Neda's death: Propaganda

Shameless fabrication by Iranian state TV


more from bahram9821

Leave it To jaleho... to spread the real Truth.

by KouroshS on


Your sense of Logic and presenting so-called facts, Your style and they way you push those through , simply amazes me. It amazes me, because i can not believe how adamant and one-track minded one can be to deny the obvious.

The anti-riot police's job is to prevent rioters!! How? By sending their bikers wading through the crowd, who is peacefully marching and chanting mostly non-political slogans. By putting the lives of these people at great risk. Amazing. What an absurd notion! How can a crowd, a defenseless crowd actually attack a bunch of specially trained anti-riot police men? Does this line that came out of your head actually makes sense? It may have happened in Other places, But what percentage of these youngsters do you seriously think are actually armed and capable of launching a credible and effective attack?

According to your assertions.  I presume that the leaders of these demonstrations, who were arrested and severly beaten and then jailed, had already anticipated the massive fraud in the elections, Knew that there will be demonstrations well ahead of time so as to make arrangements to bring Trained! and professional! foreigners all the way from Kabul and Baghdad, and have the spread throughout the country, Just so they can set buidlings on fire. This is how IRI spread propaganda.

You deny outright what transpired before your eyes, the urgency with which the doctor jumped to catch neda and help her while she was laying flat on the ground, the absolute panicking and horrified look and helpless look on his face, something that broke the heart of billions all over the world...all because your Ahmadinejad-dominated mind did not want to believe it! because it was not deemed Fit enough for you and did not meet your standards.

 How can your Highly developed mind, which comes packaged with the super, duper , extra ordinary high IQ not grasp the fact that at that chaotic moment, and with only him and the music teacher standing alongside neda, There were things that only THEY could have heard and not anyone else. And again In that moment of chaos it would seem only natural that the people would release the killer. Did you see the chaos? did you see the panic? did you feel it?

You keep denigrating people for their low IQ's and the fact that they replace fohsh for a real and valid argument, Yet i happen tohave a very nicely written response to a very dear commenter on this site, not too long ago,with whom you have had your fair share of repeated headbuttings, in which you did not hesitate to insult her both in persian and english and then asking her to go to her husband for appropriate translation.

Don't you be going around accusing people of "fohsh instead of real debate" because to be quite honest with you it says so much about your character as well.In fact, i can virtually say, that you have invented that style of debate on this site. Congratulations! You are The Bonyan gozar! Now you know how other Bonyan gozars, and those who fill in for them while they are gone, Feel.

 I will be glad to post the entire dignified reply for all to see:)

And, i must say that  I really LOVE to hear how you justify writing that comment and using the language that you did toward her.


Inam az ahmadinejad joonet.





Dear anonymous xx,

by Jaleho on

چرا انقدر جوش میزنی حالا؟

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Believe it. This kind of sickness exists and it makes me wish the swine flu would come and infect them.  

Anyone who buys into this stupid "foreign agent" propaganda is to put it simply, mentally retarded, and terminally stupid. How they can live with such profound brain damage is beyond me. 

Neda was slaughtered by a piece of trash basiji, no one else. There have been more than enough accounts to attest to that.

And since we're now all of a sudden "allowing" different opinions, I am of the opinion that anyone who supports, condones, apologizes for or enables the IR's actions, whether in Iran or here in the States, is scum.

No one is being fooled.


no there is a difference

by Anonymous xx (not verified) on

Have you see how she "allow" difference of opinion on other blogs? Have you see how she considers other true Iranians who disagree with her and her IRI bubby jaleho? How she denounces them? But here acts like jaleho is a patriot or something for believing in this criminal regime. And I say it again, anyone who belives that this "government" has the right to murder innocent people is a traitor. And anyone who supports it is a traitor. ANd anyone who acts like these traitors are Iranian are traitors. And that is MY opinion and I have a right to it and I have a right to say it.

Do not let these people fool you!!!!!!!!!!!

Farah Rusta

فقط یه دایانا کم داشتینم که اونمم درست شد

Farah Rusta


 تورو بخدا بذارین یه چیز توی این مملکت اعتبارش خراب نشه. واقعیت اینه که ندا فدای شهوت قدرت بین موسوی و خامنه یی شد.حالا مهم نیست کی‌ ماشه رو کشیده. نهایتش اینه که اگر این جنگ داخلی‌ قدرت از درون رژیم اسلامی سرچشمه نگرفته بود ده ‌ها بلکه صد‌ها  مردم بیگناه کشته نمیشدن. ندا یک از اونها بود.


