Obama letter to Khamenei

A 'back channel' appeal to Iran

Los Angeles Times: President Obama and his aides are preparing to send a secret message to Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, inviting him to open a clandestine "back channel" for direct talks between the United States and Iran. It may sound cloak-and-dagger, but that's how a lot of delicate diplomacy is done. Back-channel talks opened the way to the U.S. relationship with China in 1972, the Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement in 1993 and other lesser breakthroughs. But what will Obama's message say? That's one of the crucial issues Dennis Ross, the administration's new Iran strategist, is wrestling with. Demand too much, and the Iranians may refuse to play. Give away too much, and they may simply ask for more>>>


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Now What...

by A. Hassan Danesh, Ph.d (not verified) on

Okay... imagine everything went well... all the discussions bear fruits and finally two countries opened up their luxurious multi million dollars embassys at part with their counterpart in Baghada from the pocket of tax payers...

Old business? No old business
New business! Now waht?

Plan? Plan? Plan?

My friends you must have a plan and goal after all these thirty years of running around! Yes yo need a plan!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

نامه اوباما به رهبر

Shazde Asdola Mirza


الهی من به قربانت بگردم

علی‌ جان تو به قلبم جا بکردی

من از بابای خود یادم بیاید

که در اندونزی خانه بکردی

سر خنته سوران من ببودی

سر منبر برام روضه بخواندی

من از روز ازل شرمنده بودم

تو تا شام ابد بر ما بخندی

برایت چند لول ناب دارم

ز محصول فغان تا بر ببندی

شوی شنگول و خوش حالی‌ بیابی‌

زنی‌ بستی و با ما هم بگردی

برایت پول و مال و وام دارم

اگر درهای موشک را ببندی

شود هیلاری و این بیل غلامت

اگر با ما سر هسته نگندی

برایت چند صد حوری بیارم

اگر این احمدی رو پا ببندی

بیا با ما نشین و می بر افشان

که بهتر از خودم طرفی‌ نبندی!


What exactly will this accomplish

by mahmoudg on

to put a stamp of approval on the regime, so they can continue their clandestine nunclear activity!!!  So what, if IRI asks the US for hands off the regime change, and they will give up their nuclear ambition, we will go along with it???  So what happens to the american values we espouse.  We cannot sign a pact with the devil,  as we could not with the Nazis, we cannot with the IRI either.  We have only two choices to keep American hegemony.  To support the iranian people to topple this regime, or to take our forces into Iran and move these terrorists by force.  We have to stay our course and be the leaders of opposition to this regime.  No other method will work and only prolong the inevitable.  The IRI must be removed, at any cost.

Kaveh Nouraee

FOUND: Rough Draft of Obama's Letter

by Kaveh Nouraee on

What appears to be a rough draft of a letter to be dispatched to Ali Khamenei has apparently been been leaked by unnamed sources in Washington. It reads:

Dear Ali,

On behalf of the American people, I extend to you a heartfelt greeting of "asalaam aleikum", or as we like to say, "'ssup"?

We have been trying to get in touch with you since January 20, 1981, when you dissed us by waiting until Reagan was sworn in to release the hostages. Considering how we contributed to the position you hold today, that was really uncool.

After all, look at what we've done for you. We exaggerated human rights abuses to ease the transition for you. We even had Jimmy Carter play the Shah like he was a shorty with that New Year's toast. We even saved the video on YouTube for you to remind you of what Uncle Sammy did for Uncle Ayatollah.

As you say, "komak kardim". As we say, "we hooked you UP!"

So, come on, show a brother some love and hit me back on my cell.


PS: Carter wanted me to ask you to ask aroound and see if anyone ever found his watch. He took it off in the palace bathroom when he was washng his hands back in 1978 and hasn't been able to find it since. He was wondering if someone may have come across it while storming the palace. Text me back. Thx.


Yes Anonymous464546546

by XerXes (not verified) on

That's the opposition for you. Iranians that are Shahi these days, not that Shahi is bad, but they are so limited in their political education and historical knowledge that are willing to give Iran and everything Iran has to have Googoosh back do a concert for them. That's about as much they care about freedom and democracy in Iran as they understand the word.

Just horrible people. They sell as easy as 1-2-3 and are not willing to work at all for what they believe. So they want to sell the "oil" to the US before they get in so the US "supposedly" do the WORK for them. Useless, lazy, and any standard:traitors in the definition of the word.
Why do you think they don't see people who are anti Iran and foreigners as "best" friends? Sell outs.

