirror by Carole Jerome (1987)

Gobtzadeh With Khomeiny on Air FRANCE:


Guess who arrested him for attempting the Coup against the IRI and send him to the execution squad: MOHSEN REZAIE !

Here is the article in the NY Times (1982)

Iran Legislator Accuses Ghotbzadeh of a Plot

"Mohsen Rezai, commander of Revolutionary Guards who arrested Mr. Ghotbzadeh in his house, said the former Foreign Minister had been arrested while smoking opium, the newspapers said. Mr. Ghotbzadeh faces a firing squad if convicted in the plot."


Ahmadinejad all the way!

by GuessWho... (not verified) on

I've yet to see this particular debate, but I can't help to comment that ever since Ahmadinejad took office, he became the focal point of attacks from the west and Iran started to get daily coverage in the western media. This is western behavior deployed against tough competitors that challenge interests of the main players, be it politics or business.

If he didn't have the backbone to stand up for the interest of Iran, or the IQ to see to the western powers political gamesmanship on Iran, Iran's nuclear advancement along with it's credibility and golbal confidense would have remained in the tank. Not to mentions the word "Dispora" would have taken much longer to surface amoung Iranian immigrants abroad.

Ahmadinejad took on a huge task. He's done great under a world of pressure. He is smarter, more educated and has far more charisma than his opponents. He deserves another term to do his job and the western media is polarizing the youth's support of musavi and the don't vote nonesense.