100 years

Where are we?


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Cameron A. Batmanghlich

A ‘300’ in disguise!!!

by Cameron A. Batmanghlich on

Sad, shameful, horrific, barbaric, illiterate, uncivilized, poor … that is what this clip wants make all of us to feel.  What?  Only Iranian people and history’s shit smell?  Has anyone of you watched clips and photos of Sweden (THE CIVILIZED COUNTRY) by the turn of the century?   When a quarter of their population immigrated to the US out of sheer poverty and hunger?  And what did they do when they got to the new world?   Stealing and robbing the native Americans!  How about their participation in the WWII, first country outside Germany to have a Nazi party, sending soldiers to the Eastern Front, allowing the Nazi army to march through their country, occupying Norway …  or how about their eugenic program lasting until 1970??? 

How about the American history for the past 100 years?

Oh God …. Don’t even let me start on the “beacon of democracy” in Middle East… Israel!!!Or Russians, Chinese, French, British, Australian …    Anyone???    This clip is part of a multifaceted attack on us Iranians and the Iranian nation. Did anyone notice the Nazi military attaché watching the parade during Reza Khan’s time?   Did anyone notice Reza Pahlavi standing like a little boy with his zizzy in his hand listening and nodding to what he was told to do?  Did anyone notice the French pilot escorting Khomeini to our soil?  Did the video show Iraqis committing atrocities in Iran?   Did the video show how our passenger plane was shot down?   Or how about the clip when D. Rumsfeld is shaking Saddam’s hand?  And then you had Halabche!

This video has one single purpose …  to make us feel ashamed, wearing down our national pride.  This is pure propaganda!

We are all aware of the monstrous nature of IRI …  we don’t NEED to be reminded of that by outsiders.  But it is funny that this video comes just in the right time, when Israel is conducting military rehearsal for attacking Iran. Biased?   There is no word for it.  Why is it that such so called ‘artistic’ video is not produced about men and women of Iranzamin who hold prominent positions in science and business around the world?  Why is there no ‘artistic’ videoclip of Iranians defending their borders, demonstrating that no matter what, Iranians will defend every inch of their motherland?Why is there no ‘artistic’ videoclip of all the positive things about Iranians and Iran? 

To all my beloved country men and women I want to say this …  hold your head up and be proud and BELIEVE that this dark time of our country will pass too …  but never let anyone else to put us down.

Our shit does not smell more than others!  



by delldaar on

Beautifully done, incredibly sad. thanks anyway.



by Benyamin on

I feel sadened watching this video clip, I feel humeliated as an Iranian, I feel I have been betrayed once again. I feel sorry for all those "innocent" lost lives that were killed or exacuted, I feel the direction that prosperity must take is lost in my country, I feel sorry for all of us(iranians).

But, I am still hopeful! 



Amazing Clip....

by Concerned-Iranian (not verified) on


WOW! You have done an amazing artistic job with this historical clip! Loved your historical event selections, editing, soundtracks and mixings, truly genuis, SAAD AAFAREEN...

Ghorme Sabzi,
Thank you for posting it on iranian.com.

Seeing, hearing, feeling and experiencing the last 30 years (especially) is believing beyond any shadow of a doubt!

Whoever denies and worse defends these EVIL Islamic Republic Bastards (From Khomeini all the way to present so called leader, president, all guilty mullahs and collaborators) must be shipped out of this planet! These people simply do not deserve to live on Earth.

They were and still are the TRUE :

"Mofsed fel-Arz"

What does ‘Mofsed fel-Arz’ mean? In its Quranic usage, it means : "Corrupt conditions, caused by unbelievers and unjust people, that threaten social and political well-being of masses on the planet EARTH."

FREE IRAN and EARTH you son of ......S !


IRI apologists ALWAYS

by BBC's Mullah (not verified) on

try to confuse the issue at hand!

Firstly, anti-ghater, you fell into my trap, old sport. By referring to a mullah as "a mule," you make me very happy, my Islamic fool. That was my whole point!!! Mullahs are mules! -- BRITISH MULES, i.e., BBC's Mule, aka, ayatollah Khomeini!!!

Thank you, now go back and do some more namaz in Arabic! Mind you, hezbollahis are the bastard children of Omar.

Under the beard of every mullah (excuse me, "mule") reads: MADE IN ENGLAND!!!

As for Q:

I am a patriot of my native homeland, Iran, which has been occupied by Arabs for 30 years now -- the 2nd Arab invasion of Iran, aka the 1979 "Islamic Revolution."

As for Saddam not being trusted with a peace offer in 1982, which was going to be mandated by the UN:

the point is, the Saudis were going to pay Iran 80 Billion dollars in 1982 -- that's not Saddam, but the Saudis (which should tell you that the great Satan, America, was endorsing the peace offer) -- so long as Ayatollah BBC, mullah Khomeini, agreed to a cease fire. That's money that was on the table for the taking!!!