On the positive note, the problem of many of these useless people has been transferred to the West. After all they are the byproduct of them...



by MRX1 on

Is the Hillary Clinton, the secret message? just send her there and for sure she will cause the supreme leader of this fabulous republic to loose his masculinity!

 ali22 liberal idiots are every where.This one is even worse than that moron Carter. At least he was an engineer or some thing, this guy's biggest experience was putting posters in streets of chicago. 



by ali122 (not verified) on

lovers of the akhoonds never mention anything about their bloodstained hands or their crimes agains iran and its people.....
and as far as obama and this so-called letter is concerned, he's following the lead of that moron carter, who started this whole fiasco 30 years ago....liberals believe in appeasing murderers and terrorists and taxing the people to death
javid iran


Prelude to Soviet-style containment

by My two cents (not verified) on

In this very gloomy world economy, not only the U.S. but the whole world cannot afford a war.

Yet the major question still remains "will Israel go for it?"


its all prelude to war

by historian (not verified) on

everyone who has read history knows this:before a real war you need to act like you tried for peace,everywar in past:ww2 ww1,napoleon,first parties act like they want to talk than the carnage starts.
its not different this time war is inevitable


Iranian people are to blame as well

by Anonymous464546546 (not verified) on

I've met so many different people from all over the world during my lifetime and believe me when I tell you that I have never seen any people to be so indifferent, detached and sometime so aggressively hateful toward their country of birth as Iranians.

I've come to realize that Iranians in general have no real genuine love toward that country and those who pretend to love Iran seem to love it ONLY and ONLY for their own self-serving needs and agendas.

I've also noticed that Iranians in general very easily sell themselves and their country to the highest bidder just to get ahead in their personal lives.


Obama letter to Khamenei A 'back channel' appeal to Iran

by Lucifercus (not verified) on

APPEAL? On Iran? and that through a back channel? What a joke. Some go arround, kill and rub and then come and appeal even on the Islamic Republic of Iran. A very nice kind of self-satisfied and smug, complancy and smugness.
The best answer - up to my oppinion - will be:
Yonky Danky go out of Irak
go out of Afghanistan
Pay reparations costs on these countries
go out of Persian Gulf
Pul your atomic bombs out of Europe,
africa and asia and destry them all
and after objecting all criminal acts of those imperialists: Go and put your appeals on your near relatives and best friends.
Alone, the problem is: such dirty stinkies have no relatives, no friends. But that is their problem.


British, Russian and Amercian games again !

by Luciferous (not verified) on

But this time they will all loose. The dirty game with Heroical Iranian Nation is over. That nation fixes the game`s rules by itself. since 1978/79. The one who ist right will win. I am sure.


Obama letter to Khamenei

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

The last letter came from Peanuts merchant Carter many years ago as I was young and sang so many songs and the taste of LOVE was sweet.
Was given over to Officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran by ambassador of sweetzerland, which is stil responsible for american interessts in Iran.
Emame rahel Khomaini let the letter read in Radio.
Americans got wild.
Iranians knew nothing about diplomacy rules, they said.
Iranians urged the government has no secrets. what the Government knowes, so knowes it the nation too and vice versa.
If UBAMA has in fact written a letter and it is given over, so we will soon hear all the contents. In one of the numeral broadcasting facillities of the Islamic Reublic of Iran. Just click on Jame jam TV. Greeting

Ardeshir Ariana

British, Russian and Amercian games again !

by Ardeshir Ariana on

I was just given a book called “Strangling of Persia” – written by Morgan Shuster – the American who went to Iran in 1911 at the request of our Majlis to help organize Iran’s finances.    In the publisher’s note it says: 

                  “…one year later, Shuster was ejected from the country, a victim of British and Russian diplomatic intrigue.”

Also – here are two interesting passages from the Foreword and Introduction to his book: 

                "Only the pen of a Macaulay or the brush of a Verestchagin could adequately portray the rapidly shifting scenes attending the downfall of this ancient nation – scenes in which two powerful and presumably enlightened Christian countries played fast and loose with the truth, honor, decency, and law, one, at least hesitating not even at the most barbarous cruelties to accomplish it’s political design and to put Persia beyond hope of self regeneration." 

                 "The Persian political affairs, fraught as they are with the misfortunes and misery for millions of innocent people, are conducted very much as a well staged drama – I have heard some critics say, as an opera bouffe. The reader will find the same old characters weaving in and out of the political scene, at one time wearing the make-up of a Royalist Minister, at another the grab of a popular patriot."