Anonymous XXX: What are you saying?

by Mehdi on

Mosad has argued that if someone like Mousavi wins, then Israel will have a harder time convincing the world that bombing Iran is justified. This seems to be also what you are saying. So I am not sure what you are disagreeing with me on. The point is if the country descends into violence and disryptions, bombing, etc, it gives Israel more amunition for their cause. Then more and more countries will agree that bombing Iran is a good idea a country in shambles, with possible knowledge of nuclear weapon can be very dangerous. So the more violence, the better Israeli cause is helped. It also makes Iran-US relations much harder to progress. So this bloody movement is now fully what Mosad wants. The more bloodshed and demonstrations, the better it is for Mosad. 


Benyamin: Why are you so concerned if people read my comments?

by Mehdi on

Why do you feel obssessed to interpret what I say? Do you think people here are incapable of analysing comments? Why do you keep assuming things about me and presenting them as facts? Can't you find something better to do?



by Benyamin on

Mehdi is underage, he has never been in Iran. I asked him about it and yet to get an answer.


Anonymous xx

by Benyamin on

I read Irandokht`s comment I believe she is not "supporting" Jaleho, she(Irandokht) just simply defending her(Jaleho`s) rights, as far as I can understand.

Democracy means hearing the opposit of views no matter how betrayal or stupid they sound.



Mehdi - Stop the Spin

by Anonymous XXX (not verified) on

It's funny how much of a disconnect there is between Iranians inside Iran and the commentors on this site who support the IRI official line lock, stock and barrel. Mehdi, you says:

"We do know that Israeli Mosad has made it very clear that they do NOT want the likes of Mousavi to take over as that would kill their cause for bombing Iran - they want chaos and bloodshed so that invasion of Iran can be better justified to the world. So the purposes of Israeli Mosad is now aligned with the purposes of this "movement" which is no longer green."

That is spin if I've ever seen one. Either that, or it shows your complete paranoia. The first part of your paragraph is correct. But the second part is just pure spin and propoganda. Why can't the Israelis be happiest with an Ahmadinejad government that is now totally ilegitimate in the eyes of the world? Why does it have to go to the great extent of achieving the impossible goal of overthrowing this government by supporting the rag tag band of street demonstrstaors? In fact, all news stories on the day after the "elections" indicated that Israel was breathing a sigh of relief when it became apparent that Ahmadinejad was going to remain in power. Their logic was that it is much easier to demonize Ahmadinejad than to do so with Mousavi. Ahmadinejad remaining in power is the best thing that could possibly happen to Israel.

So, please stop the dirty propoganda on this site. if you go to Iran and say this to the average guy in a cab, you will be laughed out of the cab before you reach your destination.



by IRANdokht on

I forgot to mention the dorms in that very long comment. That was another proof of the violence being from the side of the government and not the people.
thanks Benyamin!

also xx and xxx

you and a few others seem to think of yourselves as the only Iranians entitled to speak about Iran. Well, some time soon you should realize that what Jaleh is expressing here is the view of the current gov of Iran and although you disagree with her, there are people who do believe what the government says. As far as I know Jaleh was not on the streets of Tehran and neither were you. You should not see her as your enemy, there are plenty of people who have a different point of view than yours. Try to calm down and speak to people with respect and come to an understanding, otherwise you'll just brew hate in your heart.


to sicko: 
why don't you try to express your own opinion instead of watching me or demanding anything from me. who are you to try to direct other people's coments or exchanges?!



Dear IRANDokht,

by Jaleho on

I mean it when I say that I don't care an epsilon about what some ignorant chaleh-meydooni type write about me. I even don't read those completely, I ignore the writers that I know don't write anything but BS and personal chat, skim the rest and  decide if it is not worth reading  then I go forward. I simply write what I feel is the fact not propaganda, the analysis that I see fit and realistic (Of that I am passionate, to me it is like solving a math puzzle to figure out truth and predict it), and when I see something which I find too ridiculous and obviously made-up, and then parroted by so many, I do comment.

