BBC's John Simpson in Tehran

Protests against Iran's election results


more from faryarm

First groups of martyrs in Tehran University

by Nemidanam (not verified) on

استعفای دسته‌جمعی اساتید دانشگاه تهران در اعتراض به کشتار دانشجویان این دانشگاه
در پی حملات شب گذشته به کوی دانشگاه تهران و کشته شدن پنج تن از دانشجویان این دانشگاه، دکتر جبه‌دار مارالانی رئیس دانشکده برق و کامپیوتر پردیس دانشکده‌های فنی این دانشگاه از سمت خود استعفا داد.
جبه‌دار مارالانی که چهره ماندگار گرایش الکترونیک دانشکده برق است و پدر مهندسی برق ایران لقب گرفته‌است، عصر امروز از سمت خود کناره‌گیری کرد.وی از سال ٨۱ رئیس دانشکده برق بوده است.دانشجویان خواهان استعفای فرهاد رهبر رئیس انتصابی دانشگاه تهران هستند و بی کفایتی او را در دفاع از کیان دانشگاه و جان دانشجویان محکوم می کنند.
این در حالی است که ۱۱۹ تن دیگر از اساتید دانشگاه تهران نیز در پی حوادث شب گذشته که به هتک حرمت دانشگاه منجر شد، از سمت استادی خود کناره‌گیری کردند.
اسامی کشته‌شدگان شب گذشته حملات انصار حزب‌الله به کوی دانشگاه به شرح زیر است:
خانم‌ها مبینا احترامی و فاطمه براتی و آقایان کسری شرفی، کامبیز شعاعی و محسن ایمانی.
گفته می شود یکی از کشته شدگان رتبه ۲۰ کنکور کارشناسی ارشد سال ٨٨ در رشته برق بوده است.

Darius Kadivar

One Dead in Riots (French Report)

by Darius Kadivar on

Un manifestant a été tué par balles et plusieurs autres ont été blessés lundi à Téhéran lors d'un rassemblement de centaines de milliers de partisans de Mir Hossein Moussavi, candidat malheureux à la présidentielle, qui contestaient la réélection de Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Evènement



according to estimates

by capt_ayhab on

Assuming each had written vote takes 10 measly seconds to count[not considering the fatigue and such] here is how long it takes:

Alleged votes:

Ahmaghinejad    24,527,516

Mousavi   13,216,411

Rezaie  333,635

Karoubi   678,240

Voids    409,389

Total  39,165,191 votes X 10 sec /vote = 391,351,910 Seconds

Man/Hour needed = 391,351,910 / 3600 = 108,792.20 man/hour needed to count all the votes.

According some estimates they had 6000 counters[not verified] then it will take total of 18.13 hours to count all vote.

Once we consider effect of fatigue and wasted time this estimate can be as high as 24 - 30 hours, yet they reported the results within hours. keep in mind that  it is all manual count. 


Source for number of alleged votes //




Darius Kadivar

Shazde Asdola Mirza Jaan

by Darius Kadivar on

Did Khatami take off his Turban intentionally ? :



later on in this report

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

Simpson says that basically Western countries are not too happy about the demonstrations because they need a stable Middle East and yet another oil producing country in a state of revolution is not what they like.


Response to Hassan Sadeghi on fraudulent Iranian elections

by Kaaveh Aahangar (not verified) on

نه در داخل ایران و نه در خارج از ایران هیچ کسی نتیجه دروغین انتخابات را نپذیرفته است. رئیس جمهوری که 24 میلیون رای دارد که در روز برگزاری انتخاباتش نیازی به دستگیری مردم و حمله به معترضان و قطع کلیه ارتباطات با جهان ندارد. رئیس جمهوری که 24 میلیون رای دارد که سه رقیبش علیه برگزاری انتخاباتش اعتراض نمی کنند. رئیس جمهوری که 24 میلیون رای دارد که برای نشان دادن جمعیت حامیانش نیاز به فوتوشاپ و سیب زمینی و پول نقد ندارد. نه در ایران و نه در جهان کسی ادعای موهوم وزارت کشور را باور نمی کند


