Cultural Revolution

Round table in 1980 in which Dr. Soroush defends Islamization of universities




by jakarta on



سروش اشتباه نکرد

Literary critic (not verified)

ما اشتباه کردیم که فکر کردیم او حقیقت دارد.

چو دزدی با چراغ آید

گزیده تر برد کالا


You have to regret !!!

by water. (not verified) on

Such an irony. Soroush was a backward narrow-minded uneducated nothing. He was imprisoned in the dogma and ideology of some more narrow-minded and uneducated bastards. Blindly he followed this ideology without thinking and judging FOR HIMSELF PERSONALLY. He just followed and confused the innocent youth.

Later he felt bored and travelled the world, he saw freedom, life, dignity and how people around the world (although they also had struggles) lived a diginified and pretty life like human. Then suddenly his blind eyes were open and he changed his mind.

And now this ugly shameless man is posting various photos from his travels to free countries.

Unfortunately he forgot that we his words and actions he forever destroyed the destiny of so many youth who were thirsty for a good leader. But this Soroush exploited that opportunity for his own advantage.


All of them, SOROUSH and the

by water (not verified) on

All of them, SOROUSH and the sames will go to history as traitors and asskissers.

However if they want to avoid this awefull destiny the only remedy is that they have to PUBLICLY (in Iran) appologize for what they've done to the youth.


this is not the same Shraitmadary

by Iranboy on

Idiot, he is not the same Shariatmadary that you have heard of. This guy is a univesrity professor of education and psychology


رجال عهد قحط الرجال

فرشاد (not verified)

شریعتمداری بعدها وزیر بازرگانی شد. حسن حبیبی سالها معاون اول رییس جمهور بود و عضو غیر روحانی شورای نگهبان. آدمی بی مصرف تر از این آدم وجود نداشته.


Most of these gentlement have realized their

by Ostaad on

mistakes by now. But at what cost?


سروش اشتباه نکرد

بهنام (not verified)

آنهایی که میگویند سروش اشتباهش را قبول کند دقیقا بگویند کدام اشتباه؟

او به کدام مصوبه بد شورای انقلاب فرهنگی رای مثبت و به کدام مصوبه خوب شورا رای منفی داد؟

تا این را مشخص نکرده اید اتهامتان بی معنی هست.

Manoucher Avaznia

Ali P. Jaan;

by Manoucher Avaznia on

This Ali Shareeatmadaaree was an education (Taleem va Tarbeeyat) professor at the University of Esfahan.  He was graduated from University of Shiraz when it was Pahlavi.  Apparently, he was among students whom the Shah had sent to the US for higher studies in their fields up  to PHD.  I remember him speaking at the AleAhamad Hall (previously known as Shams (perhaps) Pahlavi) Hall at the Daaneshdadeh Addabeyat of University of Shiraz (probably) shortly before the revolution and I was told he was Ali Shareeatee who was a charismatic icon for young Moslem revolutionaries Iranians and had passed away more than a year earlier.  Some of Shareeatmadee's books and translations I had seen in Iran including a thick book about education and another one in philosphy.  Those were written at the time of the Shah. After the Cultural Coupe, he was among the first member of the Cultural Revolution Council appointed by Khomeini. In general, Shareeatmadaree was known as a good Moslem teacher and education philospher.



davood moshiri (not verified)

انقلاب فرهنگی‌!!؟؟

من وقتی انقلاب فرهنگی‌ شد سال اول ورودام به دانشگاه بود. برای نسل خیلی جوانمان که آنروز‌ها هنوز در ایران نبودند باید بگویم که عزیزانم، فقط و فقط یک دلیل برای انقلاب به اصطلاح فرهنگی بود و آن انکه دانشگاها را خواستند از وجود تمام دانشجویان مخالف پاک کنند. بعد هم افرادی مثل سروش و غیره آمدند که جریان راه ماست مالی کنند و به آن رنگ به اصطلاح انقلابی بزنند. امضأ آقای سروش و بقیه سرداران اسلام که اینجا میبینید زیر ورقه پاکسازی بسیاری از استادان قرار گرفت. سروش یک اهریمن واقعیی است. چرا که با رنگ و روی صوفی و غیره میخواهد سر جوانان راا شیره بمالد.


