Protesters attack security forces

Tehran crowd throw rocks and shout slogans against election fraud

Tehran protest after the government gave incorrect result of election!!!! Mousavi the opposition party has much higher votes but Ahmadinejad and Khamenei the Supreme Leader have lied to all people in Iran to keep themselves in the power. This the voice of Iranian people. Please send it to everyone to inform the world what is happening!!!



I am a true patriot of the

by zebel20 on

I am a true patriot of the Iranian nation, you are angry because there is poverty in Iran, who are the people that put pressure and pose sanctions on our nation.

These are the same countries, as they put away their differences and divided powers among themselves and call themselves the G8, superior to other nation, with one exception my great nation of IRAN.

You should open your eyes and see that the Americans didn’t even want us to launch our own satellite. They are against our technology and achievement.

By the way, as I am typing this message to you, there are over 100,000 iranians in streets of Tehran in support of ahmadinejad, but acting like humans, not bunch of hooligans who didn’t show no respect to our great election, committed crime and vandalised the city, now the tax payer have to pay for it.

Majority of the Iranians don’t vote for someone who is campaign is funded by thieves, like Rafsanjani and so on.



by Nifky (not verified) on

And you believe VOA????? LOLOLOLOLOL

Would it be ok if they said Obama won and then people came out in the streets to riot? Same scenario would play out in any country. You need law and order! You guys expect for the government to allow anarchy?

Also, just because thousands of people in Vanak Tehran come out and demonstrate, this does not mean they are the voice for the rest of Iran. Why are there not demonstrations on this level of gravity in other provinces and other major cities?

Its as if there was a huge kkk rally in the thousands in Washington DC and everyone said they are a representative of the American people.

The rest of the country voted for Ahamadinejad. Tehran residents DO NOT get to dictate who becomes president. THe country has 70 million people and millions of voters in other cities!

Ali P.


by Ali P. on

Demonstration Planned in front of Iranian Embassy on Wisconsin ave, Washington DC Sunday June 14 @ 11am

Ardeshir Ariana

Please Pay Attention & Wake up ... I beg You

by Ardeshir Ariana on

Near Future of Persia/Iran ... A mere Prediction.‏

"All the World's a Stage,

and All the Men and Women merely Players ...

(Plan A) Islamic Republic last pre-staged Election.

(Plan B) Ahmadinejad wins the pre-planned show.

(Plan C) Purple Orange Revolution underway:

1) Khamenei will be placed under house Arrest if he does not give up power.

2) Rafsanjani will give up power.

3) Mohsen Rezai will move out of Persia/Iran.

There will be a pre-staged United Nations Election in Iran.

HM Cyrus Pahlavi will resume indirect Power with his pre-chosen Cabinet.  

US & Persia/Iran will become Happy friends Again for at least the next 30 years.

(Plan D-Z) Should something go wrong with the Above plans.
All options are on the table means All plans have already been made, compromised and ready to execute at the right time.

"Such insults and accusations against the government are a return to Hitler's methods, to repeat lies and accusations... until everyone believes those lies,"  AhmadiNejad said, quoted by local media.

Iranians would "send them to the bottom of history", he added.
(Ahmadinejad is really talking About himself & The end of Islamic Republic).

Learn as how to read between the lines as oppose to believe everything you See, Hear or Read.


Martin Luther King, Jr.: And then I got to Memphis. And some began to say the threats, or talk about the threats that were out. What would happen to me from some of our sick white brothers? Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn't matter with me now. Because I've been to the mountaintop. And I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do Gods will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. And I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lords.

Reason: We the People of Persia/Iran still live in Denial & Not quite Awaken yet.

Why are We Persians/Iranians are So predictable to Our foreign friends.

Do we have such a short memory of Our recent history, i.e. The So called 1979 revolution.  

What were You waiting for a Catalyzer, 12th Imam, G20 to do the job that were meant to do Ourselves in order to Free the land of the Cyrus the Great.