As such, when you ask me :"do you really believe, in your heart of hearts, that all the victims of these past two weeks have been shooreshgar and kharabkar? Do you believe that the bassijis were innocent keepers of order and law? "

I will tell you "absolutely not!" But, I do believe that there have been only few of the protestors who actually did the riots and burnings, and some in them most possibly are the foreign trained like the ones who came from American camps from Iraq and afghanistan side, who created terror in Ahvaz and Zahedan as planned. A lot  of innocent people, student types, became victims of the ensuing riots! I have no doubt that there are savage among basijis who hit the people, who attacked the university dormitories unjustifiably just to create terror and revenge, I have seen those types plenty myself in the earlier years after the revolution...but I also believe that there have been rioters who did attack the riot police whsoe job is simply to prevent riot. I also do believe that there has been civilians from both camps set against each other who are really mad at the other group who voted unlike them!

The comments I make regarding some fraud or accusations made, are very specific in fishy cases. For example this one. I just do not believe the entire thing about this Dr. hejazi; his being there on time from England, with the office right next to the event, with the stuff only he seemed to have "heard," and fled back to UK with that narrative, with passionate people of Iran just letting the killer they caught go since they didn't know what else to do with him, with their not releasing any info of the killer when the video of this woman's death was THE BOMB across the world.... just too many loose ends.

Or, you saw me comment about the statistical analysis of the votes immediately coming out by Sullivan, the first which started the doubts...Well, I bothered to look at it in detail to see what a load of crap that was, yet when I see people using that faulty argument to prove their point....

or I get sick of watching people passionately talking about a letter that interior minstry has written to Rahbar specifying how they followed his orders and cheated by changing votes!! As if Rahbar couldn't simply call them and tell them to cheat, he needed to provide a written PROOF ;-) I mean, make up something that anyone with an IQ of over 60 can buy...but then I see people circulate that very same garbage in the internet as proof!!!

Anyway, once more, please don't bother at all about the low culture of those who substitute debate with fohsh. It only tells something about their character, I never take it personally. And thanks.


Emotions running high

by Mehdi on

It would be a shame to turn this movement into a bloody one in an attemtp to "avenge the fallen comrade" and then find out later that the "fallen" was actually shot by an MKO or some guy who just wanted to know how it would feel to kill someone, and had in fact nothing to do with the government. Even if the shooter was in fact a Basiji, does that mean that it was a direct order from the government? Does this mean that Iranian government is so well organized? If so, why would one Basiji shoot one girl out os hundreds of thousands of people? What do they exactly want to accomplish by that? But the emotions run high and a lot of people want revenge, no matter what. This is the same kind of quest for revenge that authorized invasion of Iraq by the Americans. The whole country could descend into complete chaos with the excuse of "fight for freedom." We do know that Israeli Mosad has made it very clear that they do NOT want the likes of Mousavi to take over as that would kill their cause for bombing Iran - they want chaos and bloodshed so that invasion of Iran can be better justified to the world. So the purposes of Israeli Mosad is now aligned with the purposes of this "movement" which is no longer green.

The fact is that issues are not so simple and things are not so black and white. It isn't a completely innocent angelic nation that is being repressed by a completely evil regime. Nobody has been able to define for me what this regime is that they are talking about. Is it Ahmadinejad? Is it Khamenei? Is it 1000 people at the top? is it 10,000? What do we really mean by "evil IRI?"

Iran was on its path towards greater freedom and democracy. This new movement, which started as "green" has now been hijacked by a bunch of psychotic lunatics who want nothing but bloodshed and this "movement" is now hindering improvements in Iran and is becoming an excuse for further reduction of civil rights of the people. 

We must all stand up and speak against this lunacy. This is not a people's movement anymore. I am not fooled and I refuse to have false hope in the likes of MKO who want extreme violence as their method of bringing about peace!



by Anonymous XXX (not verified) on

The following are some of the people who were / are also very "passionate" about their beliefs and stick to their position:

1) Adolf Hitler;

2) Joseph Stalin;

3) Pol Pot;

4) Idy Amin;

5) Agusto Pinochet

6) Ali Khamenei;

7) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad;

8) Ivaen the Terrible;

I am sure there are many many others who I cannot think of now. should we applaud these monsters for being "passionate" as well?



by Benyamin on

1- The imposed government of IRI has yet to condemn the deaths of innocent Iranians got killed in peaceful demonstrations.