But of course, the mullahs were not hurting for money anymore, now that they had Iran's oil fields all to themselves. What they needed to do desperately in 1982, however, was solidfy their power base by killing off all of their enemies in Tehran in the name of war and nationalism.

And the rejection of the peace offer and the continuation of a sadistic war gave them just that, an excuse to kill off all of their enemies from within!

The rest, I'm afraid, is historical revisionism, and the hezbollahis are really great at that (just look at how they've tried to re-write the noble histroy of Cyrus the Great).

And as far as me being a hate-monger, look who's talking, a shameless supporter of a sadistic, barbaric, a morally bankrupt regime which slaughters its children in public squares and rapes and murders its innocent citizens in prison! I hope you people sleep well at night. I know you do, as you have no conscience.


Q, X, Mehrnaz

by aaminian on

Intelligent comments, you guys!

The first thing that came to my mind when watching this video was "... what a context-less, highly-biased and propagandist video..."!  I think the decent videography along with the accompanying music bring out some false emotions in people.

I believe that almost every upheaval in Iran for the past 100 years has, in some way, been caused by foreign (read the US/GB) powers.  From the removal of Reza Shah/Dr. Mossadegh to the 1953 coup (the REAL reason behind the 1979 revolution) and the Iran/Iraq war Iranians have fallen victim to devious Western manipulations.  We see examples of that even today from the removal (by the UK/US) of MKO from the list of international terrorist organizations to arming the terrorist group Jondollah killing Iranian border patrols in the Baluchistan province.

This is NOT to say that we have no problems of our own making. We have problems, a lot of problems -- corruption, illiteracy, religious fundamentalism, to name a few.  But you can find those problems everywhere on this planet; take USA for instance, a great many of us have made this country our first home now for some 20/30 years. We love it but can we say that all things are Kosher here?!  To the contrary, just take a look at the terrible economic situation caused by corporate America's greed and corruption.

What Iran is doing is trying to find its place in this world.  They have made great progress since 1979 and of course they have long ways to go because democracy is slow and it takes many years to see the fruits of it.  Let's give it time, let's not be self-bashers, let's believe in ourselves.


Long Live Iran...


very sad

by Anonymous-Kaveh (not verified) on

Some people need to wake up and see the reality on the ground. IRI is a criminal regime and those who support this barbaric regime either are blind or are on payroll of IRI. Don't sell your honor and your country for some dirty dollars that IRI pays you.
IRI supporters: Your observations here do not seem to be about reality!


Shah Hussein

by Anonymous-iran (not verified) on

Why don't you go back to Iran if Iran is better than Europe? Are you looking for something better in the West?


I agree with Q, and X


The images of war and abuse are excruciating, but their selective, contextless arrangement belies a hateful cynical agenda and absence of any genuine concern for those losses and sufferings.   With this degree of hateful cynicism and profound ignorance of history and contemporary politics, how can we, as Iranians, understand and repair and heal?  One would wonder that with this baggage of hateful prejudice what sort of a vision of the future they have, what is THEIR conception of equality and human rights and what THEY would do to THEIR opponents ...


education= solution

by X (not verified) on

I totally agree with Q! The video is biased. I also disgust the current regime in Iran but if we want to get out of this mess we have no other choice but to educate ourselves and desistance ourselves from judgments based on anger, hatred and revenge. We have to be fair and think to ourselves why did we end up here? If things were good there would not be a reason for a revolution of that caliber.


BBC's Mule

by anti-ghater (not verified) on

Thank you for your patriotic feelings and accurate information. Send my regards to Fred, Zion and FK...

PS: how is the wheather this morning in London, cloudy weekend...


Thanks for the clip

by MiNeum71 on

This is the true story of Iran: Great history, but bullshit social culture and uncivilised qualified majority of the population.



Keep your heads up high and fill your pockets

by Honest Iranian (not verified) on

What matters in this world is money, money, money! You all know it but some prefer not to admit it because they are hypocrits.

I don't care who gives me money as long as they give me money and I support them. I am not going to ever go back and live in Iran so I could not give a hoot.

Let them rot for all I care, just give me the money I want to live in luxury, travel, see the world and have a good time. I got only one life to live any way.


what part

by bikar (not verified) on

To shah hossein, what part of the video was lie?
and why are you here , listen to segment at 7.05 and see what the bastered is saying we will make you human aging , you see he is talking to people like you , what don’t you pack it up and move yourself and your wife , and move from Philly to Iran.


What am I trying to say?

by Q on


What am I trying to say? I said exactly what I was trying to say. That the video is biased and one-sided. I didn't say it's "OK". I said it's not accurate representation of "100 years of Iran".