Nostradamus sometimes made mistakes too but Not this time.
Learn About the Master Plan & Play Chess.

N.B. Playing Chess means to use Your logic Not emotions.




Reza-Rio de Janeiro

Leave my people alone!

by Reza-Rio de Janeiro on



Leave Iran and Iranians alone and let us live Free and in Peace in our own land!

I swore to OUR IRANIAN GOD, You don't want us to become violent!!!

Islamic Republic, Khejalat bekesh!

 Free Iran and Iranians.

PS. Is there any Iranian organization who can help us UNITE and mobilize outside IRAN? 



power to the people

by evolve (not verified) on

First of all can we leave Israel out of it. For the one guy in the post that said "down with Israel". Not that I support anything that country does but that's just ignorant.

Problem at hand, you have a country run by religious zealots. Religion and government should never mix and only feed on ignorance. Glad some people finally have woken up in Iran. And by the way Muslim religion is not the religion of that's the Arabs. Leave it to the them and bring back the beauty of PERSIA.

And yeah I went there with religion because frankly that's the root of all this BS.

Fight the power! Fight true ignorance!


Musavie has been arrested

by shirazie (not verified) on

Several phone calls from family in Iran..

Rumor has it Musavie has been arrested and Rafsanjanhi is under house arrest.


to Zebel

by Benyamin on

this time around you are the minority. but as the bush won in the USA you and the "gang" you support in Iran won the elections. But the green wave will conquer Iran soon.

PS: this election has nothing to do with the USA. it has everything with Iran and Iranians.


response to zebel20

by kara (not verified) on

i truly doubt that you have any iranian blood flowing in your body....if the pain and poverty people are struggling with is called "achievement", you must be reading off of a different dictionary!!


Very true

by Jahanami (not verified) on

Best analysis I have read so far.
Goldust is right on spot. Something about thousands of people in govermnet doesn't sit well with me either.
Very bright idea.


compare to how they run

by zebel20 on

compare to how they run elections in america, it was a fair election. i dont really need to get into any details of how that stupid bush got to become the president the first time, never mind the second term. minority of the iranians living at north tehran dont speak for the rest of the country, and we can see how violent and stupit they are. i feel sorry for these narrow minded individuals who only see their freedom in hejab and night clubs and alchoholic drinks.


mousavi and his campainers are a nobody to me, they are all bunch of theive and liars, the idoit couldnt even come up with one full sentense.




Election was a fraud! It was a PR for IRI!Murders are in charge!

by gol-dust on

It was so fraud that they had the dictator win by 2 to 1 trying to tell the world that there was no doubt that he was the winner! Remember, tens of thousands of people in government and connected to them had a vested interest in the dictator's win.

They are afraid of a revolution, that's why they are kicking out the foreign journaist so they can calmp down on the opposition! I hope, people keep their fight and don't let up!

Down with Dicators(IRI)! Down with Israel! Long live IRAN!


I really doubt, if the

by zebel20 on

I really doubt, if the black people in America claimed their freedom by crying to the Iranian nation, while they were being burned, hanged, beaten to death, simply for the colour of their skin.  


Now a group of teenagers shouting in English, WE WANT FREEDOM.

what freedom are you asking for, a country run by the west, having full control over our economy, for instance 86% of our oil profit so couple of European countries stop calling our great nation a terrorist state, if shah of Iran wouldn’t allow such injustice, at that point of time, they would of labelled us a communist state.


Ahmadinejad’s foreign policy is the greatest achievement that an Iranian nation could ever asked for in a long time.