Response to Hassan Sadeghi on fraudulent Iranian elections

by Arash Kamangir (not verified) on

Mr. Sadeghi:

(1) In every Iranian election in the past, the Interior Ministry would wait at least 24 hours to tabulate the results, town by town, and province by province, before announcing the victor. This time, they did so within hours of poll closing (midnight, Tehran time) and Iran Interior Ministry is yet to issue a tabluated listing of the vote counts.

(2) Nearly two hours before closing of the election polls, Islamic Republic Radio and TV (SedA o SimAye Jomhouri-e Eslami) announced Ahmadinezhad as victor.

(3) In every election in the past, the candidates, at minimum, won the majority of votes in their own hometown. This time, interestingly enough, Ahmadinezhad won by the same margin, even in birthtowns of the other 3 candidates.

(4) Khamenei waited at least one week before affirming the past presidents. This was the first time ever whnere Khamenei commented on the results without waiting for the publication of official results. And at that, he qualified Ahmadinejad's election as a “divine assessment.” By doing so, he closed the book on the election before anyone had a chance to object to any of the election irregularities such as lack of ballots at so many polls.

I am myself suprised why Khamenei was so scared this time. After all, all 4 candidates had been vetted by the Guardian Council. All 4 candidates were known long-time loyal servants of the clerical regime. None of the 4 candidates would ever do anything to jeopradize the power-base of the mullas.
Mousavi would not even classify himself as a "reformer," he would only classify himself as a "moderate" follower of Imam's Line.
So why Khamenei felt the urge to intervene? Mousavi, after all, was not all so different from Ahmadinejad.


1953 Again?

by shirazie (not verified) on

is Ahmednajadie the next Shah? his Hooligans wear white shirts just like the Shah's thugs.

I do not think Musavie was not going to be Dr. Mosdagh, but this smells and looks like a coup



by Varjang (not verified) on

All the guys who are contributing to civil unrest should be arrested and prosecuted. These so called reformists behave more like foreign agents than Iranian politicians and officials.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Khatami is arrested too

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on



by Hassan sadeghi (not verified) on

Election in Iran, unlike many western countries, is taken very seriously, is well recorded ,documented and no one can vote unless uses his/her ID card ( passport or Birth certificate) and his/her finger print. It is therefore impossible to claim that the election can be similar to that in USA, UK, Australia and subject to fraud. is easy to prove how many have voted and count for each and any vote, and every vote is traceable. I personally voted for Moosavi, and learnt how the voting procedure was. Every ballot paper can be traced to see who it was given to. To claim that the election has been subject to fraud is just ludicrous and nonsense.

Let us all keep our dignity and accept the outcome and the wish of the majority who have voted for Ahmadi Nejad. You can , if you wish, form a team and ask UN to check the authenticity of the election, but not trough violence and disturbing the peace and people’s life.

Based on these facts, It is now the responsibility of the government of Iran to maintain order and let people get on with their life. It is the government’s duty to use the full force of the law and deal with any arrogant who is trying to disturb the peace by helping the foreign powers or agents such as Western media in particular BBC or the American news media, who have noting in mind but to turn Iran into another Iraq or Afghanistan. It is time for the government of Iran to show strength and stop any hooliganism by a bunch of idiots who can not understand the sensitivity of the circumstances.

Hassan for freedom and fairness


SAM's Sources

by Nifky (not verified) on

Sam's sources are rumors and heresay, all UNRELIABLE!

Ali P.


by Ali P. on

Source baba!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Latest news from hell ...

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Unfortunately, the other two candidates (Karoobi and Mousavi) are now in Evin. The "unknown soldiers of emam zaman" are working on them, for a TV confession!