It seems a whole bunch of people are so blindsighted with anger and hate that they can't even distinguish between cherry picked propaganda and reality.

BBC Mullah,

And who really started the war??? Was it really Saddam or was it Khomeini's incessant incitment of unrest in Basra in 1979, trying to spread his Islamic revolution into Iraq.

Exactly! Yea, Saddam was an innocent victim pushed into it by Khomeini and I'm sure all the bombs, chemical weapons and American intelligence he received to kill iranians was just harmless "self defense." Such a "victim" should have been trusted with any peace offer. It's not like Saddam would ever lie!!!

Thank you BBC for taking the side of butcher hated by his own people and Iranians a like. There's only group who still backs Saddam Hussein, and we all know who they are.

Thank you BBC, for providing the proof that some people are really just too hate-filled to understand reality.


The whole thing

by Fred on

The resident Islamist’s apologia on behalf of his Islamist republic is more of an indictment of the criminal Islamist ideology than anything else. 

After thirty years of uninterrupted murder and pillage at the hands of the ruling Islamists, only an Islamist with his brand of devotion can make an attempt at explainning away the undeniable with such zest.  This is the Islamist regime, no other presumably good side to it.


An Indictment of the IRI

by BBC's Mullah (not verified) on

This clip shows what monsters the mullahs are. They say one thing, and then do another. They shake your hand and plan your death at the same time. The mullahs are the greatest enemies of Iran since the mongols, that is since Rafsanjani's great great great grandparents raped and ravaged Iran.

As for the Iraq war, whch all of these IRI supporters bring up, in 1982, a mere 2 years after the war started, Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries put an offer on the table for Iran -- they offered Iran 80 BILLION dollars (and that's 1982 dollars) for war reparations in exchange for a cease fire and a truce. But what did the Hendi Mullah do? He rejected the offer, telling the Arabs that the "Islamic Republic" would not stop until it captured Karbala! So, the war could have been stopped in 1982, with Iran gaining 80 Billion dollars, and this was after Iran had kicked all of Iraq's forces out of Khoramshahr.

And of course, after 1982, over 500,000 Iranian soldiers were UNNECESSARILY killed in the war!!! And Khoramshahr STILL lays in ruins!

Why did the "Islamic Republic" really prolong the war -- unncessarily when it could have ended it in 1982? Because the war was the greatest piece of luck for the mullahs -- there was a lot of chaos in the early years of the revolution, but the war allowed the filthy akhunds the golden opportunity to solidify their power base and eliminate all of their enemies, all in the name of nationalism and war.

And who really started the war??? Was it really Saddam or was it Khomeini's incessant incitment of unrest in Basra in 1979, trying to spread his Islamic revolution into Iraq. So, one can even make the case that the akhunds started the war with their aggressive policies in the south, trying to start a war.

Point is, the supporters of the mullahs always use the Iraq war as some sort of a scapegoat, blaming everything on the war (they play the American card just as much), WHEN IT WAS THE MULLAHS THAT HARRASSED SADDAM AND PROLONGED THE WAR FOR 6 LONG EXTRA YEARS!!!!




by Persian33 (not verified) on

What are you trying to say? Are you saying it is ok the way it is? For heaven sake the revolution was suppose to be for the change for the better not for the worse. When are you going to wake up and realize the truth about this criminal regime and speak up instead of making stupid comment.

Mort Gilani

Good Job!

by Mort Gilani on

This clip is a better artistic work than the previous ones I had seen on Iranian history. Thanks for Posting.


Made in Israel.Paid for by AIPAC.

by Shah Hossein (not verified) on

Iran is the best country in the Middle East and even
Europe to live in.And it's only going to get better
if other counties leave us alone.You can make 100 times
nastier video about any country or regime in the world.

And just remember Netanyahu loves you.


So sad that it's so one-sided

by Q on

why does this guy's obvious talents have to be dismissed because of his overt political views?

He communicates that through song / switch to Koran and his single sidedness in the post revolution era. No Saddam Hussein, no chemical warfare, no Mojahed assassinations, no SAVAK or American "advisors." No justice to Mossadegh. Apparently the onlything that happened after the revolution were drugees and crane hangings.

There was no drugs, wars, poverty and injustice before the revolution??? Iranian leaders didn't lie and act like horse's asses before Khomeini? The exploitation of Iran's natural resources, and loss of independence are celebrated as progress from "backward" status while Iran's political independence, and freedom is not at all important!


Great Clip

by Mehran-001 (not verified) on

Sums up this fascist Mullah government of Iran. They are nothing but disgrace to humanity and decency.

Jahanshah Javid

So incredibly sad

by Jahanshah Javid on

The lives lost, wasted, destroyed... for what?