
Ali Shayegan

Doctor acquitted of illegal prescription charges

South Florida Sun-Sentinel -- The jury did not just acquit the South Florida physician of drug trafficking; some jurors wanted to hug him.

So ended a yearlong ordeal for Dr. Ali Shaygan on Thursday with tears, handshakes and emotional embraces outside the courtroom where he was tried for prescribing medication that allegedly caused the death of a patient from West Palm Beach.

"I feel vindicated," Shaygan said. "I feel that my life can move forward again."

During his three-week trial in Miami federal court, prosecutors called Shaygan a drug dealer who sold prescriptions for dangerous narcotic painkillers like oxycodone to boost his income.

Shaygan met addicts in a Starbucks, kept incomplete files and readily prescribed narcotics to two undercover police officers who came to him seeking drugs, prosecutors said.

But after just four hours of deliberations, the jury found Shaygan not guilty of 141 counts of unlawful prescribing, setting off a cheer from his friends and relatives. If convicted, he could have been sentenced to more than 20 years in prison.

Several jurors lingered outside the courtroom to congratulate Shaygan and his defense team.

"The jury did the right thing," said David O. Markus, Shaygan's lead attorney. "This sends a message that justice prevails."

But Shaygan said he is unsure he will return to practicing medicine.

"I know 100 percent that I want to continue helping people," he said. "That's the most important thing.">>>


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Re: access to official court

by Ali Shaygan (not verified) on

Re: access to official court proceedings. Which part are you interested in? Each day is approx. 200- 300 pages of transcripts?
You may contact me at my email above and put as the subject so that I don't think it is junk mail.


Does anyone have access to the official court...

by Ostaad on