جناب آقای سروش




١)  تو مملکتی که به کچل میگن زلفعلی و به کور میگن عینعلی، اسم «سروش»  کاملاً  برازندهء شماست.
«بر عکس نهند نام زنگی کافور»

٢) این «عطر» نکبتی تفکرات فاقد هویت شما و همپالگی هایتان (جلال الدین افغانی) خوار مادر مشام ما را سی ساله که....  فرموده! میشه لطفاً ؟
«از طلا گشتن پشیمان گشته ایم.....مرحمت فرموده ما را مس کنید»

بلطف اعمال و کردار و پیشینهء آلودهء شما و ارباب هاتون فراموش کردیم عطر به چی میگن و معطر کدومه!

به امید روزی که تلویزیون رو روشن کنم و ببینم دمب تون رو گذاشتین لای پاتون و میگین......گُه خوردیم!



Cultural Revolution

by Hossein Mirmobiny (not verified) on

مشکل اینجا است که آقای سروش هنوز هم حاضر نیست مسئولیت گفتار زشت و اعمال غلط خود را بپذیرد و یا حتا اذعان کند که خطا کرده است.
می نمی دانم چگونه است که اینها که به توبه اعتقاد دارند خود کمتر توبه می کنند؟
یک بار بگوید جاهلانه به دنبال خمینی راه افتاده و از چیزی که علم نداشته پیروی کرده و دچار خطا شده آنگاه فکر نکنم ملت او را مورد عفو قرار ندهد هرچند کار از این حرفها گذشته و ایران ما (و به تعبیری تمامی منطقه خاورمیانه) به سبب پیروی جاهلانه مردم از خمینی و ندانم کاری های امثال حبیبی ها و سروش ها اینک غرق کثافت شده است!


I saw Soroosh's name (for

by Mehrban on

I saw Soroosh's name (for the first time) in a very recent article on this site.  The writer had mentioned Soroosh's name, I believe as a leading thinker in the Iranians' quest for an authentic identity.  The concept seemed interesting. Jalal Al ahmad was mentioned in the same article in relation to Gharbzadeghi.

This clip puts things in context for me.   

Given what he is saying here, Soroosh is not a strong thinker at all, - a very banal presentation of a reactionary concept. He has also been instrumental in infusing Iran's universities with dogma at the cost of free thinking (to the extent it had existed before).

I have read some of Al Ahmad's writings, there is an abyss between Al Ahmad and Soroosh that I see in this clip.  The two almost should not be in the same article.

I hope the writer of the article sees this clip and judges for himself. 


My ignorance of revolution, Who are these people?

by gol-dust on

Are they poiticians, professors and/or current government insiders? I left Iran a few years before the revolution, so I have no idea who these guys are. They must be important that they are featured here. What is their significance, and are they still alive? Thank you for enlightening me!


سروش بزرگترین مولوی شناس عصر حاضر می‌‌باشد ولی

Literary critic (not verified)

نه هر که سر بتراشد قلندری داند

گرفتاری سروش و امثالهم این است که طریقت و شریعت را در یک بطن با یکدگر آمییخته و معجون نا مرغوبی تولید کرده ا‌ند که خود نیز قربانی این نابخردی شده ا‌ند.

گوئی حافظ برای سروش سرود که

ترسم این قوم که بر درد کشان می‌‌خندند

بر سر کار خرابات کنند ایمان را


Ali Shariatmadari

by Fred on

Like Soroosh's twin acolytes, Ali Shariatmadari is a U.S. educated rabid Islamist.


Ali P.

Dr. Shariat-madari ??

by Ali P. on

Who is that?

There is a Hossein Shariat-madari, the editor of Kayhan (Teheran).

There is  a Hassan Shariat-madari, the son of the late Ayatollah Shariat-madari, who is in exile.

I don't think this is either one.

Does anyone know who this man was, and what hppened to him?

Darius Kadivar

smile its candid Camera ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Culture of Sad and ugly Faces ...

