Official view on Bahais

Rahim Pourazghadi, IRI analyst

The type of thinking that justifies denying basic rights to Iranian Bahais:


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Attempts of Schism and divisions..

by faryarm on

Attempts of Schism and divisions, to create sects within Bahais has so far failed, as each one has the

limited life a of a broken tree branch... 

You just have to witness the eventual fate of their leader/instigator, their followers and the validity of their contribution to humanity in the last 160 years.


I would like to

by hopeful (not verified) on

I would like to see!

villages in IRAN have running water!!
all the villagers have a nice house!!!
villages have good school!!
villages have a good doctor!!

my wish and I am the confused Baha'i wife!!!


Friends read about sects of baha'is

by Anony84763 (not verified) on


Baran .... reading will not make U go blind......U R repulsive

by Babak SD (not verified) on

How much of what you googled did you read?
Bigamy has not been practiced by 1 Bahai in the past 140 years. Not even 1 Bahai marriage has been recorded where the man has had more than 1 wife; not in the U.S., not in Canada, not in Africa, not in the North or South pole.

Poligamy (up to 4 wives) and taking concubines (unlimited number) however is practiced in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Indonesia, and many other Islamic countries.

Poligamy is practiced in the U.S. in Muslim communities even though its against the law.

In the holy cities of Q'om and Mashhad, a man can "sighe" a woman for as short of a period as 30 minutes.

So, you tell me what is repulsive. In my opinion, someone who disseminates lies is more repulsive that anything else.


Darius 45, read a book or 2

by Babak SD (not verified) on

Its amazing how someone with almost zero knowledge of a subject matter could spew so much nonsense in so little time.

I emphasize my point to you one more time; read a few books. It will improve most aspects of your life.

If you want to read about Iran, you wouldn't start by reading a book written by a Zionist extremist who works for the Rand Corporation or Brookings Institue. You will most likely read a book by written by an Iranian scholar who is unbiased and knows Iran and about Iran. If you want to know about the Bahai faith, read a book written by someone who is unbiased about religion as well as the Bahai faith. Does that make sense to you?

Why would anyone start reading books by Kasravi, Shia extremist mullahs or other Bahai haters? Read a couple books written by Baha'u'lla'h or a Bahai scholar; after that, read other sources. See which one makes more sense.

Scores of Shia, Jewish and Christian scholars have become Bahais after reading writings of Baha'u'llah.
None of them was rewarded materially or otherwise by becoming a Bahai. Many of them were killed/martyred.

They did so because what they read made sense.


One Bahai's View of Iran

by faryarm on


Resaleh Madanieh - Persian



Religion or Science?

by faryarm on

Are Religion and Science Opposites?


Sort out the points

by Ardeshir Keyvan (not verified) on

Bahaism comes from Babism and it comes from Sheikhigary and this one comes from Shiaism and shiaism is a mixture of the superstitions of Zoroastrianism and Islam and some nonesense Hadithes.

Since based on all the semitic "holey books!" the earth is flat or the sun moves or we all are coming from Adam and Eve... which are clearly against the science, trying to revok Bahaism which is a granddaughter of Islam is a waste of time.

However it is totally understandable why Mullahs in Iran always hate Bahaism. In Iran if even you are an atheist you might be safer than a Bahai. For a simple reason: Shia Mullahs in general and "Valieh Faghih" in specific get their legitimacy from "Mahdi" and In Bahaism they claim there is no Mahdi anymore. It jeopardizes the Mullahs buisness and legitimacy so they fight Bahaism in their best effort. If Bahais were in majority they would do the same to shias.


Hope for a free Iran and freedom of any kind for Iranians in a secular system.


I am the traitor, we are the traitor but not you

by HATEIRI (not verified) on

The Iranian Bahai's are not traitors nor are the Iranian Jews, Iranian Zoroastrians, Iranian Baluchi, Iranian Kurd, Iranian Arab or Iranian Azeri or the Iranian Women.


I am the traitor for been a coward and not been abale to support and fight for these people.

I am the traitor for not been able for fight for the rights the Iranian Bahai's are not traitors nor are the Iranian Jews, Iranian Zoroastrians, Iranian Baluchi, Iranian Kurd, Iranian Arab or Iranian Azeris or the Iranian Women.

We are all traitors and cowards for not been there for these people. We know and knew that the actions carried out by the IRI regime against minorities and Iranian people are wrong. We know and fully understand that it is wrong, we know that the fascist and corrupt government of Iran’s crime against these people who could have been our neighbor, schoolmate or coworker were unjust and unfair.