قدرت در برابر قدرت. سازمندهی

pooyandeh (not verified)

- آنچه اکثريت مردم می خواهند نظا م پيچيده ای نيست. مردم ايران خواهان آنند که حقوق انسانی شان رعايت شود ، کشوری آباد وآزاد داشته باشند و بتوانند برای ساختن زندگی بهتر تلاش کنند.
تجربه های مکرر تاريخی نشان داده که بهترين روش رسيدن به چنين هدفی نفی نظام ديکتاتوری (در مورد ايران چه بصورت شاهی وچه شيخی) و رويکرد به استقرار دمکراسی در کشورمان است. نفی نظام استبدادی به هر شکل آن مستلزم شرکت آگاهانه مردم در تعيين سرنوشت خويش ، احترام به حقوق انسانی و نهادينه کردن اصول جهانی حقوق بشر است بر خلاف عوامفريبی جمهوری اسلامی اين اصول حاصل قرن ها مبارزه بشريت عليه جهل و استبداد است و سو استفاده ابزاری به وسيله چند درست راستی از ضرورت احترام به آن و اجرای اين دستاورد با ارزش بشريت نمی کاهد.
بهترين نظام سياسی برای استقرار دمکراسی، نظام جمهوری سکولار به مفهوم زير است:
- دمکراسی نه به مفهوم استبداد اکثريت بلکه سازمان دهی امور بر مبنای رای اکثريت و رعايت حقوق اقليت است.

- نظام جمهوری بر مبنای احترام به حقوق بشر، رعايت حقوق شهروندی و مسئوليت پذيری مسئولين و شهروندان در اداره جامعه و حل مشکلات خواهد بود.
- نظام جمهوری بر مبنای انتخابی بودن تمامی سران کشور، تفکيک قوای سه گانه به منظور محدود نمودن و استقلال اين نيروها و تناوبی بودن دولت و وجود مجلس منتخب مردم به عنوان مرجع اصلی قانون گذاری مفهوم پيدا می کند.
- جمهوری سکولار به مفهوم جدايی امر دين و ايدئولوژی از امر حکومت است. اين به مفهوم نفی دين و يا مبارزه با اعتقادات مذهبی مردم نيست. در واقع يکی از اصول اساسی جمهوری سکولار دفاع از آزادی های مذهبی وفکری مردم به عنوان بخشی از وظيفه جمهوری در دفاع از آزادی بيان وانديشه است. اما، آنچه در جمهوری سکولار نفی می شود تبعيض برمبنای باورهای دينی و تبليغ يک مذهب خاص از طرف دولت است.
اساس جمهوری سکولار بر مبنای تکثر ديدگاه ها و ارج نهادن به ازادی انديشه و بيان بعنوان بهترين روش برای حل مشکلات و ساماندهی اجتماع است.
(بر عکس جمهوری اسلامی که درآن همه تشکلات سياسی بايد يدک "اسلامی” داشته باشند. در نظام سکولار همه آزاد خواهند بود تا آنطور که هستند خود را معرفی نموده نيازی به تظاهر از ترس سرکوب نباشد.)
- احتياج به آزادی يک غريزه اساسی انسانی است. هر کس حق دارد از آزادی فکر، عقيده و بيان بهرمند باشد.
همچنين آزادی اجتماعات، آزادی احزاب وآزادی مطبوعات و دسترسی به اطلاعات از حقوق اساسی بشرند واز اساسی ترين مبانی جمهوری سکولار بشمار می آيند.
- در جمهوری سکولار تمامی شهروندان مستقل از جنسيت، مذهب،زبان، قوميت دارای حقوق برابرند.
( يک هدف مهم تحول سياسی در ايران می بايد رفع تضييقاتی باشد که در نظام جمهوری اسلامی بر زنان و اقليت های مذهبی از جمله بهائيان، مسيحيان، يهوديان و زرتشتيان روا شده).
- در جمهوری مردمی شکنجه ، اعدام وخشونت جايی ندارد.
- رشد اقتصاد مولد با توجه به توسعه پايدار و حفظ محيط زيست ، با امکانات کم نظير کشورمان امکان پذير می باشد. در نتيجه زمينه زدودن فقر برقراری عدالت اجتماعی مهيا می گردد. تمرکز فوق العاده قدرت دولت که باعث زمينه های استبداد و فساد می گردد با گسترش صنايع غير دولتی و رشد اقتصاد چند محصولی با استفاده ازامکانات متنوع محدود می گردد.
- واگذاری تصميم گيری ها ی محلی و استانی به نهادهای انتخابی همان محل از تمرکز دولت کاسته و باعث رشد موزون مناطق مختلف کشورمان شده و زمينه را برای حفظ تماميت ارضی با تکيه به رشد واحقاق حقوق اقوام مختلف ايرانی تقويت مينمايد. تنوع فرهنگی، قومی و زبانی باعث افتخار ونقطه قوت همه ايرانيان خواهد بود.

