Indecision 2009: Iranian election

"Daily Show" reporter in Tehran

This is pretty funny. Contrary to most "reporting" on The Daily Show which is done is studio, this time, they have actually sent Jason Jones, their correspondent to Iran to report in person on the Iranian elections.

Part 1:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Indecision 2009 - Everywhere but Here Edition
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Newt Gingrich Unedited Interview

Part 2:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Indecision 2009 - Ahmadinejad Rally in Iran
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Newt Gingrich Unedited Interview

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Shazde Asdola Mirza

Latest news from hell ...

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Unfortunately, the other two candidates (Karoobi and Mousavi) are now in Evin. The "unknown soldiers of emam zaman" are working on them, for a TV confession!

Darius Kadivar

Hey Jon Why Don't You Send an Invitation to RP ;0)

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He Who Laughs Last Laughs ...





AO jaan

by SamSamIIII on


Now we know who is the champion of women cause in Iran ;):)..Cheers & keep well !!!




And Now For Something Totally Different

by shirazie (not verified) on

PBS / Jim Leher ran very nice analysis of election dynamic and candidates tonight. The guests were an Iranian (talked like Ajamie of GeorgeTown univ) and Cliff Kupchan of Eurasia Group.

Cliff guys was very impressive.

It is going to be hot summer in Iran.

May be Iranian women can change the country, we man have been a failure so far