2-The imposed government is yet to find the killers and so called "imposters basijis".

3-The imposed government of IRI has identified those that were beating one basigi that was captured on a video clip.

4-The imposed government yet to identify those that entered universities droms in few cities  and have killed many students(but as I stated they could eaily identify those that beat one basigi).

5-The leader of IRI has yer to offer his condolonaces to the families of the parrished.

6-The imposed government first denied any deaths in dorms but now press tv has confirmed there were more than a dozen.(in IRI dozen means 100).


it just doesn't get any worse than this!

by Anonymous xx (not verified) on

How any decent Iranian, REAL Iranian could mouth the words you do irandokht to that traitor jaleho is beyond me. You give her credit for her passionate belief? Belief in a system which has and continues to destroy our country? A regime that kills innocent people? This isn't about freedom of speech. This is about decency. The price of support has obviously gone up. I hope it was worth it, selling your soul to the devil.


Jaleh jan

by IRANdokht on

Despite the fact that eyewitness accounts after so many days are not reliable, do you really believe, in your heart of hearts, that all the victims of these past two weeks have been shooreshgar and kharabkar? Do you believe that the bassijis were innocent keepers of order and law?

We are all seeing video clips from Iran and we witnessed an overwhelming number of protesters on the streets but from what we've seen, the violence only started when the bassijis rammed into the crowds with their bikes, beating and slashing the peaceful protesters. Otherwise, such a huge crowd could have easily destroyed a lot of the buildings, stores, cars, buses etc... which they didn't.

The damages that were done to some of the cars and houses are filmed already and the members of bassij were jumping on people's cars and crashing their windows.  Now those were filmed and not just eyewitness accounts.

I was in LA at the rally yesterday. The police (LAPD) was walking and riding their bikes alongside the people to make sure they're safe and to control the traffic. If we were rioting, I am sure they'd use force, but like the protesters in Iran, only in smaller numbers, we were only walking and shouting.

Why can't we hope for Iran to be free of thugs and chomagh be-dast ha? Why can't Iranian police just watch the groups that are not doing anything illegal instead of attacking them? You might say because in LA we obtained a permit for the demonstrations, I give you that, but in Iran there was no organization behind the first demosntrations. Did they deserve to be beaten for walking and assembling? When Mousavi asked for a permit afterwards, was it granted?

As you might have noticed, the first demonstrations in Iran were all about votes, expressions of disappointment and disbelief. Who changed that to slogans about dictatorship, jenayat, and marg bar khamenei? Did the demonstrators change their minds or were they reacting to the brutal way that they were confronted?

We're both watching events unfold from afar. The difference is that you
believe what the IR reports say and I don't. I don't believe these
people who just came to the streets to show their numbers and challenge
the election should be beaten arrested or killed.

As far as I can tell, Khamenei has made the wrong calls from the beginning of these events. He was in a place where he could have stopped further unrest and pacified the crowd. This blatant support of Ahmadinejad and siding with him against these people without even considering their demands is costing their government a lot, unfortunately many are falling victim in the process. 

Now that all is done and people are angry about the role of bassij in the crack down on the peaceful demosntrations there are people who care claiming that it wasn't even bassij:


and that's why I don't believe what the government and its media and its spokespeople say.

All that said, I am sorry that people who do not agree with you and your point of view have taken the insults so far. You are only expressing your opinion and obviously they can't handle it. I admire your passion and I respect you for standing up your belief. I am also sure (because you have said it) that even if they had announced Mousavi as the winner you would have remained positive and supportive of the election. I see too many people trying to score points by attacking others and most of them were the ones who were against the election to begin with, against 85% of Iranian people... but that's a whole other topic.

sorry for the long comment.



I Can't Believe I'm Actually Reading This

by Anonymous XXX (not verified) on

This IRI supporter Jaleho is now advocating the official Khamenei line in syaing that Neda was killed by "foreign agents". How sick and stupid and blinded by ideology do you have to be to even claim such an absurd thing? And this coming from a person who believes and regurgitates EVRYTHING that Hamas low lives say about the Israeli / Palestinian conflict. THEY are NEVER wrong, but Iranians are a bunch of liars.