We have seen the crimes of the nazi’s and heard about in books, movies or news. We all have seen movies like schinlder’s list, piano and like. And I bet you 90% of you sympathized with the victims in that movies.

But what about the reality, your country, your neighborhoods, your school and universities, your local stores were these people are constantly harassed, discriminated, abused and tortured by the agents of IRI regime.

Thus you like me are COWARD and a TRAITOR.


The issue for now

by BK (not verified) on

is not whether one agrees with the Bahai faith (or other religions and ideologies) and its beliefs and principles. That's an issue for a separate theological discussion.

The issue for now, in Iran, is whether the Bahais and indeed people of any faith, should have to right and freedom practice to their own beliefs and be able to practice them as long as they are not harming anyone else and forcing others to believe in the same things too. Everyone should have the right to believe in anything, be it totally logical or total nonsense, as long as they are not interfering with the right of others in doing so.

Likewise, Bahais should have every right to their own views and beliefs and the kind of brutal repression and catalogue of nonsense and misinformation they have suffered, as witnessed in these clips, is indeed a shame on the regime in Iran and those who support it. Because the Islamic Republic is the only entity in Iran that is interfering with the right of people to freedom of thought, freedom of expression and freedom of belief and the right to practice those beliefs.


Dude, Newton and Einstien

by darius45 (not verified) on

Dude, Newton and Einstien are about scientific thinking.

Religion is not.

If you are religious and believe in something that for 1400+ years your parents believed the same thing, well you are following some tradition. You have not had courage to question it. I can understand that.

But if you question your past and fall for the same nonsense then you have to be called what you are, an idiot.

Bahai, Mormans, Communist, Mojahendien, Scientologist.... are all the ones that think they figured out issue with the old religion, and now come up with some new religion.

If you have not dared to break your tradition, well there is hope for you. But if you think you have figure this out, and your solution is that Baha Olah, or Joseph Smith Jr (as in case of Mormans) are the Messiah..... You need help dude.!

Call me what you want, if you think you have the courage, take time and liberate yourself from the nonsense of Bahaollah or any other religion.


glad it worked

by darius45 (not verified) on

Nice to know that you found the comments funny enough.

Old religions have passed the test of time. If 2000+ years after its invention people still believe in Judaism, or Islam (after 1500+) years... the reality is that they are here to stay. You can't fault anyone for doing what people have been doing for last 2000 years.

But if a person say that he is above all of that, then he falls for an even worst nonsense you have to question the person's intelligence. In that a Scientologist, Bahai, Morman, Mujahed, or Taliban are the same. Each with its own twist, but end of the day they all suffer from same issues.

It is one thing to hope that a Messiah would come some day and save humanity, we all want to keep some hope, but to say that the Messiah has arrived and it is Baha or it is Joseph Smith, Jr. (as the case of Mormans)... I think you have some serious lack of intellect.

Of course as I said, no one should be punished for being an idiot. But there is no denying the idiotic nature of these new religions.


This guy is a total idiot and his history is good for his auntie

by Death_To_Fascism on

Surely the IRI can come up with far better anti-Baha'i propaganda than  this! This guy and his facts are easily refutable drivel. If one didn't know better one could say this whole event is staged, with Rahim Pourazghadi and the whole audience being nothing but actors put up and paid by the Baha'i administration as anti-IRI agent saboteurs doing a counter-propaganda hoax. Such is the nature of Fascism on both sides of the fence since the Ishalic..sorry..Islamic Republic and these Baha'is share in exactly the same reality that is Fascism.

Go look sometime at what Baha'is say and do to their own religious enemies. It is exactly like watching this olagh Rahim Pourazghadi and his araajif. Come to think of it there are already three separate Baha'i versions of Rahim Pourazghadi commenting right here: Alborz, FaryarM and Adib Masumian.

By the way the accusation of loose morals and the swapping or communism of wives is the oldest accusation in the history of schismatic polemical discourses in the whole Abrahamic tradition. Jews and Christian polemicists have done it. In Islam it has been levelled by the mullahs (both Sunni and Shi'i) at Isma'ilis, Qarmatis, Sufis, Hurufis, Nuqtavis, you name it, long before the Babis or Baha'is entered the picture. Seeing how womenfolk are usually associated with the ultimate symbol of the patriarchal honour code in traditional socieites - the violation of which determines total social dishonour and breach of the cardinal responsibility of manhood - to impute the swapping or communism of wives is basically meant to predicate total dishonourability, and hence a moral duty for the other side to kill with impunity.

