
Eurovision Song Contest 2009

"Always" is a song by Azerbaijani singer Aysel Teymurzadeh, and will be the Azerbaijani entry to the Eurovision Song Contest 2009. The song was selected by İctimai Televiziya və Radio Yayımları Şirkəti (İTV), the Azerbaijani broadcaster, to compete from the 30 songs submitted to the broadcaster. The song was composed by Iranian-Swedish performer Arash.


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Arash is a very beautiful

by Anonymous984568 (not verified) on

Arash is a very beautiful name, very masculine and sexy, especially compared to the rest of male Iranian names such as Ali, Taghi, Naghi, etc.


The name

by iranian4ever (not verified) on

In Europe, do they pronounce it "Ar-ash" or "A-rash" or something else? Yes, its a serious q.. in the West I've only ever heard my workmates/schoolmates/friends with that name being called "a-rash". I always felt sorry for them! But it was kinda funny too.. :)

Anyway, good on him! The biggest RASH of them all =)

Darius Kadivar

Congrats BUT Eurovision is becoming N'Importe Quoi ! ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Eurovision has become a pool for ANYTHING but "European" Music. Contestants particularly from Northern Europe sing in English rather than their native tongue and even France became a victim of this absurdity last year with a singer with Sebastien Tellier.


That was the Worst Defeat For France Since Waterloo ( Not the ABBA Eurovision Winner song But the Battle in 1815) ...

As for Azerbaijan as Part Of Europe ...

Who are We Kidding ? We can hardly include Turkey who has been on the list for so many decades ...

This contest has become more of a ridiculous competition for Mediocrity ( no offense intended to Arash or this years competitors) than anything "authentic".

Good luck to Azerbaijan anyways and Arash ...



First Ever

by nimaok on

He's gonna be the first ever Iranian on the Eurovision stage....Iranian diaspora in Europe should support him with their televotes on May 14 and 16...



by Amir Khosrow Sheibany (not verified) on

He is much better in Persian. His good humour doesn't come across here.


Nothing personal

by Milan (not verified) on

Sounds a little Band-Tomboonee.


So talented! No wonder s/he sings in Seweden not the US!

by gol-dust on

Why am I sitting in front of the lap top? May be I should move to sweden! At least he remembered his lines! May be it was the legs! 


Didn't like it at all

by Nonbiased (not verified) on

Are they realy in the contest with this song? Amazingly bad. I dont care where they are from this just does not deserve to win.


vote for Azerbaijan and hence for Arash

by nimaok on

Come on Iranian for Azerbaijan and hence for Arash on May 14 and 16


He is just .... terrible.

by Thatkid. (not verified) on

Please, someone stop him..


Tacky enough

by anonymous77 (not verified) on

for the hilarious contest