Obama speaks in support of Iranian people

"The world is watching and inspired .... Iranian people and their voices should be heard and respected"

AFP: US President Barack Obama said Monday that he was "deeply troubled" by violence in Iran, but warned he did not want the United States to become a "political football" in the post-election crisis. Obama also vowed that despite the disputed reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he would stick to his vow to pursue "tough, hard headed" diplomacy with "no illusions" towards the Islamic Republic. Treading a fine political line, Obama also said he wanted to be "very clear" that "it is up to Iranians to make a decision about who Iran's leaders will be." "We respect Iranian sovereignty and want to avoid the United States being the issue inside of Iran," Obama said, adding that in the past America had become a "political football" in the domestic politics of its arch-foe >>>


more from David ET

With the deepest respect and admiration...

by Swede (not verified) on

The world is watching, praying and hoping in every language, and regardless of religion we are all praying for humanity, wich you proudly represent.

...With love and hope for the iranian people and their free spirit...


Thank you President Obama

by Shadi (not verified) on

I think President Obama's comment was very clever very houghtful and at the same time very compassionate with Iranian people.

I do agree with Fouzul Bashi consider the circumstances "Any other reaction might have jeopardized the Iranians movement."

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on







They are no longer alone.

by Assal_B on

Thanks to the Twitter/Facebook supporters spreading word of their plight and tweeting demands for coverage to CNN and other major media outlets, the people of IRAN this time do not feel so alone. The government wants to force a media blackout; let them try. In the internet era, a complete blackout is no longer possible. The hearts of the world stand with Iranians this time. They are no longer alone, and they know it.

Fouzul Bashi

Obama did great

by Fouzul Bashi on

Any other reaction would have jeopardized the Iranians movement.

Thank you Mr President for having won the election in the US. Did you guys see what McCain said?


Too Weak of a Statement

by maryamk (not verified) on

I voted Obama but I have to say I'm very disappointed in President Obama because his comments re the riots in Iran were weak. For someone who knows of struggle and need to have the voice of the people heard his statements were not strong enough. On the other hand, I like McCain's view on things. He believes the US should be more heavy handed in this matter. Apparently, the Republican rep in the State Department is siding with the democrats in this matter. I think instead of writing on FB and Iranian.com, we need to organize and have the White House hear us out.

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on





Leave Iran Alone

by persiankitten (not verified) on

When was the last time the West covered Iranian politics with so much attention? Seems like advantage is being taken of a situation which is playing into their hands. Well done Mr Obama your charisma enables you to deceive very well indeed where Bush could not. How come the West didn't cover the Iranian student protests in 1999? I was in Iran at that point and students who were protesting peacefully, no fires or the like, were beaten to death, thrown out their dorm windows etc. Who can forget the boy who was imprisoned and sentenced to death simply because of the reuters photograph of him holding up his friend's blood covered t-shirt. Where was the West then? I wrote to the BBC countless times but no reply!
The Iranian people do not need the West's interferance disguised as concern and help. We all know they want to control Iran, its people, its Oil etc. Let the Iranian people keep their sovereignty and sort out their own futures.

David ET

7 killed in Iran on Monday

by David ET on

CNN reported 7 killed on Monday

Recent video from Iran:


Very carefully worded! Leave it to beaver (Iranians)! Stay out!

by gol-dust on

otherwise, they become a bugyman that iran is looking for to call all the demostrators traitors and put them in jail. US should not negotiate with this hitler!