Note however the sources we have on the history of Mazdakism from the Sassanian period also level this accusation of the communism in wives to the Mazdakis. Whether true or not is hard to say, since the histories were written by their official Sassanian Zoroastrian enemies. It appears that in the history of religious polemics in the Abrahamic tradition especially this is the ultimate form of insult, and an insult that is always hurled by official establishments or victorious parties in a conflict at the other side. For their part the Baha'is have levelled such accusations of sexual license and immorality, at least in one prominent instance, to their Azali/Bayani enemies, whom they (i.e. the Baha'is) continue to persecute in various ways as well.

If unchecked Fascism can become a vicious circle of transference, an infectious disease, making those it persecutes one day become persecutors of someone else on another day: the Jews are persecuted by Christian Europe and the Nazis and turn around becoming like their European Christian and Nazi tormentors towards the Palestinians. The Muslim Palestinians in turn then persecute their own minorities (usually Christians or Druze), and they in turn persecute others, and so it goes. Sound familiar? It is the classic cycle of human relationship abuse.

Baha'is, maybe the IRI is for you not so much an obstacle of persecution to be overcome for its own sake. Maybe the Good Lord put the IRI in Iran, for among other reasons, to get the wise ones amongst you to wake up and break this vicious circle of persecution transference that is the infectious disease of Fascism. Consider that maybe until you actually do this, the IRI will remain firmly in place; but that the moment you realize the nature of this cycle, the realization itself will unleash spiritual forces which will bring down the IRI in a twinkling of an eye. There are some Tibetan Buddhists, few though they may be, who believe that the reason the Chinese kicked them out of Tibet and destroyed their culture was because of those Tibetan Buddhist monks who apparently collaborated with the Nazi occult in the 1930s and 1940s. These Tibetan Buddhists say that until that karma is paid in full, they will not return to Tibet. There's a lot you can learn from such people, would ye but listen!



Re: Ye shia Irani

by Ye Irani (not verified) on

Rastesh, If you do not want to get confused about religious matters, you need to respect everyone's faith. In other words, there should be freedom of belief and this is exactly what is missing in middle east not because of religion but because of religious guardians.

The problem is that when you mix religion with politics (or politics is unseparable part of religion) then the whole hell breaks loose.

It is even more problem when religion is used as a tool to inject a degenerative deasease into a living organism (Islam). WHat will the body do? Natural response would be to secrete antibody to get rid of offending organism. AND this is where we are. So, in a way Islam is having an alergic reaction to Baha'ism, especially the fact that it is immitating the body organisms so masterfully.

I still estress the point that anyone should be left to be free in his belief. The best way to counter a belief in to use a logic and rationale media.


a question of bigamy in bahai faith

by baran (not verified) on

It seems to be in the books. Google it yourself. I am not sure who controls this site, but take a look:


If true, it is repulsvie.


Here is Sura 109 kafaroon

by Anonymouskonjkav (not verified) on

109. al-Kafirun: The Unbelievers

1 Say: O disbelievers!

2 I worship not that which ye worship;

3 Nor worship ye that which I worship.

4 And I shall not worship that which ye worship.

5 Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

6 Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.

Saman Ahmadi

Assume Baha'is are Kaafars . . .

by Saman Ahmadi on

then, according to the Qur'an, they should be dealt with per instructions given by God to Muhammad in Sura 109 Kaferoon/Unbelievers.

If anyone sees to talk to the gentlemen in the video, please pass this along to him.



Mr Pourazghadi is not only extremely uninformed but

by Seagull (not verified) on

also is wrecklessly, with his outragousley disgusting slanders, placing innocent people on harms way and exposed to serious crimes and criminals.

What a sad day for Islam and Iran.


Ou Ba mast..Said

by imam (not verified) on

Ou Ba mast..Said Kasravi

Kasravi tells the truth, may God bless his soul.

Shia could not tolerate the truth, so they killed him, as usual.

Shia can not tolerate Bahaism either. It is undrestandable. If they accept Bahaism, it means its the end of their made up stories. Because " Imam Zaman" has come, and no more waiting Shia, and no more "velayat Faqih in the absence of Imam".
Did u get it?

Wake up. as Kasravi says. Be your own Imam.



This is what Bahaullah revealed for the clergy :

by Tahirih on

O CONCOURSE of divines! When My verses were sent down, and My clear tokens were revealed, We found you behind the veils. This, verily, is a strange thing…. We have rent the veils asunder. Beware lest ye shut out the people by yet another veil. Pluck asunder the chains of vain imaginings, in the name of the Lord of all men, and be not of the deceitful.


It was hard to watch the video clip

by Tahirih on

Not because what he said , we all know it is baseless false story telling which mullah's and civilian mullahs are good at it, but because of all those young minds being corrupted and brainwashed against the best thing that happened to Iran.

