Crisis in Iran

Jon Stewart Daily Show

The American media questions whether Obama is doing enough in Iran, while Iran blasts the U.S. and Europe for meddling.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Crisis in Iran
Daily Show
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Political Humor Jason Jones in Iran

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It is important to keep the humor!

by choghok on

There has been so many tragic events that one needs to laugh a little bit at it to help one sane.

/Bidar bash ke ma bekhabim


thanks for some humor to put

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

things into perspective we're all so screwed


Bennett is the dummies white man ever

by shirazie (not verified) on

and he was the education secretary for Donald Duck (republican god)!!!




Not that funny

by Anon2 (not verified) on

Kind of stupid for what is going on here.
Iranians are getting killed and their most basic rights violated. They are showing amazing bravery and this is the best he can present in terms of comedy and commentary? This guy has a way of making fun of people in middle east when they are going through
tough times. Some times mixing people and government in a patronizing way.