ما ليافت وتوانايی داشتن چنين نظامی را داريم. ما توانايی ساختن نظامی مردمی را داريم. مردم ايران در مقاطع مختلف برای کمک به هموطنان و ساختن ايرانی بهتر تلاش های بسياری کرده و مشکلات سختی را تحمل کرده اند. اما برای ساختن ايرانی آزاد و دمکراتيک بايد به نقد جدی تفکرات و روشهای نا کارامد گذشته پرداخت. شيوه تفکر را متحول نمود و نقاط ضعف و قوت برای تحول دمراتيک را بدقت بررسی نمود. سپس با يافتن روش های خلاقانه در حد توانمان برای احقاق حقوق و حق تعيين سرنوشتمان تلاش نماييم. انتظار" منجی” از خارج ويا اصلاحات از بالا مشکلاتمان را حل نخواهد کرد. تداوم وضع موجود جز تعميق مشکلات و سقوط بيشتر کشورمان درمنجلاب ولايت سفيه نخواهد بود. اين يعنی تداوم فقرونکبت ، تداوم تظاهر دروغ ، از مفهوم خالی شدن معيارهای زيبای انسانی ، بی ارزش بودن جان ايرانيان و نفی اساسی ترين حقوق انسانی ما!


So much valor and

by capt_ayhab on

So much valor and bravery. 



Dameshoon garm

by Bavafa on



They should get rid of journalists. This is an internal affair.

by Anonymous... (not verified) on

These guys just take to the streets, set buses on fire and rock cars and damage property because the focal point of their campaign is womens rights and a poor economy? What the hell do they think isgoing on here. Their candidate didn't do jack during Khatami's terms, and he can't articulate a sentence or an issue if his life depended on it, yet he thinks he won the election? His followers are as dumb as he is. They should try this in the US and see how the police and the national guard here will pick them apart, then fine them for damaging private property, interrupting taffic and closing streets without permits. They'll put them through so much here that they'll barely recover from it. These Sosools need to go to jail for their mis behavior, and had their mommy and daddy didn't buy their sarbazee's, or at least push them out to survive on their own, they'll have a better grasp of this world's reality. Please give us some reall issues. don't give these jokers any more publicity.

Darius Kadivar

John Simpson Reports today 30 years later (1979-2009)

by Darius Kadivar on

What a Sad Irony ... 

John Simpson
Reporting from Tehran

"A crowd of about 3,000 attacked the police, some of whom were on motorbikes, which they set on fire.

The sky was thick with black smoke. Police attacked the crowd with sticks and maybe teargas.

I didn't expect to see people turning on the secret police. We were filming when we were surrounded by angry secret policemen. The crowd turned on them and chased them off.

I suspect we are not looking at a revolution but there is serious anger.

It all depends on how the government responds - if they use violence, that could inflame the situation."

See Video of oe of his Colleagues at BBC at the Time :


Darius Kadivar

IRI is trying to expulse Journalists & Foreign Correspond

by Darius Kadivar on

VOA announced that Journalists and Foreign correspondents are asked by IRI government to leave the country.

Special Editions on VOA PERSIAN All day Long ...
