Antique bags

Tribal bags of South Persia from Ann Nicholas and Richard Blumenthal's collection


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Persian rug dealer crooks and their GOB scams!

by farrad02 on

To Maziar: Don't get me started with Iranian farsh foroosh crowd! They are mostly a bunch of uneducated crooks with very little integrity and honor! Just go and ask those in the know what the Persian Rug GOB business model is? (Going Out of Business) This gimick is so infamous and done so often that there is an acronym for it! In the big US cities most land lords of the shopping centers and malls know this very well and if an Iranian-looking person tries to get a place leased, one of the things they ask is whether or not you are trying to pull off a GOB scam!

To Ari and Nazy:  As I stated in my original comments, that was years ago. I wish I still had all my khorjeens and tobrehs and I would photograph them for a photo essay here. Unfortunately they were all sold eventually in Canada!




by maziar 058 (not verified) on

I used to tell to my American customer : these saddle bags(TOOBREH) in Iran are used behind motor cycles as a bag and on donkey ;But you can use it as putting your bills in 'em.!
farrod khan you probably showed them to the wrong crowds FARSH FOROOSH !



by maziar 058 (not verified) on

I used to tell to my American customer : these saddle bags(TOOBREH) in Iran are used behind motor cycles as a bag and on donkey ;But you can use it as putting your bills in 'em.!
farrod khan you probably showed them to the wrong crowds FARSH FOROOSH !

Nazy Kaviani

توبره، خورجین، پالان

Nazy Kaviani

These are wonderful! The original items were constructed by sewing several pieces together. These are de-constructed and displayed separately. I love them. I am the proud owner of a few of these and I can't imagine their utility as "animal wear." Yes, I second Ari, Farrod! Please let us see your collection! How about a photo essay? Come on!


South what?

by Saman on

Persia = Checkoslovakia

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Farrad02, do you have pics of your collection? Grateful if you shared, and more so if you critiqued the above Blumenthal collection. Or at least, which one(s) piqued your interest? 


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