Tchegadre Akhmou !


The comments below pretty

by Fatollah (not verified) on

The comments below pretty much reflect my sentiments. Thanks:-)



by MRX1 on

sorush the scumbag justifies all his action by saying that's what student wanted. like he had nothing to do with it. This is like the executrioner saying the condemed person asked for being excecuted! These islamists are breed of their own that's for sure...


من به بقیه اون

mehran parsi (not verified)

من به بقیه اون گردن کلفتهأی که در آین اینجا میبینید کار ندارم که هر یک به نوبه خود به زباله دان تارخ رفته ا‌ند. منظور اصلی من آین سردار اسلام آقای دکتر سروش است که با چه لفت لیسی در باره انقلاب فرهنگی که فقط در یک جامعه فاشیستی مثل جمهوری اسلامی میتواند شکل بگیرد سخن وری میفرمایند همین آقای "دکتر" برای ما شده "صوفی" آین روزها و دم از سکولاریسم هم میزند. ان بابا که آین جا در مورد لزوم انقلاب فرهنگی یقه درانی میکند اگر به ایران برگردد یک راست میبرندش به زندان تا یک درس درس حسابی به او داده و بگذارند بوی‌ خوش اسلام ناب محمدی رو تا میتواند استنشاخ کند!.. آقای سورش، شما و امثال خبیث شما ایرانمان را به آین روز تیره اندختهید. باشد روزی که اسمی از شما اهریمننن باقی نماند. به امید اون روز.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

ان قلاب فرهنگی‌ یا فاشیسم فکری

Shazde Asdola Mirza

من به ریش سروش تف می‌کنم، و به مرقد امام عزیزش ان قلاب مینمایم، که به نام ` عطر آگین ` کردن دانشگاه ها، رژیمی فاشیستی و کارخانه‌ای از وحشت و ترور را بر جان و تن جوانان ما مستولی ساخت. این کثافت‌های ` عطر آگین ` باید بدانند که در سقوط مرگبارشان، همان عطر و ان قلاب سراپایشان را شستشو خواهد داد!


it is not that simple (to Iranyvaliazad)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Iranyvaliazad says: "Never trust an islamist, their loyalty rests with establishment rather with people …"

I am not a Muslim, however it is not that simple. Some of the people who have been in the establishment could care less about Islam (or any other religion/ideology for that matter). Main thing they care about is almighty $. I have personally come across a number of them inside and outside Iran that have loaded themselves past several decades at the cost of misery of many lower and middle class Iranians....... I bet the very same people would have done the same thing under Shah, had the former regime not been toppled.


same mad dogs that they were

by Iranyvaliazad on

As other readers have commented, he is one of many (Ganji is another one) who were instrumental in creating the brutal Islamic system in Iran … their hands are stained with blood of innocent Iranians in every corner of Iran.  Never trust an islamist, their loyalty rests with establishment rather with people … they will sacrifice people, as they have shown time after time, for their gains.   Now that times has changed, like a snake, they shed their skin and attempt to portray themselves as “reformists” , “doctor”, “philosophers”, etc. etc.


Thanks to Internet!

by Anonymous_7654 (not verified) on

The same people that destroyed the universities (and made it Islamic) now are becoming reformists and talk about problems like they don't know who has created them in the first place.
There were numerous excellent professors that were fired and couldn't teach anymore because they were not Muslims. Now "Dr." Soroush is against the same ideology and government that he helped to create. And more frustrating is to see Iranian youth with no historical memory are following these newly turned reformists. It's a stupid world!


Cultural Corruption

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

I am sure these guys did not have any bad intentions, but paradoxically they helped in flourishing the devastating corruption that exists within and without (outside) the government in Iran. Shoving any ideology/religion through peoples trout is wrong.



by Sarzamine Man (not verified) on

Only seen in backward countries, with uneducated mass wo do something like this, Aghaye Soroush felan ke Islam bo gandesh donyaro grefte for the last 1400 years, we are still waitig for atre moataresh, vala alaf zire pamon sabz shod, without a doubt, these the traitors to Iranian people, their ugly faces should never be forgotten.