You know, Jaleho, someone called you a "nationless idiologue" in a comment a couple of weeks ago. He / she is absolutely right. You are not an Iranian. You are a stateless Islamist who is willing to advocate the elimination of every single Iranian so that your ideology can prevail.


Dear Irandokht.

by Jaleho on

You are an intelligent woman, so I want you to do something for yourself. Review the article you provided of the Dr. Hejazi turned fiction writer who told the story, another clip provided by NKminea, and a BBC clip of Mr. Hejazi's interview after he fled Iran to England, right after he's gone to Iran during election time.

Now ask yourself if you buy this narrative: he heard people catching the killer, he knows he's a basiji, people took the killers ID card with name and info and all, this is at the time that the CNN center is receiving 18+ HOURS of video from Iran per MINUTE from protestor groups, and this important information about the killer of the girl who made news all over the world is missing from all networks?! People caught the killer of a young woman and simply thought :"Oh well, we can't do anything about him, so let the poor fellow go?!" Didn't anyone else witness exactly the same thing that our Dr. Hejazi heard?

Just a food for thought, I don't need an answer. But, I won't be surprized if in not so short a time in future I see a best selling book coming out of this Dr. turned fiction write.


to: irandokht

by sick of the killing (not verified) on

No strong words for your sister Jaleho? No condemnation of HER sickening excuses and support of the criminal regime? No? I didn't think so.


Supporting those who"Kill"?

by bahram9821 on

Nkminea, supporting the killers? you got to be kidding me. The two clips I have posted here one shows IRI TV trying to blame foreign governments for Neda's killing, the other one is showing basiji shooting at people. Which part of it is my support of the Killers? I am just sick and tired of innocent people getting killed , that's all.


Thanks Bahram,

by Jaleho on

I am not sure jonoob Sharis have as much access to cameras and internet, or if they would give a flying f. about twitter or posting anything for Wolf Blitzer.

But, I think they probably would have more pocket knives than bacheh Shemranis if they and their votes are threatened by them!


Iranians know about Neda and many more

by Lili on

I speak frequently with friends and family in Iran. Rest assure that they ALL know the truth. Unfortunately, they are aware of many other murders. So these sorts of propagandas will only cause more fury than calm.


Paint me another picture and I will believe you...

by Nkminea on

Bahram 9821 and Jaleho since you are supporting those who "kill" just because they cannot bear disagreement, experience freedom of speech on this site 'cause evidently you haven't had much nor understand much about it!





by bahram9821 on

I don't have any clips showing basijis are being killed, I am sure if there were any clips, it would had a very heavy rotation showing on IRI TV. My point of posting the clip was just to show regardless of who you support, going on the roof top and shooting randomly at people to protect some shitty headquarter is wrong. As far as the result of election for Ahmadinejad and Mousavi in Tehran or any other place in Iran, the way I look at it is , if you can count 40+million hand written votes in 5-6 hours any results is possible. //

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

Same thing here.  Dr. Arash Hejazi, who was one of the people on the scene, tells the story first hand:



Experience "Sangheh payeh Gazvin"

by Nkminea on


so what about this eye witness report

by IRANdokht on

Iran militiaman who shot Neda showed regret for martyr's death




Anonymous Observer

by Benyamin on

Very good point.


Bahram, do you also have

by Jaleho on

a clip of the 7 basijis who got killed by Mousavi supporters?

If there were to be a civil war in the city of Tehran among 2.2 million Mousavi supporters and 1.8 million Ahmadinejad supprters(who won the rest of the country and are entitled to defend their overall win IFFF challenged), do you think one side would sit quiet while the other side kills and burns the shops?Do you think riots police should not act when their job is to prevent destructive riots and when their headquarter is attacked?

Do you call everyone who was killed from Mousavi camp as Iranian citizen, but anyone else who doean't wera a military uniform, just a plaincloth killer? How do you know they are not simply jonoob sharis and their own chomaghs, who are getting sick of THEIR VOTES being disrespected?

After all, in the shmiranat and northern affluent parts of Tehran Mousavi won 2:1, and in the rest of the city he won 2.2 million to 1.8 million. That makes the number of people who supported Ahmadinejad in the jonoob shar much higher than those who supported Mousavi! Another doo doo ta char ta, no?