Alef: Khayyam into music

Composition by Sahba Aminikia based on Omar Khayyam's poetry

Sahba Aminikia, who will be performing Persian folk songs at the Music Festival at San Francisco's Palace of Fine Arts on April 25, composed this piece based on Omar Khayyam's poetry. It was performed at San Francisco Conservatory of Music, Recital Hall on March 18th, 2009.

Poetry by Omar Khayyam
Translated by: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Kelly Birch: Mezzo soprano
Kevin Korth: Piano

I must abjure the Balm of Life, I must,
Scared by some After-reckoning taen on trust,
Or lured with Hope of some Diviner Drink,
When the frail Cup is crumbled into Dust!

If but the Vine and Love-abjuring Band
Are in the Prophets Paradise to stand,
Alack, I doubt the Prophets Paradise
Were empty as the hollow of Ones hand.

Oh threats of Hell and Hopes of Paradise!
One thing at least is certain - This Life flies:
One thing is certain and the rest is lies;
The Flower that once is blown for ever dies.


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Think Outside The (Music) Box!

by Music, the language of love (not verified) on

Sahba Aminikia is a fabulous young composer. His gift of Persian poetry and music to the world is one of the rare bridges between cultures which will introduce Iran's rich culture to a brand new audience.

Of course traditional Iranian music is beautiful. Of course reading Khayyam in Farsi is an endless joy for those who can read and understand Farsi.

But to take the message of Khayyam and to put it into a new format, palatable and understandable for those who appreciate western compositions and the opera, is a task accomplished only by very gifted people such as Sahba who can both understand the Iranian culture and their western audiences.

It is beautiful music which was composed by a true son of Iran. If you go to his music page on, // , you can see samples of his other works. Take a look at "Reng" which is a whimsical rendition of the old Iranian wedding song "Emshab che shabist." He's great!



by mrlayl on

Way to go, Sahba.


Not Good...

by :P (not verified) on

This is really lame! Translating Persian poetry into other languages simply does not work! if you want to enjoy Persian poetry, learn the Persian language and the Persian culture. There is no other way around it! The translation doesn't even convey 10% of the meaning and the power of the poems! I think the singing made it even worse! I can't ever imagine Khayyam writing poetry for Opera!