As I was listening to all the lies he was saying I was thinking what if they did not conceal the truth of Babi and bahai revelation from Iranians?  Do you all think we had khavaran cemetery filled with the mutilated body of our Iranian youth? Do you think people would have been hanged in public places by cranes? for all to see .

Do you think young girls would have been raped the night before their execution by bunch of corrupt ,horney animals, or should I say cannibals?

Do you think we all would have left our homeland ?

lets just close our eyes and imagine Iran without IRI, how would it have been?

With heavy heart for my countryman and women,



So what if some Bahai's were spies?

by freeiran (not verified) on

are u telling me every spy in iran is a bahai?
just because one person does something wrong u dont label a whole group based on them.

half of current shi'a marjaa are of arab origins and are in cahoots with lebanon and iraq.

i am not religious, but i just think is plain sad to try to make a fallacious generalization based on uncertain facts. I can count a large number of people from other religions that have also betrayed iran.

at the end of the day
iran must be for every iranian

i dont give damn if bahai leaders were spies
what matters is now that some iranians are being discriminated based on their beliefs and usually thats a very unpersian thing.

Long live free iran


a be namoos bunch, what a sad day for Iran and Islam

by Shahid Hussain (not verified) on

Sharing of wife is only particular to islam in the form of sigheh. It is documented and verifiable.

Sitting on the corpse and the decaying body of what once used to be a great religion now torn by their own hand, they throw with infinite shamelessness, and bisavaadi disgusting slanders at others in the hope of revival under the loom of the fear of eternal extinction.

Sad indeed is this day for Islam and Iran.


SO sick.

by 1 Hamvatan (not verified) on

I am so sick of the people of these akhounds who are trying to destroy our hamvatanan piece by piece, by labeling each section religion by filling the minds of the young and even some old fools, with Garbage.

I am not a Bahai but I see no reason for anyone to falsify to others what Bahai really is.

As long as I know, Bahai means:

بهایی یعنی
جامع جمیع کمالات انسانی, داشتن فهم و شعور آنجنان که انسان باید داشته باشد.

Do you see anything Wrong with that?? I don't, so leave them alone. Those who are not wise enough to understand, probably works for IRI anyway. That guy in video has no brain to understand that Israel was not around 100 years ago and CIA was not created 100 years ago. Yet he speak from his bottom so easy just like those who come here and try to insult. GO TO HELL ISLAMIC DEMONIC.



by Anonymoushasan kachal (not verified) on

when a muslem divorces his wife 3 times, then automatically another man has to share her to be able to go back to her first husband, so this is an islamic law and not a bahai law, so I recommend you to first marry a muslim woman and make the 3 talagheh then a man can share your wife .of couse that can not be a bahai man who will share your muslim is against bahaia faith

Adib Masumian

Sam jade and mas

by Adib Masumian on

Kasravi's "Bahaigari" clearly has an anti-Baha'i slant. He certainly did not have any religious bias as you said, but his works on religions are blatantly polemical. This is also true of his Shi'igari. In addition, "Bahaigari" has been refuted by Bahman Nikandish here:

Hosted on his website: //

Mas, Baha'is cannot share their wives. This is another false rumor spurned by anti-Baha'i elements in Iran - likely the same who conceived the idea that we turn off the lights, get naked and have orgies at our gatherings. 


Bahai'egari by Ahmad Kasravi

by sam jade on

I find this on Bahai's history in Iran ,this documentry has been written about 50+ years ago , the Author Ahmad Kasravi ,was not pro any kind of Religios and he was shot and killed by Fadaeean e eslam group(Navab Safavi) ..I find this interesting





by bikar (not verified) on

I am sorry it was a sarcastic question I don’t believe to any religion.


THis is what I read on Bhai'sim, "AHMAD KASRAVI"

by sam JADY (not verified) on

THIS IS what Mr. Ahmad Kasravi writes about Bahai'gari in Iran , do not forget he is not into any relioin and he was shot by Navab Safvi(Fadaeean e Eslam group) in court because of his point of view on Religious, I am not sure ,who is right or wrong cause I am not into religion much , but check it out ,it has a good documantry about history of Bahai culture in Iran ,



ازدواج بهائی


ازدواج بهائی در آئین بهائی اتحاد مابین زن و مرد است و هدف اصلی آن پرورش روح و ایجاد هماهنگی و وحدت بین دو شریک زندگی است. بهائیان نیز هم چون سایر ادیان به امر ازدواج تشویق شده‌اند. اما این ازدواج علاوه بر ارتباط جسمانی باید روحانی نیز باشد. [۱]
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